Granola Bar: A Love Story

Like Cheetos With Pudding

(Rob's P.O.V):

My date with Hilari was great. We went bowling and then went for a late dinner. We went to a Mexican drive thru place and had some burritos.

The ending was good too. On the ride back to her place, we even held hands. Also during the walk to her door.

It was all great until our goodnight kiss. We leaned in and were just MILLIMETERS away from eachother. We were just about to kiss, when her phone rang.

Turns out it was her dad. Her sister had been in a minor accident, but everything was fine now. And now it Monday morning. I was worried about what was going to happen all day.

Walking into Stacey's room, everything was wierd.

The girls, for one, weren't even there.

And Stacey's desk was actually cleaned. A nervous habbit of hers.

"Hey." I said.

"Oh, hey. I didn't even notice you walked in." She replied.

"How are ...things?" I asked.

"If your talking about Rose, I haven't talked to her, or the girls all weekend."

"Oh. So, what's up??" I asked nervously.

"Nothing." Was all she said.

"Hey? Are you mad at me too?" I asked.

"Why would I be? You didn't do anything to me Rob." she replied.

"I just thought since the girls were-"

"We are what?" I heard from behind me.

When I turned around I saw Jo and Tay were standng there with their school stuff in hand.

"You guys are mad at me." I said, sadden by it.

"Were not mad at you." They replied

"But Rose-"

"Rose is not us, she may be mad but we don't even care."

Ouch! Like that was better than not being mad!

"Oh. Where is Rose anyways?" stacey asked.

"I'm here y'all" Rose said, causing us to look behind us.

"Hey Tay, Jo, Stace. Mr. Jacobs"

Damn! Still mad! Like it wasent expected.

"Rose I -" Why do I always only seem to get that far?!

"Listen guys, I gotta check something with Marc. I'll catch you guys later." Rose said walking
out the door.

"Wait. Rose doesn't even have p.e" I said.

"So?" Stacey asked.

"So what does she have to talk about with Marc?" I asked.

Unfortunately, all I got was blank and confused faces.
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Oh ho ho! LoLz!