Granola Bar: A Love Story

Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Rose's POV
(Same Day):

Ugh. HE was in there.

Honestly, I think he just needs to man up and ask Stacey out.

And I mean, like Stacey REALLY just forgot about him and her, and her feelings!


But anyways, I'm on a new love line now!

This is one I have taken on my own! No other detectives involved!

Even though I love the other agents, of LOVE!

The subjects: Marc, first name basis, the p.e teacher and Melissa, the art teacher!

They're SUPER cute!

Back story: Marc is the COOLEST p.e teacher. Mostly because he passed me cause of my humor. I couldn't workout to save my life! Ha! But Marc's cool! All the students love him cause he's very mellow and makes gym fun. But no teacher will EVER make fun enough for me!

And Melissa, the art teacher! She's the COOLEST too! And I have noticed for a while now that she has had a thing for Marc. And since Marc is like my big brother, he admitted he liked her to me too! I know, I'm a genius!

I walked into Marc's classroom, well, office thing inside the gym.

It's always cluttered in here. And there's athletic stuff everywhere!


"Yo Marc-y Marc! How's the funky bunch?" I asked.

"You always ask, and I always tell you the same; where planning on recording!" he laughed at the end, causing me to giggle.

"ANY ways! So, you gonna ask her?" I just asked like it was nothing.

"Not yet. But now that your here, you can help me with it." he said, typing away on his

"Ooh! Does it require me missing first period English?!" I asked excitingly!

Which there was no point in asking, he NEVER let's me miss class. Big brother member?!

"Does it ever?" he asked. I sighed dramatically! Just ONCE I wish I didn't have to go!

"But this time..." Ah!!! What?!

"THIS TIME WHAT?!" I shouted!

"This time it does!" he said with a big grin on his face.

"YAY!!!!!" I said as I danced excitedly!

"Okay, your going to have to be my T.A (teachers aid). I'm going to have you run errands and such, that okay??" he asked.

"Hell yeah!" I said.

"Language. And, okay, I'm planning the PERFECT asking out, and the PERFECT date." he said.

"Cool. What do you have planned?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see." he answered mischievously.
♠ ♠ ♠
That's new, a different POV besides Rob or Stacey!