Granola Bar: A Love Story


Rose's POV
(Same Day):

This was the FIFTH time I have walked to the office!

I haven't worked this hard since, actually, I don't think I've EVER been so physically active!


Marc let the kids have open gym so he could plan the date and asking out matter.

Every time I walked into his office, he was on the phone arranging everything.

I didn't mind though.

Better than being in English class.

One time, in the office, I even ran into Rob. Literally!

I was on my way back to the copy room, and he was leaving. Causing us to bump into each other.

He tried talking to me, but I just muttered a 'sorry' and walked away.

And now, I'm back in Marc's cramped office, more papers in hand.

Stupid midterms!

What the heck do you need a written test for p.e anyway?!

"All done!" he said, rolling away from the computer in his chair. A pleased smile playing on his lips.

I smiled back at him.

I fake sniffled and brushed an non-existing tear away.

"They grow up so fast!" I said like a mother. He laughed and threw a crumpled paper at me.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"Anyway, one more thing for you to do." he said to me.

"UGH! What NOW?!" I asked.

"Any minute, someone will be dropping off flowers that I order for Melissa, I just need you to go give them to her. In the bouquet, there's a card, asking her out on my behave." he said.

"Awe! Cute!!" I cooed!

"Thanks. Plus, you were the one that told me her favorite type of flowers dummy! Yellow daisies." he said, smiling like a love sick puppy.

"And what are your plans for the date?" I asked.

"I have been BEGGING for a reservation at that fancy slash romantic restaurant, 'Fleur'" he responded.

"Awe! Sounds great! I've heard great things about that place! No wonder you were on the phone for SO long!" I laughed!

"Yeah..." he said.

"When is the date gonna be?" I asked.

"Well, if she says yes, tonight." he responded.

"But it's Monday" I said.

"It's, spontaneous" he defended.

"True" I said.

Just as I did, a man in a green polo, and black dress pants walked in, a vase of yellow daisies in hand.

"Uh? Flowers, for Marc?" he questioned.

"Oh, thanks man." Marc said handing him a twenty.

Big tipper eh?

The man left, leaving Marc and me alone, and slightly nervous.

"Okay, this is it. You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said nervously.

"Hey Mel?" I asked, as she was helping a student with a drawing.

"yeah?" she questioned, her face stunned when she saw the flowers.

I handed them to her and she admired them, putting them on her desk.

As soon as all the students caught on to what was going on, they all started whistling and cheering.

She took the card that were inside the bouquet and smiled.

She wrote something down on it and handed it back to me.

I smiled and knew EXACTLY what to do.

Walking into Marc's office, I could feel his nervousness.

I handed him the card.

He took it nervously.

He was about to open it, but just before he did, he waved me over.

I looked him in the eyes, and he hugged me tightly.

Finally, he sat on his chair, bringing me down, sitting me on his lap innocently.

He took a deep breath before he opened the letter.

It read:

♠ ♠ ♠
Awe! LOVE this chapter! At least someone is getting some love!