Granola Bar: A Love Story


(Rob's P.O.V)

Stacey left the room. Bad sign for me!

"So Rob, have you asked her yet?!" Taylor asked. I knew this was gonna happen!

"Yeah! Did you ask?! To the restruant Jo recomended?!" Rosalie followed.

"Well I WAS! until you 'angels' popped in!" I said.

"Oh! You know you LOVE US! and Stacey!" Joanne teased.

"Girls, this takes time. What if she doesn't feel the same?"

"We ALREADY went over this!" Taylor chimed in.

"Yeah. She totally wants to have your BABIES!" Rose joked.

"Appropriate language Rose!" I said.

"Ask her out Rob!" Joanne cut in.

"Yeah. Plus the bell hasent even-" *ding* Rose started before the bell interupted her.

" You were saying?!" I asked.

"As she was saying, let's go to class guys!" Taylor popped in.

"Bye!!" they all shouted.

"Ask her!" they WONDERFULLY shouted. I guess this headache isint going away ANY time soon.

"GoodBYE girls!" I said again, emphasizing the "bye" part.

And with that, they left. Just as Stacey walked in.

"Hey! How bad was the torture today?" she asked sarcasticly.

"Bad. I feel a headache coming!" I joked, as, it was already there.

"Anyway, the bells gonna ring, I have to start my lesson. See you later?" she asked.

"Yeah, see ya." I responded, walking out the door.
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These chapter TOTALLY look longer on my iPhone! LoLz! Maybe thats why...