Granola Bar: A Love Story

Ease Dropping CAN Hurt You

(Rob's P.O.V):

She broke my heart. I haven't even asked her out, we aren't even in a relationship and, she broke it. Ah! Your SO stupid Rob! Why did you ever-

"Hey Rob!!!" Taylor, Jo, and Rose all shouted.

"Not NOW girls!" I shouted angrily.

Ugh! This wasent right.

It's not their faults.

The hurt expressions on their faces as I walked away hurt so much to see.

They were my girls, and I hurt them.

At the same time, I was hurting too! And plus! They WERE the ones who told me to go for it!

They said she liked me back! And she doesn't. She just likes me as a "co-worker" and nothing else.

Ah! No Rob.

They WOULDNT lie to you.

They are not that kind of people.

You've known them for so long, and they've don't nothing to make you feel or think differnt.


It's okay.

Your going to be okay.

You are going to be okay Rob!

Geez! I'm pathetic!

First Stacey doesn't even like me.

Then I hurt probably my only remaining people who will talk to me.

I'm so stupid.

But, it just hurts so badly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Rob!