Granola Bar: A Love Story

Ease Dropping Is A Habit That Sticks

(Rob's P.O.V):

The girls had ignored me since yesterday. I still felt very bad.

First Stacey, now the girls.

The worst part was that I didn't have anyone to talk to.

There was always Melissa. THATS IT! ah! How come I didn't think of it sooner?!

So now here I am. Walking across campus to Mel's room.

When I walked in, I noticed my girls were here. Weird. It was after school after all.

"Hey R-" Taylor started.

"Don't!" Rose interrupted as she pulled Taylors arm down.


They were still mad about yesterday.

At least Rose still was.

I walked over in hopes that MAYBE I could patch things up.

"Hey Tay. Rose." I started.

"Oh 'not now'" Rose said.

"We're in detention." she finished.

"Come on Rose. I'm sorry okay? I was just having a bad day. Please forgive me?" I tried.

"Not now. Now please, were in detention Mr. Jacobs." Rose said, attitude and anger clearly written all over her face.

Taylor just kept he head down. She wanted to agree, but at the same time she didn't.

She always found staying quiet the best way.

As I walked away I noticed Mel was giving me a sympathetic look.

"Mel," I started in a whisper. I didn't want the girls to hear.

"I heard when Stacey said she didn't like me yesterday. Why?" I asked. Clearly sadden and confused.

"I wish I knew Rob. I just don't know what happened! Did you ever get to ask her out?" she asked.

"I was until I heard her say that yesterday." I started.

"Im seriously sorry Rob. I don't know what happened. I wish I did but, I don't." she said.

"Oh Rob!!! Were SO sorry!!!! Why Didnt you tell us?!" Taylor shouted as they both came running towrds me, tackling me in a hug.

And I thought we were whispering.

"I was just so hurt girls. I could bearly even teach." I responded.

"Im SO sorry Rob! Will you please forgive us? Me?" Rose asked.

"Of course. I love you girls." I said ingulfing them in a hug.

"I'm glad were all speaking again!" Taylor said. Just as she did, Stacey walked.

An awkward silense and mood rained over us.

I just felt so uncomfortable I quickly said "I gotta go. See you later girls." and headed towards the door.

"Bye Rob." they said. As I walked past her, I saw a hurt expression on her face. What?