Granola Bar: A Love Story

The Things One Does For Love...

(Rob's P.O.V):

"And so when you carry the five, it makes it square. See?" Hilari, Ms. Hayle, 'explained' to her class.

I honestly didn't even understand. And I already passed this class!!

"What?" Rose asked. Poor girl.

"Okay. Honestly, I've been teaching this for four whole days! You should know this by now. If you don't, I don't know how your gonna pass the quiz on Monday." she responded.

"Quiz?!" Taylor asked mortified.

"Yes, quiz. And you should ALL pass it!" she shouted.

I had to leave. That, or I was gonna yell at this woman.

"BYE ROB!!!!!" Taylor and Rose shouted.

"Bye girls!" I said.

"Oh! Wait! Mr. Jacobs! Can you hold up a minute?" Hilary said to me.

"Uh? Yeah. Sure." I said back.

"I'll be out in a minute." she said.

So now I'm here, waiting for her outside her class. What the heck did she want?

"Hey." she said.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"I was just wondering," she started,

"Hey Hilari?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Oh, what's up Stacey?" Ms. Hayle asked.

"I was just wondering, oh. Hey, um, hey Rob." stacey said.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" I awkwardly responded.

"I was just wondering-" she started before I interrupted,

"Listen, Hilari, I'll catch you later okay? I gotta, go do, something. See ya." I said to no one in particular.

"Bye" Hilary said and Stacey waved.

As I was walking away, thinking about everything, all three girls caught up to me. What? But school was still in session! Right?

"Hey Rob" Jo asked.

"Hey? What are you guys doing?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Walking. School's out. Hello?! Didint you just hear the bell?" Joanne asked, as the other two wore worried expressions.

"No. I must have been thinking too much. Anyway, what's up with you two? I've never heard you so quiet!" I asked, amused that they were once quiet!

"We're worried about the freaking test! We don't know shi-" Rose started

"Shizz. We don't know shizz" Taylor finished.

"Why don't you two just study your notes. It's an easy class you guys!" Jo adviced.

"Its not that easy Jo. We don't get things like you. Your smart!" Taylor I intirrupted.

"Rob! Please, PLEASE help us with this test! Please! You know how she is, she sucks at teaching!" Rose pleaded.

"Rose, what am I suppose to do? Steal the test?!" I asked. Oh no! BAD idea! VERY BAD IDEA!!!

The mischevious look, and hopeful smile both told me what I had to do.

So now here I am, in Hilary's class, looking for that stupid test.


Here it is! Oh yeah! Go Rob!! It's your birthday! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! It's your birthday! Shake your booty no-

"Rob?" I heard Hilary's voice behind me. Oh, shit! SHOOT! I mean, SHOOT!!!!!
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RANDOM DANCING! You BETTER be dancing! LoLz!