Granola Bar: A Love Story

Black Tuesday

Same Day
(General P.O.V):

All three girls were in Stacey's room doing usual Friday after school activities.

Joanne was busy with getting her weekend work started, Rose and Taylor both reading they're usual magazines.

Rose, busy re-painting her nails and listening to her iPod.

Taylor too consumed with reading the magazine that had a young blonde, curly haired girl on the cover with a guitar.

Stacey was, per usual, busy with grading tests and various other school assignents.

All of them felt the stomach wrenching vibe, some even felt it creep up they're throut as if they were going to puke.

Some shrugged it off, the other thinking she was catching a flu. The last one thinking it was the fact that they had so much work and that it would probably carry into the weekend.

Rob walked into the room and automaticly the vibe in the class shifted into something that, once again all felt, but neither able to pin point what it was.

"Hey Stace?" Rob asked.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I have here an ... Extra credit adsigment for Rose and Taylor. I promised to help them but I have to head home" he said calmly.

The three young girls all knew it wasnt an 'extra credit' assgment. But as soon as the two test worry-ers heard him hesitate to say what it was, they were very excited.

"Oh. Yeah, sure. I'll just grade these papers later I guess?" stacey replied.

"Why do you have to leave Rob?" Joanne asked.

"Oh. Girls, I have a date." he replied.

"With who?!" Rose asked before anyone even had the time to process what he had just said.

"With Hilari, Ms.Hayle girls." he said.

As soon as he did, they felt that feeling as if they were going to puke again.

Finally realizing it wasent sickness or stress of work, but the feeling you get everytime you receive bad news.

It was the "I got an 'f'!" dissapointment.

The "I just got a flat tire! Now I'm going to be late for work" annoyance.

The innevitable feeling that no matter what, it was the one thing you could have prevented, but shrugged off the thoughts until the bad event happened to you, indicating that it was too late for you to do anything.

Except for one person.

The feeling they had was not of shock, but of anger.

She could feel the anger boiling her blood. Felt the venom that she was about to shoot out of her mouth. The words that she knew would hurt and sting like daggers, but knew she could not prevent it.

And everyone was already expecting it.

"What the HELL are you doing going out with that ignorant woman?! She's a HORRIBLE person and will only suck you dry of all your feelings! She's a MONSTER!!! and your going out with her?! What is WRONG with you?! Are you MENTALLY RETARDED or something? Your SO stupid!!!!" Rose shouted.

They all winced as they felt the anger and pain mixed in every word she spat at Rob. But, it was just the way the girl was. She couldn't handle it even if she tried.

"Rose. Please calm down!" the two other girls pleaded.

"Rose I just-" Rob began, but was cut off.

"Rob, I think it's better if you go." Stacey stated, trying to get the situation under control.

"Rose, evrything will be fine"

"Yeah. It's all good." the two girls said, trying to comfort the girl.

Hoping she would settle down.

"Rose I-"

Rob attempted again but was cut of by a horrible outburst.

It was the outburst that would change them all.

The words and actions that would forever label this day as 'Black Tuesday.'

The meaning, a horrible event that would curse the day, so bad that the day had to be labeled as something as bad as the event.

Even if the day was not Tuesday.

"Why don't you just get the hell out?! LEAVE!!! don't you have a WHORE you have to go sleep with?!" Rose shouted.

And there it was. The reason that Friday afternoon would forever more be labeled 'Black Tuesday.'

Rob stood with wide eyes, his feet cemented to the floor, before walking out. Everyone else in the room too shocked to say anything.
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Holy fuck balls yall! What's gonna happen next?!