Hotel Bella Muerte

Shooting I'm Not Okay

"Thanks for staying up with me." Gerard says after they receive the wake up call from the front desk, not that they needed it.
"No problem." Myra says grinning as she takes a sip from her coffee mug, "All the soda and coffee helped." Gerard sort of half-smirks, "What?"
"I thought you were going to say sex, not soda."
"You perv." she laughs, "I did dose off for a little while though."
"Yeah. For about an hour. I think I got a grand total of half an hour of sleep."

There's a loud banging noise coming from their door followed by the familiar voice of one, Frank Iero.
"Are you guys awake yet?!" he calls. The two of them just snort with laughter as Gerard jogs to the door not only letting Frank in but Jamia too.

"I didn't sleep at all." Frank says as he fidgets with the coffee pot discovering that its practically empty.
"He woke me up every five seconds." Jamia yawns as she takes Gerard's coffee mug off the night stand and takes a sip.
"Yeah, we pulled an all-nighter too." Gerard says snatching his coffee mug from her and downing the rest of it.
"So let's go." Frank says hopping up and down hyper-actively.
"Frank, did you happen to finish all the coffee in your hotel room?" Myra laughs.
"Uhh sorta." he laughs.
"Lets just say there was enough to make six mugs of coffee, I only got half mug." Jamia states, pretending to pout.
"Yeah, we need to go to Starbucks!" Frank exclaims, "You guys ready to go?"
"I have to find my shoes." Myra says rolling off the bed, nearly spilling her coffee as she did so.
"Wait, don't we have to wait in the lobby for the taxis to come pick us up?" Gerard asks as he regardlessly pulls on his shoes.
"We have time." Jamia says looking at her watch.
"No we don't." Myra says looking out the window to the street, "They're already outside."
"Fuck." Frank grumbles, "Well let's go then."

They get to the lobby to find the rest of the band members waiting outside the taxis.
"About time." Bob says as they divide into the taxis.

Upon arrival at the set, which was a prep school, the guys were all pulled into separate directions, some to hair, some to make up, some to wardrobe.
"So what do we do?" Molly asks looking over at Jamia.
"That is a good question." she grins, "Any chance there's a Starbucks around here."
"Way to make the guys jealous."
"Yeah, well, they get to be in a music video, that should be enough for them." Jamia says with a laugh, "Besides, we pulled all-nighters for them, we deserve it."
"I'm only agreeing with you because I become a bitch without my coffee." Myra says as they start to walk down the street.
"That's the spirit." Jamia says happily.

"So, is the position for roommate still up for grabs?"
"Yeah, for sure." Jamia says, "But the apartment is right outside my college campus, so I hope you're a deep sleeper."
"There's always ear plugs." Myra says jokingly, but her voice falls, "Thanks again."
"Really, its no problem."

"I need help." Gerard says aggravatedly tossing his neck tie at Frank.
"God." he mumbles as he takes the tie and starts doing it up around his own neck before sliding it off over his head and tossing it back, "So I heard your girlyfriend is supposed to move in with my girlyfriend."
"Yeah." Gerard nods, "Your point?"
"Dunno." Frank shrugs.

"I can't get this stupid thing." Mikey groans as he chokes himself with his tie.
"Just fucking pass all your ties over!" Frank exclaims aggravated, "Why'd we have to do a video with all of us wearing ties?"
"Prep school video was partially your idea remember?" Ray pipes up, "Haha! I can do my own tie!"

Jamia and Molly get back to the set, just as everyone was starting to shoot.
"Hey, get outta here!" a security guard yells at them.
"Excuse me?" Jamia says slightly shocked.
"You have no right to be here." he replies.
"Yeah we do."
"Where's your access pass?"
"What access pass?" Myra butts in.
"Yeah, yeah, you're not going to see the band, so I'm asking you nicely to leave the premise."
"Hey, buddy." Jamia says getting his face, "I am dating the guitarist, she's dating the lead singer, so I suggest you let us be on with our way."
"Nice try." he says grabbing both of them by the upper arm.
"Let go!" Myra exclaims, kicking him in the shin. Jamia starts flailing her limbs as well.

"Fuck man! We're not kidding!" Jamia yells, "Go ask them yourselves!" The security guard throws them out onto the street, "Fuck you! You bastard!"
"What the fuck are we supposed to do now?" Myra groans.
"Stupid mother fucker!" Jamia yells once more.
"Do you have your cell phone?"
"Call Frank."
"Right," she says pulling out her phone, "Hey . . . outside the building. . .sure, I'll get you a pack of cigs right after you tell the goddamn security guard that I'm your girlfriend and not some stalker . . . .yeah, he threw Myra and I out on our asses . . . . okay bye."

Jamia walks into the corner store they were standing outside of and heads for the counter to buy a pack of cigarettes, Myra follows close behind.
"What's going on?"
"Frank's going to tell the guard to let us in."
"Yay Frank."

Later, in the evening, after the guys finished shooting for the day Myra waits outside the wardrobe room for Gerard. She's sitting slumped against the wall, mindlessly pulling on the worn hem of her pants.
"Hey you." Gerard says stepping out of the room and sliding on the floor to sit next to her.
"Hey." she smiles as she leans over to kiss him, "What's up?"
"I would kill for a veggie burger right now." he grins.
"I'm kinda hungry myself." Myra mumbles, "Wanna go?" He's already standing up with his hand out to her by the time she finishes speaking.

They head out onto the street and Gerard starts over-enthusiastically hailing for a cab causing Myra to laugh uncontrollably. A taxi finally stops for them and they pile into the backseat.
"Where to?"
"Umm do you know any good diners around here?"
"Uhh yeah." the taxi driver says as he starts off down the street.

"I want to eat you." Gerard mumbles into Myra's ear as he plants kisses along her jaw.
"Why don't you let me live and I fuck you instead?" she says pervertedly.
"Haha, deal."
"Here we are." the driver interrupts pulling up in front of a fast food place, "Eight-fifty." Gerard digs through his pocket and produces a ten dollar bill. He hands it to the driver as they pile out of the car.

In a fit of giggles, Gerard and Myra pour through the lobby doors of the hotel. They're foolishness comes to an alarming halt when they're confronted by Ray and Bob.
"Hey guys." Gerard says happily.
"Where the hell have you guys been?" Bob asks, pissed off.
"We went to grab a couple of veggie burgers at the diner down the street there." Gerard states.
"We're all looking for you guys, we've been worried sick." Ray exclaims.
"Well, we're here now." Myra shrugs.
"We thought you went off to get trashed!"
"No!" Gerard says insulted, "Hell no."