Don't Laugh at Me


Joe sat on the chair in a little air-less room, waiting for two of his brothers to come. He was almost sure they´re somewhere making fun of him. Don´t get it wrong, he knew they loved him, but EVERYONE laughed at him. He was just funny, not in bad way. He liked telling jokes and so on. He used to enjoy it, but not now.

He felt like falling for his older brother for a long time now. Maybe since he found out what love was. Kevin had everything what should Joes loved one have - he was smart, nice, cute, shy, and he could play the guitar. Joe so loved when Kevin played the guitar. It took very long time before Joe even admitted his feelings to himself, decided not to tell Kevin as long as he´s living. Sure, sometimes he dreamed about Kevin loving him back, damn it, he was normal young man, he sometimes had wet dreams about the eldest Jonas kid, but he fortunately didn´t feel like he had to say something to him. He knew what Kevins answer would be yet. "Yeah, bro, that´s good joke!" before piss himself laughing. No, Joe definitiely didn´t want this.

Suddenly, the doors opened and Nick and Kevin rushed into, followed with young journalist, who was obviously here to do that interview. Nick slighty smiled. "Here you are, bro. We were searching for you half an hour at least! I was just telling how you..."

Joe tried to shut his eardrums closed, but he still heard. He was absolutely right. They were somewhere making fun of him. This time, Nick was busy telling that chick how he fell into the garden lake when he had his leg broken and his bandage killed all goldfishes Mrs. Jonas had there. Everyone found it funny. Well, everyone except Joe. He looked just a little sad.

"What´s wrong, bro?" Kevin asked Joe, whispering, while Nick kept answering the questions they´ve been asked.

"Nothing, don´t worry, Kev." He tried to put a little happier look an his face, but he totaly failed. Kevin wrote personal note into his mind: Talk with Joe after that stupid interview is done. Although Joe said he was okay, Kevin could see that something was really wrong.

Finally, the girl thanked them all and wanted to leave. Nick, who was obviously atracted with her, run to the corridor too, hoping he could invite her for a cofee or something like that.

Joe and Kevin left in that room alone, still sitting on the dark green hairy couch.

"May I have a talk with you, Joey? Just for a minute."

"Sure. What do you need?"

"Nothing, I just want to know what´s wrong with you. You´re not that funny guy I liked so much anymore. You´re all sad and hopeless and lonely, just like some stupid emo kid..."

Joe gasped. Kevin didn´t like him. Kevin hated him for being himself. Deep in his mind, Joe was thoughful maybe since he was born. And that entertaining boy was such a good cover for sensitive young man. In fact, he maybe was a little bit more sensitive than he should be, but emo kid? He ever thought his family knew him, knew who he really was, but he was totaly mistaken about that. Kevin didn´t like him anymore, didn´t like his truly-self.

"Nothing to worry about. Anyways, you wouln´t understand. You don´t know me at all."

With tears forming in his eyes, Joe quicky made his way out of room, shutting the doors orderly loudly.

Kevin left in the room, absolutely confused. What did he say wrong? And what did Joe meant when he said he didn´t know him?

Joe almost cried his eyes out during whole afternoon being locked in his room. Mom tried to talk to him, Nick tried to talk to him, even little Frankie. Just Kevin didn´t show up at all. Maybe he was angry with him. This made Joe feel even worse.

It was nearly dark outside when he finally got out of his room. And if he didn´t need to use the toilet so badly, he would stayed there till morning. He met Nick in the bathroom and saw the biggest shock ever in his little brothers face. Nick didn´t think he could ever see Joe in state he currently was. It just killed him to see him like this. He wanted to help, but he didn´t know how. They all loved Joe so much, but in that moment, Joe felt desperately alone in the world.

When he came back to his room, he crawled straight into his bed, grabbing his huge teddy-bear. That toy was the only object in the world he could cuddle to. So he did. With his eyes closed, he tried to think about nothing. This day was just shit. He never outburst so bad.

Suddenly, he felt someones warm palm caressing his hair. "I´m so sorry Joey, for anything I said. I thought about it whole afternoon. It was horrible to find out that I don´t know anything about person so much."

Joes eyes went wide. Kevin apologized? Shouldn´t he be te one who do that? He slowly opened his eyes and the sight nearly made him cry again. Kevin brought him dinner, exactly what he loved to eat, wore a shirt Joes most favourite colour and in his free hand, he was holding Joes most favourite DVD. "You think I can learn more about you, please? " he whispered, his eyes full of tears again.

Joe pulled him into one breath-taking hug. They were both crying. But Kevin stopped that. He put the DVD into the player and made it play, then he hopped into the bed. "Do you think we can put this bear somewhere else? You have such a small bed. Or if you want ME to leave, I´ll do it. You just have to say." Kevin behave so much careful he could, he didn´t want to make his little brother cry and depressed again.

"No no no, I want you to stay. But you have to be my teddy bear now." Joe giggled and it made Kevin smile. "That´s right, smile, Joey. I love when you smile. But you don´t have to, if you don´t want to. I just... I like it." He blushed softly, hoping he said nothing wrong.

Joes smile instantly dropped. That was the right time for his "big confession". He felt it, just now.

"That´s the problem, Kevy... I..." he breathed heavily " I love you. More than I should."

Kevins mouth fell open. He didn´t expect this at all. Joe literally shocked him to silence.

That was when he understood. Everything.

Then he leaned against Joes dark siluete and picked up his chin. Then he pecked his lips as slowly and romantically as he could.

"Gonna need to know so much things about you now. Question one: would you like to be my boyfreind?" Deperate situations needs desperate deeds.

Joe could barely believe Kev was just asking him out. He just nodded yes.

"Question two: may I kiss you now?"

This time, Joe could enjoy the kiss more than before. He could enjoy Kevins lips and his wet hot tongue. He could enjoy love he wished so long.


It was nearly six o´clock in the morning and Kevin still asked.

"Question seven hundred eighty four: do you like paper handkerchiefs more than the fabric ones?"

Joe yawned and placed his head onto Kevins chest.

"Paper. And Kevy? Please, stop now. We can continue tomorrow... In fact, tonight. If you have any more questions..."

"Tired, baby?" Kevin giggled.

"Exhausted. Not every day you talk whole night after your love asks you out after six hours of crying your life out."

Joe smiled.

"Have I said I love when you smile?"

"Maybe three hundred times tonight."

"Well, that´s true. I really love it. I don´t ever want to see you sad again. Promise?"

"I promise. And you, promise me something too. Don´t ever laugh at me when I´m serious."


"Love you, Kevy."

Kevin just pecked his nose. He wished he could tell the same, but he couldn´t...yet. He did all he did because he hated Joe being sad. But maybe, in the future, his more-than-brotherly-feeling can grow up to real love. Maybe.
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you like it?
it was my second thing written in english (the first one isn´t finished and I don´t think it´ll ever be), so sorry for mistakes and so...
aaand, there can be sequel, if you want, you just have to tell me:)