Status: Finished.

Ebony and Irony


An echo of what was supposed to be my name, I assume, sounded through the bedroom door, and I opened my eyes to find another pair of eyes blinking at me. I realized that my roommate and I were tangled in semi-awkward ways on the bed, and then my brain registered the voice I'd heard; his mom was calling us downstairs for breakfast; the clock shone 8:15 from the table behind him, and I groaned.
It was like a perfect awkward college scenario.
Long day, here I come.
Neither of us moved, not even when his mom-- how could I consider her my mother now, after kissing her son like that, that would be wrong-- knocked on the door, voice soft. Maybe she thought we were still sleeping, instead of making eye sex not fifteen feet from her.
I disgust myself.
At 9:00, she tried to come in our room-- I thank God that he locked the door last night. She gave up five minutes later, sounding bitter and a tad bit relieved, muttering that I would have to clean up the mess, like I already didn't clean everything. She really should give me some credit.Aside from macking her son to death.
Claudio chuckled softly, and I shushed him with a smile; he shushed me with a kiss, and I felt my face heat up. Oh. Right. We were declared now. Somehow, I forgot my white flag at the cleaner's.
"Food?" he proposed-- what an odd word to use in correlation to him now...-- in a quiet voice that somehow seemed to smolder even covered in sleep as it was. I couldn't contain my nervous smile as I nodded to him and he held me tightly before standing up.
Somehow, miraculously, he was shirtless. Shamelessly, I gawked at him as he dug through a pile of clothes near the door and put on a black tee. He caught me staring and smirked as he rounded on me again.
"Something interesting you, dear?" he whispered as he hovered above me, his smile lighting his whole face. I giggled, which only seemed to make him more playful. He blew a raspberry into my neck and I let out a small laugh; I felt like a five year old in love.
My answering smile must've been something to see, because his expression turned soft, and he laid with me another ten minutes, kissing my hair as I tucked myself into his chest.
It was more amazing than I ever thought it would be.
And believe you me, I'd given it plenty of thought before.
I wiggled my eyebrows at him as I pulled away, stomach growling, and kissed his chin; the stubble ticked my lips and I giggled more.
"What do we tell mom?" I asked in mock horror, and he just laughed softly, kissing my forehead.
"Honestly?" he asked with a dubious look. "I think she always expected it." My eyebrows raised of their own accord; either I was blind, or he and his mother were far more observant than I ever was. I would place money on the latter option.
"Do we tell her?" I asked again, beginning to panic now. He stroked my hair to calm me down, and I ducked my head into his chest again as he answered.
"Do you want to?" He sounded unsure, like he doubted me or something.
"I want everyone to know I've laid claim to you," I told him in a small voice; my answer did not placate him, but he was side-tracked by something I had said; he was quiet. Too quiet.
"Time to lay claim to the evidence," he sang to me quietly, rubbing my back; I knew I'd have to decide here.
"I did say everyone," I pointed out with a smile; I liked his playful moods, and he knew I loved his voice.
"That is true," he smiled brightly, kissing my head again before tilting my chin up. His lips but brushed mine softly, and then I was standing next to him, hands laced together.
It was one of those feelings that you had to get used to, but that felt so perfect from the first moment that your heart soared.
All I could think was "The space between my fingers fits your perfectly," and it made me grin as we walked downstairs to judgment and love alike.
To his credit, Claudio was right. His mom didn't mind at all. Our mom.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this chapter; it's like the dream I used to have for a life...
This is almost over, as is GHC, but I won't spoil my surprises for you.
-iKilgannon; iLove