From the Weight of the World, Just Take a Second to Set Things Straight

Five Minutes To Midnight

“Alex stop it!” I laughed as Alex started to tickle me.

“Ah, so you are ticklish!” He laughed. “Sweet! Now I can stop bothering Jack!”

“Ok that sounds so wrong on so many levels.” I giggled as I looked up at him.

“Yeah you’re right but in all seriousness, I’ve never met any girl like you before.” He says shyly as he looks down at my guitar in his arms.

“What do you mean by that?” I ask him curiously, keeping my gaze on him, waiting for him to look back up at me.

“Nothing, it’s just…Well, you’re not like any of the other fan girls, you’re…normal.” Alex smirks as he finally looks back up to me.

He looked so adorable. His eyes had a sense of sadness to them, like he was nervous and at the same time, a little bit…scared? Nervous? I should really lighten the mood, according to Jasey I’m good at doing that.

“Well I can take that two ways Gaskarth, either that’s a good thing or I’m just too dull for the likes of you.” I smirk as I tap my foot against the bottom step of the staircase that we were sitting on.

“Well, let’s put it this way, you’re certainly not dull.” He laughed lightly as he looked at his watch. “I better head back in, I left Jack in the care of Rian, he’s probably annoying him like me, so…I’ll see you on the bus in the morning?”

“Sure thing.” I smile at him.

He handed me my guitar back as he stood up.

“Keep going with that song, I think that it could be really great.”


With that, he left, leaving me sitting on the hotel steps, under the gaze of the doorman, Ollie. I sigh before getting up myself and walking slowly to the entrance, towards the elevators and up to mine and Jasey‘s hotel room.

I was suddenly hit with a weird feeling as I was putting my guitar back inside it’s case and it wasn’t just the feeling of ‘Omg, I just sat and spoke to Alex Gaskarth’ either, this feeling was different and I didn’t like it or know what it was.

I shook my head and grabbed my I-Pod from my back and made my way out onto the balcony overlooking the most perfect beach scene that I had ever seen. I must have dozed off as the next thing I knew it was dark out and the door to the hotel room had slammed shut and a confused looking Jasey was sat on her bed, huddled up in a little ball.

“Jase? You ok?” I asked her as I got up and stood at the balcony door, pulling out my earphones and stuffing them in my jacket pocket.

“Yeah.” She nods as she looks up at me and I know in that instant that she’s not.

“Come on Jase, you know that I know something’s up, so what’s going on?” I question as I step inside the hotel room and take a seat beside her.

“Well, alright, you know how I went to get some coffee with Martin?” She starts, I nod in reply and allow her to carry on. “Well, I thought that he was going to tell me that he liked me but when he started to talk it…he told me that Paul liked me, and I know that I already knew that but I just thought that, well maybe Martin would have told me that he did too but, he didn’t.”

“Oh, well you know what guys are like, they’re confusing little buggers but I’m sure that he would have told you, if he hadn’t have had competition between Paul and himself.”


“There’s no ‘maybe’ about it Jase, they’re in the same band, you know that they can’t afford to have arguments, right?” I state honestly as I put my arm around her shoulders.

“You should tell that to Jack.” Jasey says as he leans into me.


“Yeah. He came into the coffee shop, saw me and asked where you were and I told him that you were hanging outside the hotel with Alex and his face kinda dropped a bit.” Jasey announced and I instantly felt myself shrink from…guilt?

“Great, now I have two guys acting weird around me.” I sighed as I laid back onto the bed.

“Two?” Jasey questions as she lies back down next to me, giving me a curious look.

“Yeah. Alex said something to me earlier and I can’t stop thinking about it, I don’t know. Don’t worry, it’s probably nothing. So what you going to do?”

“Honestly?” She asks me as she looks up at the ceiling.

I look at her and nod lightly.

“I absolutely don’t have a clue.”
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