Living My Dream

Fun Car Ride

I was frozen in my spot,I couldnt move.You wanna know why?Because standing next to my dearest cousin Miss.Demi Lovato herself was one extreamly hot guy that I swore I was going to marry one day and his brothers.Now can you take a guess of who I am talking about?Yes people you are right it was the Jonas Brothers and their parents along with my aunt.Demi ran over to me and gave me a hug

"Symone"she yelled in my ear

"Demetria"I yelled back.I was the only one allowed to call her by her full name and she was the only one allowed to call me Symone,my middle name.

"How was your flight?"she asked as we walked over to evryone with our arms connected

"Fun.I met these triplets and we were attacked by 2 blond bimbo's."I laughed

"Still the same Symone i see"she smiled at me

"I would say the same about you...but you see you have become a very sneeky Demetria so therefore you have to pay the price and by me some coffee from starbucks.."I said pating the tip of her nose with my finger

"Oh I shall do whatever it takes to have you forgive me.So starbucks it is...let me see if Im correct a Vanilla Bean Frap double the cool whipp?"she asked

I put my hand up to my mouth and began to fake cry "You know me to well" as a single tear rolled down my cheek.Demi wiped it away and giggled softly

"Your good" and she lead me over to everyone finally.I ran over to my aunt Dina and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Aunt DINA!!!!! I MISSED YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! HOW IS DALLAS?"I asked while hugging her and jumping up and down.Its the reaction I should have gave Demetria but instead gave her mom.

"You had chocolate didnt you?"she asked as she kissed my cheeks then my forehead.I giggled and looked up at her

"No....okay maybe......I mean yes....I had alot of chocolate and it was soooooooo good.....but i shouldnt have had it! It's bad for me actually its bad for anyone really.............espesally if you havent had any candy in foreveer and a year.......Demetria why on gods green earth am I talking about candy?" I asked as I looked at her as she exchanged a glance at the Jonas Brothers and her mom

"Mony its not your fault....our mothers continuslly droopped you on your head when you were a baby okay" she stated in a question format

"Actually its not theirs either its your fault" I smirked

"How is that?"she asked

" I am confident but i stills have my moments baby thats just me,Im not a super model,I still eat McDonald's baby thats just me."I sung as I ignored her

"Well some may say I need to be afraid of losing everything,because of where I had my start and where I mad my name.Well everything's the same in the La La Land machine.Machine,machine"sh sung bck as we skipped off to go get my bags.

"Who said I cant wear my convers with my dress .Well baby thats just me.Who said I cant be single and have to go out and mingle?Baby thats not me,no no"I sung as we sat and waited for the bags to come around.We continued to hum the song as I saw my suitcases come around.I got up and ran for my neon purple one with every disney channel star names on it in differnt colors.While Demetria went for my neon pink one with Twilight things on it.I put the purple one down and went for my neon blue one with different things and sayings on it that me and my besties wrote on during spring break this year

"Is that all of them?"Demetria asked

"Yeah....come on lets go I have some introductions to do since you failed to do them"I said pick up my purple and blue one and my duffle bag,Demi got my pink one and my huge sized purse.

"Sorry it slipped my mind"she giggled

"Uh huh sure it were probably to cought up in worrying I would bail on you and stay home with the crazy bestfriend step brothers"I laughed

"Yeah thats what it was"she said cocking an eyebrow

I just rolled my eyes and looked past her and over to the Jonas Brothers who were signing autographs and taking pics with this cute little girl and her friend.Once her friend spotted Demi she nudge her friend and they both grinned with their two front teeth missing and ran over to thier mothers and pointed to us.The mothers followed their fingers and waved at us.I smiled and waved back like a little kid and began to jump up and down smiling,the little ones ran over to us and hugged Demi then me.

"Hola podemos tener una dedicatoria? Mi nombre es Maria y éste es mi amigo más bestest del mundo ancho Nicole del conjunto" asked the little girl with jet black hair

"Sweeties seguros. ¿Tan cómo es viejo eres dos? " Demetria answered. I smiled as I watched her as she gave them an autograph and took pics with them making a funny face and making the two giggle it was such a sweet innocent pure sound it made me smile.

" somos 6" Nicole said before the both ran off giggling to their mothers.I looked at Demetria and she looked at me while smiling.

"Dont you just love little kids.They are so innocent and pure"I stated as we connected arms once again and headed towards the boys who were waiting by a white SUV.

"I call shotgun"I yelled runing towards the passenger door

"Hey thats not fair.I was going to call shotgun!!! Cheater!!!"Tri yelled as she chased after me.

"Well you know what they say 'Great minds think alike.'The only thing is they werent thinking when they said it"I smiled as I opened the door and slide in.Tri got into the back in between Joe and Nick.She scotted up so she was at the tip of her seat and leaned on the arm rest then stuck her tounge out at me

"I wouldnt do that if I were you"I slyly smiled

"And wh is that?"she asked

"Because I'm a vampire and I will bite it!!!" I stated matter-of-factly

"Oh really??"She asked

"Yep"I answered then sat back into my seat

"Well then in that case.......bite me"she whispered in my ear,I could feel the smirk playing on her lips.I gasped then turned my head towards her and bit her cheek then I sucked on it .

"Ewwwwwww did you just bite my cheek and sucked it?"she asked as she wiped her cheek

"I told you i was a vampire" I smiled as I looked at her

She rolled her eyes and mumbled a whatever and took out her phone and read a text messege probably from Selena.

"Lena"I asked looking out the window

"Yeah....she said hiya"She said looking at up at me

"Tell her i said hey babe lol "I smiled laughing.

I looked at Kevin who was driving and began to tap on the window

"Hiya Kevo Im Brittany-Niyckol Demetria's cousin"I smiled as I watched him.

"Hey Brittany-Niyckol how are you?"he asked not taking his eyes off the road

"Good and yourself?"I asked

"Great....Im really excited to be starting tour" he smiled

"Me too,its my first time going on a tour"I said

"Thats the same thing Demi said yesterday" he chuckeled.I heared Demi laugh as for the other two.

"So old are you" asked Joe.I smiled as he said Cole,I liked the way my name sounded coming from his mouth.

"I just tirned 16.I would ask you how old you are but thats unnessary seeing as though Im a huge fan so I dont really need to ask."I smiled as I looked at him.

"Oh really huge fan are you?" he asked smirking

"Yesssss"I started

"Oh nooo not this again" Tri mumbled

"What?"I asked looking at the four of them

"If your a huge fan, you wouldn’t mind answering a few simple questions would you?”Nick asked

“Sure I wouldn’t mind at all” I smiled

“Good….”Kevin smirked

That’s when all the crazy questions were asked and I answered all of them correctly .What can I say I’m a huge Jonas Brothers fan and I do my research. I don’t exactly know when but sometime after the millions of questions and got mad quiet and we were all off in our own little world. Why well……I actually don’t know. Not soon after my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out to see I had two –vibrate- make that three new texts

<Miles> Hey Britt I heard you were going to be on tour with your cousin text me back when you can love ya can’t wait to see you.

{Brit Brat} Hey Hope I miss you too. Yeah its true I will be with my cousin on tour and guess who’s on she’s on tour with

[Lena] OMG!!!! Bratty why haven’t you called me? I missed you!! Well where are you?

{Brit Brat} Chica that is so not my fault call Tri it was her doing. She didn’t tell me until last minute. I miss you more. And I can honestly say I have no idea

^Funny Bunny^ Hey Brit Brat!! How was the trip did you land safely are you dead!? Oh god please don’t be dead

{Brit Brat} Wow Funny that’s nice to know you think I’m dead. I love you too….And yes I am dead

^Funny Bunny^ Good because I thought I just lost my bestest friend in the whole wildest world!!

{Brit Brat} I thought it was wide?

^Funny Bunny^ Shut up you know what I mean

{Brit Brat} Do I?

<Hope> Kool I cant wait to see you! How long have you been away from me. Im going to take a wild crazy guess the jonas bros?

{Brit Brat} You knew didn’t you?

<Hope> Noooo…..what gave you that impression? Okay maybe…..okay yes I knew it was a surprise!

{Brit Brat} Seriously

<Hope> Surprise!!!!

{Brit Brat} Lol wow

[Lena] Wow Bratty that’s very smart get lost on your first tour! Smooth

{Brit Brat} I am not lost….I have you know Mr. Joe Jonas is driving….like a maniac might I add

[Lena] yea cause Joe is such a wonderful driver

{Brit Brat} Whatever

^Funny Bunny^ I see you!

{Brit Brat} Should I be scared?

^Funny Bunny^ No just get out of the damn car

{Brit Brat} Gasp you know young lady you and all this foul language has to stop :}}

^Funny Bunny^ Love you to bestie

{Brit Brat} I woke up in on my room with my besties theirs a whale in the pool with my mother and my stepdad paints the house different colors. Who would we be if we couldn’t dream? And I know we get a little crazy and I know we get a little loud and I know we’re never gonna fake it………..

^Funny Bunny^ We are wild we are free we are more than you think so call us freaks but that’s just the way roll….that’s just the way we roll

{Brit Brat} Hiya world remember when life gives you lemons…..throw them at Funny Hope Tri Lena and DJ Danger!!!!

“Helloooooo yahoooooooo anyone in there?” Joe yelled waving a hand in front of my face.

“Sorry leave a message at the beep.” I smiled looking up from my I-Phone

“Well hi Brittany its me Joe Jonas I was just wondering when you were gonna snap out of la la world and get out of the car and go up to the hotel room. Okay well call me when you figure your answer. Adios” He said and got out the car.

I looked up to see that we were at the hotel and everyone was waiting for me to get out the car. I smiled and got out. As soon as I stepped out the car and I was attacked by a hug from three different angles.

“Aghhh!!!!” I yelled as I hugged them back. I pulled away and looked at them

“Lena , Hope, Funny Bunny!!! God I missed you three idiots now come and give me another hug”

“Britt we missed you too but god I just saw you last night! You scare me sometimes” Funny said

I looked at her and couldn’t help but smile. “I completely understand but guess what?” I smiled innocently

“What?” she asked eagerly ready to hear the news.

I ran full speed at her and jumped on her. She was caught off guard that she fell backwards onto her butt, this is usually the part when I got off but instead I stayed on her and sat comfortly.

“Britt get your fat but off me!!!!” She said pushing me

“And if I don’t?” I asked

“I’m going to tell my momma and my sister!!!”She huffed

“Really and where are they now?” I questioned

“Look behind you” said a voice from behind me. I turned to look at the face of the voice and squealed.

“Brittany! why are you sitting on my child?” said another voice.

I got off Funny and ran to her twin and mother. I got to Siarra and hugged her and started to jump up and down with joy