Spunk Ransom

Robert Pattinson is your average twenty-two year old actor from London, right? Wrong.
Robert Pattinson is Edward Cullen, the forever seventeen vampire hearthrob that has captured every girls heart around the globe.

Rob: Oh shut the fuck up! I am not just Edward Cullen or Cedric Fucking Diggory. I am a person too. I wish people would see me for me, and not the people I play...

Rob is not happy with his life to say the least, ever since he landed this gig all he's had is Edward Cullen this, Twilight that. He cannot stand it.

This is a journal of Rob's life, of his feelings and attitudes towards his whole lifestyle change since he portrayed Edward Cullen in the hit movie Twilight 2008.

None of this is real, it's just an idea I had of what Rob would be like towards all this fame. He seems so shy and down to earth and not one of those big headed hollywood cunts. Includes all the Twilight cast, a few celebrities, directors - I own none of these - and a few made up characters who I do own. I also own the story line sodon't steal. It's not cool. I love comments + subscriptions, I don't seem to be getting many lately - :( so yeah, enjoy (: