Spunk Ransom

Chapter III

I began to hurl towards the ground as I clumsily tripped over my own foot, would you believe, just as Kristen went to grab my arm. It was a stupid thing to do, thinking about it, I mean she’s so tiny and light and she thought she could hold someone like me up. Let’s face it, I’m not the lightest person you’ll ever meet.

Taking all that into account, she began to tumble on top of me, laughing her little ass off all the way down as we impacted on the grass. She rolled off me, still in stitches and I felt a chuckle slip between my lips. I jabbed her in the sides as more hysterical giggles burst out of her mouth, she tried wriggling away from me but I kept pulling her back.

“Rob… Okay.. Okay… I give!... Stop man!” she squealed, gasping between laughs for air. I pulled my hands away and pushed myself off the ground. I stood straight and brushed myself off before offering my hand to pull her up. She smiled deviously at me as I dragged my arm back, pulling Kristen off the ground. Our faces came within inches of each others. I smiled back at her and then gave her a gentle shove on her arm.

“Come on love, we’re gonna be late,” I draped my arm over her should, our playful mood still there as she occasionally poked me in the ribs and I rubbed her hair while we walked to the studio together.


“And…CUT! Good job guys, real proud of you all,” Chris called as we finished for the day. I shrugged out my coat and began walking to the dressing room. “Well done Rob, good job kid. We got some awesome footage today.” He patted me on the shoulder after I smiled at him before he walked over to praise my workers and friends as well. It was true, ever since I got this gig, although it’s a real pain in the ass sometimes, I met some amazing people. Especially the girls, I love Ashley, Kristen and Nikki. I’ve never clicked with co-workers so much. They’re a whole load of fun, even the older ones like Peter are a laugh most of the time.

I closed the door on my trailer and went over to the mirror. I dragged my neck up and stared into the reflective glass. I sighed and ran my right hand through my hair before moving it down to start getting out of ‘Edward’s wardrobe’ into my own. I just slipped my left arm out the sleeve of my shirt when I heard the door bust open and someone storm in.

“Have you seen this!” I recognised Kristen’s voice straight away and wanted to laugh at myself for expecting anything different. Kristen was so unashamed and unembarrassed by how much she invaded people’s personal space. I mean, at first she was really reserved but once she gets going, there’s no stopping her. It’s something I admire. Take for example the fact that she saw me butt naked this morning and not once has there been any awkwardness between us.

“No, I haven’t. And again, thanks for knocking,” I winked at her and slipped my arm back through the sleeve but left my buttons undone. She looked up and gave me a brief smile back.

“Michael is going to flip! I mean, look at this. They’re slimy and disgusting and my god! I hate them.” She slammed a magazine on my table and then brushed her hand through her thick hair.

“Why what’s up Kris? Who do you hate?” Her eyes followed to the magazine laying face down and I picked it up. I turned it around and rolled my eyes at what I saw.


On the front page on the magazine, along with the poor title, was a picture of me and Kristen laying on the grass from this morning.

“Oh just ignore it Kris, it’ll blow over.” She grabbed the magazine from my hands and ripped open the pages.

“Oh yeah? Well read this,” she shoved the magazine back into my chest and I began to read some bullshit about me and Kristen secretly hooking up as our on screen passion bubbles up and some fucking shit about me sending dirty Face book messages to Kristen. What the fuck? I don’t even have a Face book!

“Fucks sake, yeah your right. Slimy and disgusting. We know it’s bullshit right though. Just ignore it, it was bound to happen sometime.” I dumped the magazine in the bin and turned to face her. She was pouting, still clearly pissed off.

“Easy for you to say. You don’t have a boyfriend that’s probably freaking out right now.” She crossed her arms across her chest and sighed heavily. I walked over to her, my arms extended, but she backed off.

“Oh come off it Kristen, we both know it’s bollax. Don’t be acting funny with me. I mean, for fucks sake you saw me naked this morning and you were fine with me and now because of some stupid small time magazine printing shit about us your being like this with me?”

“I’m sorry, I just.. I should be more careful. We’re in the public eye, we both saw how huge Twilight was. New Moon’s gonna be bigger, everyone knows it, which means more press coverage. I can handle that but I can’t handle the rumours about me and you. They were real small last time but look at the article Rob! The stuff they say about us now, it’s not right. Yeah, we have real good chemistry as Edward and Bella, heck we have real good chemistry anyway. But the sexual tension on screen, well it really bothers Mike. He knows it’s just my work, but if stuff like this is coming out. I can’t handle that, sorry Rob.”

“Fine, I’m off for a shower. Better leave so no-one thinks we’re doing it,” I sneered at her. I couldn’t believe she was freaking out over something so stupid.

“Oh don’t be like that,” I turned my back on her and headed towards the shower room.

“See you on set tomorrow,” I began to close the door as I heard her huff and whisper, angrily “whatever” after me.
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shit i know.
cmnts are nice :) xo