Visions of Warped, Brought to You by Chaotic Melodies

Visions of Warped, Brought to you by Chaotic Melodies
By: VioletShadows01


As the newest Warped Tour starts up, the guys of Avenged Sevenfold, find out that one of the new bands this year is going around video taping everything that's going on. As they start to form a bond with the three band members, hearts start to race, blood starts to pump and things get heated....

On and off stage.


I do not own any of the bands used in my story, except Chaotic Melodies...which I have yet to hear of a band called that, but if so, I apologise for using your name.


PLEASE!! Leave a comment. This fic is going to be a light hearted, fun fic, with hopes of laughter and definitely some romance. Enjoy and let me know what you guys think, and be sure to give some input on where Warped should make stops. Those who comment get a guest appearence in the fic, and get to meet which ever bands on the roster.
