Love's Heart at War

Chapter Five

December 1

All is well, I suppose. I actually had a chance to be near the colonel who has recently captured my interest. It was quite something. Here I was, thinking Germany would be a bore...

If I didn't have Col. Becker to think of, I don't know what I would do. It was strange that the Lebengarten would be host to a gathering of army officers. Even stranger was that Lisa and I had to stage a good show; we had to be proper German hostesses.

Hilde had been called out to the country by her family, so she would not be able to help us with the party. Lisa and I put on aprons and armed ourselves with pots and pans, ready and willing to impress the officers, in particular, a colonel and a lieutenant. With a fresh batch of cookies in hand, I served the officers. I kept an eye out for my colonel, but couldn't pinpoint where he was.

"Gentlemen, this is my daughter, Lily," Papa presented me to the crowd. " And my niece, Lisa," he directed attention to the blond pouring coffee and brandy.

"Such lovely girls," commented a captain. I smiled gracefully smiled and made my way to the kitchen. I had seen Lt. Hoffman talking amongst the other officers, but no sign of Becker.

"Found Becker yet, Lils?" whispered Lisa as I put my tray down.

"No, but I found your lieutenant," I whispered back. In a flash, Lisa refilled her pitcher and flitted back to the living room in search of Hoffman. I took my apron off and made my way out. Leaving the kitchen, I collided with something that grabbed my shoulders so I wouldn't fall.

It was Col. Becker.

I felt like I had run into a wall; but disoriented as I was, I still noticed his handsome, marble cut face decorated with hazel colored eyes. One of his eyes, I noted, didn't move.

"Be careful, Fraulein Praeger," he finally spoke in his smooth voice. "I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"N-no," I stammered. His smile was just too much for me. I lost whatever words might have been on the tip of my tongue. I resolved and walked calmly towards the den, feeling the flame in my cheeks. He followed me to th couch where I sat trying to regain my composure.

"Hello, Colonel Becker," I finally managed, still to shy to look at him.

"Fraulein Praeger, it is a pleasure to meet you at last. Your father has said so much about you. I must say you are more beautiful in person."

"Danke, Colonel, you are very kind to say that."

"You are shy, I presume?" He must have gathered that from my refusal to look at him. " I know my appearance startles you, but I hope you won't let that get in the way of us getting to know each other."

I placed my hand on his to reassure him and found that he had some gaps in his hand.

"Colonel Becker," a major called. "You are needed at the meeting."

He broke my grasp after several minutes unwillingly and smiled brilliantly. I felt myself get lost in his gaze as he walked away. That moment had been so special, so comforting. Yet all the more conflicting. I was starting to feel some sort of emotion for this stranger who was my enemy.

My thoughts and I retired to the room for the rest of the meeting. Lisa joined me soon thereafter, her lieutenant having been summoned as well.

"Oh, Alexander!" she exclaimed once the door to my room was shut.

"You asked for his name?" I asked, incredulous that meek little Lisa had been so bold to do so.

"No, he introduced himself to me. We chatted for awhile before he went to the meeting." Lisa lay down on my bed and set her head in the clouds. I was down because I hadn't asked Colonel Becker for his name.

"If only they didn't have that meeting, we would've been talking to them," Lisa mused aloud. All I could think of was the moment I'd held his hand, with his fingers missing. And how he didn't want to let go. Maybe he wasn't just missing fingers or limbs. Maybe he was missing something more. I want to know what it is that he's missing.
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It's taken a while, but I'm finally continuing my musings.