Status: On Hold.

Keep The Night Alive


'I can’t wait to see the look on your face
When you turn around and see what I’m doing
You weren’t expecting to hear what you’re hearing
It turns out I’m what you’ve always been fearing
I can’t wait for your reaction

This is the day you turn around see your mistake
You’ll be wishing you never walked away
I’ve been waiting so long for this day
Whoa this is the day I walked away
You keep running to save my mistake
I’ve been waiting for this day whoa

You tried telling me that I wasn’t good enough
That I don’t fit in with what I’m bringing
I’m just showing you that what I got is better
Than anything that you have ever imagined
Can’t wait for your reaction

This is the day you turn around see your mistake
You’ll be wishing you never walked away
I’ve been waiting so long for this day
Whoa this is the day I walked away
You keep running to save my mistake
I've been waiting for this day whoa


This is the day you turn around see your mistake
You’ll be wishing you never walked away
I’ve been waiting so long for this day
Whoa this is the day I walked away
You keep running to save my mistake
I’ve been waiting for this day whoa whoa'

As the band finished up the song we awaited to hear whether or not we got the gig to open for Hope For A.M.


My name is Nikeyta (Na-Key-Ta) Elizabeth Williams. I’m 19 years old. I have electric green eyes. I have long chocolate brown hair with blonde on top with a scene style hair cut. I dressed punkish. I’m always wearing make up. I’m not very tall at all just under 5 foot. Yeah I know short right? Yeah people used to make fun of me for my height but I stopped letting it bother me and that’s in my past. Which I wish to forget oh so much.

Long story short, when I was 16 I left my home in San Francisco to move in with my older brother Tyler in Los Angeles. I left because of one person who made my life a fucking living hell. I left San Francisco in hopes of starting a new life, new school, new friends, and potentially a new identity for myself, to protect myself from one person who I hoped I would never run into ever again.
♠ ♠ ♠
that song is not mine its This Is The Day by The Moxy

comments please and thank you. i know where im going with this for the most part but if you wish to predict whats gonna happen then be my guest and it just might be put in the story.

yes this is a brand new story. please let me know if you like it. if not i'm not going to bother with writing it.