Status: On Hold.

Keep The Night Alive


As we awaited our results, my mind became more flooded with thoughts of what might happen when we go to San Francisco. I was quickly pulled from my thoughts with my best friend of 3 years, Liliana Rose Smith, screaming in my ear with excitement. Apparently we got the gig to be the opener for Hope For A.M.. I was left alone to get all the information on where the concert was being held. I got all the papers regarding the gig and headed out to the car where the band was waiting.

We headed back to home so that we could pack because we had to leave tonight to get to San Francisco by morning. As I walked in the front door of Tyler’s house, my nephew, Jason, suddenly attacked me. Yes, I know what your thinking and yes, my brother was happily married and had a son. I gave Jas a hug and headed up the stairs and down the hall to my room to start packing all my shit.

I finally got it all packed and I laid on my bed trying to think of a good new song that we could learn real quickly on the way to the gig. Then I came up with it, as I wrote the lyrics quickly in my notebook, and just as quick my head was once again flooded with thoughts of what and who was in San Francisco. As much as I hoped that we didn’t get the gig, I wanted it, it was going to be good publicity for the band. As I forced those thoughts out of my head I fell asleep.

I slept for a good 5 hours before my cell phone started ringing with my default ringer, which meant this person calling me wasn’t in my phone book.

'I want a love like Johnny and June, rings of fire burning with you, I want to walk the line, walk the line, til the end of time'

I answered the phone as soon as I got my ass up and walked over to my desk and picked it up.

“hello, is this Nikeyta Williams?”
“yes it is, who may I ask is calling?”
“this is Cliff from Hope For A.M.”
“oh hey whats up?”
“not a whole lot just wanted to make sure you got all the information on the concert tomorrow”
“oh yeah I got it all this morning, we are super excited to be opening for you guys”
“awesome, do you have any quick questions?”
“umm yeah actually I do, what part of San Francisco will we be playing at?”
“at Grand View Park in Golden Gate Heights”
“o-oh okay”
“is that okay?”
“y-yeah that’s fine”
“okay so I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“yeah definitely”
“okay talk to you later”
“talk to you later”

I hung up my phone and placed it back on my desk. As soon as I heard Cliff say that we would be playing at Grand View Park, I knew I’d most likely run into the one person that I never want to see again for fear of my own life. I heard voices coming up the walkway to the front door I knew it was the band, they were all ready to go. They helped me get all my stuff to the car. In a matter of twenty minutes we were headed to San Francisco, the one place on earth that I dreaded.

After five minutes of telling myself over and over again that there was nothing to worry about, I’ll be fine, he wont even recognize me, I told everyone about the song I had written a few hours ago. I sang them the lyrics. Liliana and Gabrielle start coming up with riffs and chords for it. No sooner then that Bridgit was also coming up with chords too. I’m fairly sure that Airiana was coming up with some good beats in her head since she was the one driving.

We got about half way there and stopped at to get food and rest a tad bit. Liliana had noticed that I had become really shaky but she knew not to ask if something was wrong. Little fun fact about me, I HATE being asked if something is wrong, if I want to talk about it I’ll tell you, don’t force it out of me. We ate and then went back to the car and just sat there while Airiana rested up some so she could drive the rest of the way without falling asleep at the wheel.

We arrived in San Francisco around 4 AM. Not my idea of a fun time to be awake. We found our hotel and checked in. Once we got all our shit in our rooms we all headed to bed. After all we had a big day ahead of us.