Status: On Hold.

Keep The Night Alive


I woke to a persistent pounding on my hotel room door. I rolled over and glanced at the clock, which read 7:00am. Which meant I had only gotten a grand total of 2-3 hours. I groaned and dragged myself out of the bed and over to the door, stumbling over Liliana’s suitcase as well as my own. I opened the door and was greeted with an over enthusiastic “good morning” for Cliff.

“do you know what time it is?”
“yeah its 7am”
“yeah aka too damn early”
“well you have an hour to be ready and to the venue”
“they didn’t tell you?”
“tell me what?”
“that we have a rehearsal run through type of thing at 8”
“oh okay, I’ll get the gang together and we will be there as soon as we can”
“sounds great, everyone is looking forward to meeting all of you”
“same here”
“see you in a bit then”
“yeah okay”

Cliff walked away down the hall as I closed the door. I proceeded to run and jump on the bed where Liliana was sleeping.

Liliana groaned and rolled over and threw a pillow at me
“get your lazy ass up, we have to be at the venue in an hour”
“what godforsaken time is it?”
“its 7:05am now get your lazy guitar skilled ass up out of bed we have to be there by 8”
“okay okay okay I’m getting up”

I went across the hall to wake up Gabrielle, Airiana, and Bridgit. They got up and got dressed. I went back across the hall and got myself dressed. I threw on my purple leggings, my old, yet favorite pair of skinny jeans, that now had holes in them. I had so many bad memories in them but I still loved to wear them. I matched a purple fitted tee that had a gothic cross on it surrounded by angels wings and scrolls. I also threw on my purple converse. Yes I know, I’m a purple freak. Its my favorite color.

Liliana was finally up and getting her ass dressed. She threw on her pair of destroyed skinny jeans. Paired with a “Cupcake Attack” GIR fitted tee with a pink and black plaid shirt over top. Then she threw on her pair of music high top converse. Also she had put on a skull scarf and leather charm bracelet.

Gabbie, Airiana and Bridgit all had the basics on. Airiana and Bridgit had skinny jeans on while Gabbie had boot cut jeans on. They all had on fitted tees. Gabbie’s was a HIM tee. Airiana had a Framing Hanley tee on and Bridgit had a plain black tee. They all had just plain black converse.

I was the first to get fully ready to go, so I waited in the hotel lobby for the girls. They all came down together and we hopped in the van. Yes we drove a van out here. Had to fit all the equipment in something. Anyway we got in the van and drove to the venue.

Our equipment and all five of us were escorted to the back of the stage, where Cliff was with the rest of the band.

“HEY! I see you made it here in one piece”
“Haha very funny Cliff”
“I know right? Anyway go ahead and set up your stuff on the stage since you will of course being performing first. Then once that’s done you shall meet the band.”
“Alright, sounds good”

We got a move on getting everything set up. It was a nice venue might I add. There were 2 stages. I guess that was so that we could us our own equipment and didn’t have to take time to switch out. I liked that because I know how Airiana gets when someone else uses her drum set or has to use someone else’s.

Only 20 minutes we were done and very eager to meet everyone. There stood 5 boys all lined up as if they were in kindergarten. It was rather adorable if you ask me. Anyway Cliff we already knew, well I did at least.

“Okay let’s get the introductions started”
I said this a bit louder and more … more … more something but I don’t know what word to use, but it was more then I wanted to.

“Alright well I’m Cliff I do vocals”
“I’m Ryan I’m on lead guitar”
“Hey I’m Daniel and I also do guitar”

As Daniel introduced himself he looked right at me and I swear he looked into my eyes. I lost focus for a brief second then regained it when the others introduced themselves.

“Hi I’m Ian and I’m on bass”
“Yo, I’m Jordan or J-Dawg and I’m on drum set”
We all giggled at Jordan when he told us his nickname.
“nah I’m just kidding just Jordan is fine with me”

Now it was our turn so that they knew who we were. Mainly because we don’t like being called “hey you” or “girl in the purple shirt”. Yeah not going to fly.

“I’m Nikeyta and I’m vocals, little gift from my mother” I slightly chuckled after my small comment.
“Hey I’m Liliana and I’m Lead guitar and well as back up vocals”
“Whats up? I’m Gabrielle and I also am on the guitar”
“I’m Bridgit and I’m on bass”
“And I’m Airiana and I rock at the percussion section”

Really Airiana? Really? You just HAD to get all technical with that? Couldn’t just say drum or something?

Anyway moving on. We started talking to each other. I was mainly talking to Cliff because we both did vocals but the whole time I keep glancing over at Daniel. Every now and then I would catch him looking over at me.

I went to go make sure Airiana set up the mics on our stage correctly. I tripped going up the stage stairs. And it caught me off guard but someone caught me as I went falling backward down them. Typical me making a fool of myself by tripping UP the god-damned stairs. When they asked me if I was okay I was able to pick out who it was. It was Daniel for sure. I was positive of it. I turned around and yes I was correct it was Daniel and my God how I loved his brown eyes. I wonder why he followed me over here. But really at this point in time I really could care less about why. I was just thankful that he was there or else I could have been majorly hurt.

Me being the slight idiot that Liliana keeps telling me I am kept repeating “I’m sorry” over and over again as if I had tripped on purpose because I didn’t. I most definitely did NOT trip on purpose. I had no idea he was behind me at all. I had no intention of tripping and making a complete idiot of myself.

I couldn’t help but notice that Daniel was still standing there. He was standing there just looking into my eyes. Don’t get me wrong, I liked it. I mean what girl wouldn’t it shows that the guy is interested in her…possibly. But right now it was starting to scare me a tad bit. Yet at the same time I loved it. As sad as it is because we literally just met a few moments ago, I was starting to fall for him. DAMN YOU DANIEL! You have my one weakness, a guy with brown eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that its been forever updating this.
Finally got time to update.

Does Daniel like Nikeyta back?
Will she ever tell him?
tell me what you think will happen :]

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Pretty please?
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