The crazy thing we call love

Just another day in the life

I heard all kinds of noise coming from downstairs. I sighed and rolled over and looked at the clock. It was a little past noon. I groaned and sat up. My room has changed dramatically over the years. Daddy had designed my room for me when I was little. I laughed at the memory. Him and mom arguing over the color then she covered him in paint. Pink paint at that. You should have seen it. He talked Uncle Jokie and Uncle Nick into helping him paint my room when they boys were born. I was only four then so my room was pink with princess crowns and all that girly stuff. All of them had paint brushes and were dancing and singing into their paint brushes. Well except for Uncle Jokie he just stood there and shook his head trying to paint like a normal person. I feel so bad for my Uncle Jokie. He had to deal with my crazy daddy and Uncle Nick, Uncle Mike occasionally, then there’s Uncle Adom. I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with them sometimes yet he just takes it and shakes his head. I had some of the craziest memories but I wouldn’t change them for the world. I pushed back my covers and put my feet on the carpet. Yea Daddy spoiled me again by carpeting my room. That’s another crazy memory that’ll I’ll save for later. I walked to my bathroom. Yea I had a bathroom in my room. Can you tell I’m spoiled? I got a good look at my self and jumped back. I was scary looking. I washed my face and brushed out my long light brown hair. My hair was one of the things I loved most about me. Even as I grew I still kept Daddy’s exact hair tone. I smiled. I loved my daddy.
I looked down at my pajamas and shrugged. I didn’t have anything hanging out so I can walk out in this without my brothers being grossed out. I had on my black and red ladybug pajama bottoms and a tank top on. I shrugged I looked okay. Besides I wasn’t trying to impress any body this was just family. I walked over to my door and slowly opened it so it didn’t creek. I stepped out onto the cold hardwood floors and shuddered. That was freezing. I silently swore. I creped down the stairs as quietly as possible even though I didn’t need too. Our house had enough noise in it today I could stomp down the stairs and they wouldn’t hear me. It was Sunday. That meant the boys were home from school. Now those two were characters. Anthony was a trip. He was so much like Daddy it was scary sometimes. He looked more like him then I did. He even dresses like Daddy does. The baggy clothes where you see his boxers every time he moves. I rolled my eyes. It looked okay on Daddy but on Anthony it was down right disgusting. Oh wait I forgot we aren’t supposed to call him Anthony any more. His name is Ant. I rolled my eyes again. What a loser. My other brother though. He was a pretty cool kid. I mean don’t get me wrong I love my brothers equally but I can actually understand Darron. Ant talks like he has balls in his mouth. Darron had dyed black hair and he had mom’s eyes. He was more emo/ goth. I don’t see how he and Ant are even related. They’re both completely different. I got down the stairs and Darron looked up from his book and smiled at me. I smiled and waved. Ant however decided to greet me less humanly.
“Yo wat b up sis?” I sighed and shook my head.
“Just got up Ant. How are you?” He smirked.
“Ya kno how I be rollin wit mi honeys as usual.” I smiled and walked past him. I was seriously wondering how many ‘honeys’ a boy can have at 12. I on the other hand, had no body. I mean no boyfriends. It’s a surprise why I mean we are all good until the family wants to meet them then boom they cut out and I never hear from them again. That always hurt me. I don’t understand why I can’t keep a boyfriend. Why can’t I find a good guy that didn’t get scared of my family? I sighed and walked into the kitchen.
My Daddy was sitting at the kitchen table along with Aunt Kat, Uncle Jokie, and Uncle Mike. Mom was cooking something I think. They all had changed so much in their years. Daddy still looked the same except for an older version. His short brown hair still didn’t have a sign of gray in it. Where I know that Aunt Kat dyes her grays away. Travis told me that. Speaking of Travis where was he? I smiled at every one at the table. Daddy smiled back and I walked over to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me and sat me on his lap. His muscles weren’t as saggy as all my friend’s fathers. None of their dad’s looked like mine though. His light brown eyes always seemed to be bright and full of happiness.
“Glad to see you are finally up Princess.” I smiled.
“I slept well. You know Aunt Kat affected me a bit too much.” He rolled his eyes.
“Thankfully not that much,” I ducked as a biscuit from breakfast went flying across the table. Aunt Kat just smirked. She still didn’t look all that old. Though Daddy could pass for late twenties and Aunt Kat would have to say mid thirties. Her black hair was kept shoulder length now. Her eyes were still the same shade they have always been though wrinkles were around her eyes now. She was still beautiful of course. She and Uncle Mike had been happy together for years on end now. I smiled. Uncle Mike was good looking I guess. I mean his long black hair was now shorter. His green eyes still sparkled. He was still the same uncle I had always known. That brings me to the last member of the table, Uncle Jokie. I don’t understand how he and Daddy look so young still. No matter what they did or how hard they worked you would never guess how old they were. His dark ebony hair was cut short now. Just like Daddy’s. It made his eyes stand out more. They were still that deep ocean blue. His body was harder than Daddy’s though.
“Hey Aunt Kat where’s Travis?” She smiled then nodded behind me. I turned around and he was leaned up against the door frame. I got off of Daddy’s lap and walked in his direction. Travis had grown so much. He was 6’3 easily. His jet black hair was spiked in a Mohawk. I loved it on him though. It brought out those emerald eyes of his. He was a younger version of Uncle Mike. I never knew Uncle Mike when he was younger though. I bet he was a heart breaker judging by how Travis had girls falling all over him at school. He on the other hand has had a few steady girl friends.
“Hey Izz,” I smiled and he hugged me. He towered over me. I had unfortunately inherited my mother’s height. That sucked let me tell you.
“Hey Travis,” he smiled and let go and we walked into the living room. I went and sat on the couch and he sat down next to me. “Where have you been?” He shrugged.
“Around,” I rolled my eyes.
“Well I barely see you any more. I think I am going to have to get a new best friend.” He laughed.
“You would give up my spot that easily?” I looked at him and nodded.
“It’s not my fault you never call or come around any more.” He shrugged.
“I’ve been busy I’m sorry.” I looked away from him. It hurt me that he was ditching me. I understand that he didn’t want to be seen with a sophomore but come on. I have known him since I was in diapers. I turned my attention towards the tv when I heard my mom yell.
“DARRON CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL CARTER COME HERE THIS INSTANT!” I watched my brother get off of the couch grinning. I knew he had done something but I didn’t know what. I figured it had to do with Ant though. Those two were always arguing with each other. I grabbed the remote and started to flip through the channels. Not very much was on.
“Are you mad at me Izz?” I shook my head. No I wasn’t mad at him. I was pissed and hurt. How in the hell could he ditch me like that? For what some girl or the approval of some stupid guys? “Izz you are lying to me.” I turned back to him.
“I said I wasn’t mad now can we drop it.” He looked down.
“I’m sorry Izz.” I nodded and turned back to the tv. Ignoring him was hard but he needed to know what it feels like.
“I’m going to take a shower I’ll see you later if you’re not ‘busy’” I made sure I used my hand quotations. I ran up the stairs before he had a chance to stop me and went into my room and slammed the door. This day had already taken a turn for the worse.
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this was supposed to be the second sequel to the goth boy an emo and a thug but I couldnt resist posting this

Izzy is absolutly one of my favorite characters
if only she was a reality

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</3 bfs