Its More Than You Bargained For

Faking It and Goodbye (The End)

Faking it was one of the hardest things Teegan had done but she knew in the long run it would all work out. She had been out of the hospital for 3 weeks now and hadn’t slip us once. It broke her heart when Zacky delivered the divorse papers but he told her he still loved her but he didn’t want to married to someone who didn’t feel the same way she acted like it hadn’t fazed her but in reality it tore her apart she was healing well and spending a lot of time Brian and Riley she seemed to always be over there, manly because for the time being he had full custody of Riley and she hated being away, the only problem was Michelle was around too a lot and she had to fight for Brian’s attention.

“Morning.” She called as she walked into Brian’s house.
“We are in here Tee.”

She walked in to find Michelle in one of Brian’s shirts cooking him and Riley breakfast.

“Sorry, I didn’t know she’d be here.”

Teegan didn’t say a word just turned around and walked out the house. Slamming the door in the process. She hadn’t realized tears where streaming down her face until she got into the car. Brian flew up and chased her out the door. He made it just in time to see her car speed away. It was moments like this she wished she hadn’t faked the whole thing so than she could up on Pete’s doorstep and no one would think anything about it but she couldn’t she didn’t have anywhere to go.

Her cell rang and it was Brian, she answered it.

“Tee why did you leave?”
“I don’t like her.” She stated bluntly.
“Riley wanted to see you.”
“Oh well maybe another day.”
“Teegan what is with you?”
“Nothing okay I’ll see him another day.”
“Fine, but I don’t know why you are mad its not like you remember me anyways” He said bitterly.
“Fuck you Gates.”

She throw her phone into the dashboard breaking it only to realize she had blow it the 3 weeks of faking it. The guys had never once said there stage names in front of her trying not to confuse her with them.

“She called me Gates.” Brian said to Michelle.
“So why does that even matter.”
“We haven’t told her Avenged yet let alone our stage names and we have been careful not to call each other that in her presents so she doesn’t get more confused. That little bitch she knows everything she been playing dumb so she doesn’t have to make decision.”
“She been faking it no way I’ve been around and there’s no way maybe she looked it up on the internet.”
“No she fucking fake it god damn it I fucking new it too.”
“What are you going to do about it.”
“Can you watch Riley?”
“Sure Bri remember I love you.”
“I know.”

He ran to his car and drove to the one place he knew she’d be. He was right her car was right there. He walked down the rocks to the beach and saw her starring out into the water.

“Fuck off.”
“I figured it out you know how long did you expected to keep it up before you slipped up.”
“I don’t fucking know it make my life easier.”
“You do know we have to tell everyone,”
“Do what you Brian I am not coming back.”
“What do you mean your not coming back, what about Riley.”
“Tell him I love him.”
“Teegan why aren’t you coming back we all want you around what are you going to do go run back to Pete.”
“No I’m not I haven’t figured out what I am going to do but I know I have to do it.”
“You love Miichelle?”
“No she was there to replave this void I have in my heart where you are suppose to be.”
“Bullshit and you know it.”
“It’s not Teegan.”
“Bye Brian.” She said getting up walking to her car leaving Brian stunned.

She heard him yelling her name as she ran faster and faster to her car. She got in and sped away to un none destatation.

Brian got into his car and drove home where he got Riley and headed to Matt’s house. Riley cried the whole way there for his mama, but in all honesty he knew she was gone for good this time.
“Matt” Brian yelled walking into the house.
“She’s gone she was faking it and she’s gone.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Theres an other sequel for this but I started writting 2 different story I'm trying to finish writting them before I post them please check them out