Son of the Devil's Wench

Clouds Crying

It was soothing for him, walking through the darkened streets; hair plastered to his white face and neck, eyes red and puffy from tears, voice broken from yelling. But calm now, just from the sounds of the clouds crying and the grizzled, brokenness of world around him.

Edward King was a very wealthy man, and a lot of people knew this, but what people did not know was how he had made his money. Edward King was not a banker, not a doctor, not a business man of any kind, Edward King was a Whore Master. His entire mansion was built off the soiled and broken women of the underworld.

Eighty percent of the rooms in his massive house where the lodgings for the whores, all of which where on call to him and any other who might want 'company' at any hour during the night. Jared was considered one of Edward King's Whores, but not in the normal light. Yes, he had been raped and used as a toy for the older, more perverted level of men. But in reality he was the doll that was kick and tormented so that the women wouldn't be. He was the anger management toy for Edward King's clients.

"Boy. Come here." Jared flinched as he closed the door to the grand entrance of his Father's mansion. "Boy! Come here!" Hanging his head, he walked to the foot of the stairs where Jared's Father stood, arms tight against his sides, mouth a thin but evil line across his face. When Jared stopped, head bowed at his father's feet the evil line spread to an even more evil grin. "A good business friend of mine has arrived somewhat of an..." The man known as Edward King searched for a word to describe his friends potion, but Jared already knew what he was going to say, he already knew the fate that was about to befall him, and the thought scared him. " Angry disposition. So Boy, you shall go to 'That' room and help him relax." Jared didn't move, he didn't want too, he couldn't. "Now Boy!"

~ ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ ~

The kick was aimed for his head, but the impact landed on his chest, not that it made the pain anymore worse. The man that stood above Jared was drunk, pissed drunk and horny, but beating the shit out of Jared was only the starter coarse for this man. And this was only the beginning of a weekend of pain for Jared. This was the beginning for him.

"Stand the fuck up!" The man above Jared bellowed, eyes crossed, swaying dangerously, but pissed, and that was what made Jared force himself to his already aching feet and face the big man. "Your pretty for a little shit..." The man slurred, backing Jared up against the wall, one hand clamped painfully around his neck, the other scrabbled hurriedly for the front of Jared's jeans. "I wanna fuck you dry..." Jared couldn't help it, his mind screamed at him, yelling for him to get away; and he tried, Jared bucked and twisted, bit, and scratched at the man's face. It was only when the massive brute closed his thick meaty fingers tighter around Jared's air way and whispered dangerously in his ear did Jared start yelling, screaming at the top of his voice.

~ ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ ~

"No! Stop it please!" Jared cried as he twisted in the soaked bed sheets around him, the white bed linen was streaked with blood, Jared's own blood. The man stood over him, the man who's name he still didn't know, the man who had been racking Jared's naked body with a knife, forcing him to bleed, and then drinking his blood. The man that stood over Jared was sick in the head, and getting very turned on by Jared's screams. "Come now Sonny Boy," The man whispered as he sat on his knees, hovering over Jared like some kind of executioner. "Let me have a little fun..."