Son of the Devil's Wench

The Story of a Lifetime.

Daily Journal
24 March, 2009

Top Story

Jared King; Aged sixteen years was found dead in the cold rain washed streets early yesterday morning. His body, beaten beyond life was discovered by his friend Rachel West on her morning walk to school. Investigators are looking into his school and home life, and they are discovering more then they wished to know.

Edward King, the unfortunate boy's father was arrested hours later that day when they found that his one hundred and fifteen room house was found to room almost two hundred prostitutes, and thousand of indecent child images, most of them depicting images of the boy, Jared King, in ether the nude or being tortured by hundreds of different men; all of which are being sought out to be punished correctly.

Mr.King has also been charged with child abandonment and neglect as well as child prostitution.

Rachel West, a girl known to be Jared's only 'friend' in school said. "I had only known Jared a little while, but even I knew something was wrong, he always looked so beaten when he came to school in the morning. I just wish I had done something instead of being the problem for all those years. I'm so sorry Jared." Rachel was later taken home from school, this terrible event too much for the poor girl to handle.

Another boy from St.Chad's high school has also been taken into custody to answer questions on repeated accounts of bulling that had been reported against both Jared and a number of other students.

Head Master Judy Finch had to say this about Jared also. "Jared was a quiet, soft spoken young man, always ready to help out and generous with his time. I don't think anyone in this school had any idea what the poor boy went through at home. I just wish I had seen it sooner, if I had then maybe we would still have Jared King with us today. And for that I am truly sorry. He really was his name sake, a King. His smile will shine on through us until the end of time."

Jared King.
Long may you rest in our hearts.

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So this brings us to the end of our story....

Not a long story, but a heartbreaking one.

A tale of loss and regret.

Sins and sadness...
