Ashes and Wine

Day Two


I woke up with a feeling of dread in my stomach. Ever since I walked in and saw Sam standing there, the feeling stayed and clawed at me from the inside, out. I figured I should convince Ella to get out of the house for the day, just to get her mind off things. Well, to get her away from that douche too. I’m really worried about what he did last night. I didn’t want to ask Ella about it and make things worse, but I needed to know! After the whole comment about inferring he would kill someone, I really started to consider packing up our stuff and leaving, but what about Leila? Does she realize how much of a whack job he really is? If things go any further, I’m leaving with Ella. There is no way I would leave her here.

My arms were around her petite figure and she was curled into my chest. I loved the way she fit so perfectly against me. How she had that faint smile on her face when I pulled her closer.

She woke up slowly, as if she was savoring the last few minutes of the tranquil atmosphere. She looked up at me and smiled a silly grin. She arched her back, pressing herself into me before relaxing her head on my chest again; shortly after her breathing evened out. Oh, how she loves to tease me.

After another thirty minutes she woke up. She yawned, and then leaned up to kiss my cheek. “Good morning.”

“You too.” She kept her head on me while tracing random patterns on my stomach. I flexed and she laughed. “You don’t have to prove anything to me, Nick. You’re cute, so you got that going for ya.”

Smiling, I asked her, “What else do I have going for me?”

“Hm, tough one,” She said smirking. “Kidding. You have your killer looks, your smartness, and those glasses. Oh, those glasses…”

“Ha. What are you talking about?” My glasses?

She sat up. “You are so blind Nick!”

“Um, yeah. That’s why I wear glasses, Ella.”

Laughing, she leaned over me, her stomach making an appearance. She grabbed my glasses off the bedside table. She turned them over in her hands, examining them before putting them on herself. I had to laugh; she looked ridiculously cute, squinting her eyes in attempt to see clearly. “Every time you put these on, any female you walk past melts… and the occasional gay dude.”

I shook my head. “No they don’t.”

She sighed and took off the glasses, handing them to me. After sitting up, I took them, putting them on slowly. In a quiet voice she stated, “Well, even if they don’t, I surely do.”

My stomach jumped, and a smile over came my face. “Hey, let’s go see where everyone is.” I nodded and we went into the kitchen to see a note was on the table. It said: Hey sleepy heads! The door was locked… I wonder why? Sam and I are gone for the day, so see you later! Behave yourselves!!

I rolled my eyes. Shouldn’t be that hard…

I glanced over at Ella for her reaction. But instead of finding a reaction, I found my boxers. They were rolled so many times they actually looked like plaid pajama shorts. “Hey, Ella?”

“Hmm?” She looked up at me.

“Is there a reasonable explanation pertaining to why you’re wearing my boxers?” She blushed as I smiled in satisfaction.

“I-um- love you?” I raised an eyebrow and she quickly added, “A lot? Please don’t hurt me!”

I laughed, and she sighed from behind her fingers.


We had decided to go on a bike ride earlier today and bring a picnic along for lunch. It was great. I love spending time with Nick. He used to be like the brother I never had. But I don’t know anymore. Things are just different now.

After the picnic, we fed what was left to the ducks we saw in a pond down the path from where we ate. Nick, being the masculine man he was, decided he was invincible and tried to catch one. Let’s just say he’s lucky he walked away with all of his fingers intact.

Right now, we are sitting at the edge of the pond on the blanket we brought for the picnic. The sun was just starting to go into hiding and the result was blinding shades of rose and violet.

“Hey, I think we should start heading back now. If we don’t we won’t be able to see a thing.” I nodded and stated to stand. We made it home just as the sun set behind the wall of trees. As we passed Sam’s car in the drive, I noticed our bedroom light flick off. The lump in my throat rose slightly. Nick opened the shed door and started to push his bike to the far corner. I followed suit, careful not to knock anything out of its place. Once they were put away, Nick turned to leave but I was in the way. I didn’t want to go inside just yet. He knew that, but led me out of the shed anyway. His arm went around me as we broke the threshold. It didn’t calm my stomach, but it helped me to know he was there, nonetheless. Let’s just hope things don’t get out of hand in front of Leila. “Hello?” I called out.

“In here! Come on in,” she called back from her bedroom. Deciding to go with my gut, I didn’t look in the room.

“That’s ok. Nick and I are just going to eat and head to bed quick. It’s been a long day.”

She appeared in the door way, wearing nothing but a skimpy tank top and some boy short underwear. “Alright, I’ll see you in the morning then.” She smiled her simple smile and closed the door between us. As I looked up at Nick he was looking at our bedroom door, which was firmly closed, with worry etched on his face. Apparently he saw the light flick off also. “Come on; let’s go get some water boiling. I’ll make Mac n’ Cheese.”

He couldn’t resist. I mean who could?


Breathe Nick, breathe.

Ok. I definitely need to calm down. But what could he have been doing in our room? We’ll probably have to look around quick before we go to sleep. I’ll just pray he won’t do anything the rest of the night. It’s not as if he’d try anything though with Laila keeping him company. If I can just eat and get Ella to bed she should be safe, and locked away from anything that could potentially scar her more than she probably already is. I swear to God if he puts his hand on her, his ass is mine.

Ok, maybe not. He is decently built from what I’ve seen of him… And by the way he lifted me up… Oh, how life loves to hate me.

“Hey Nick, can you get the milk and butter out for me please?”


The noodles still had another five minutes to cook, but he looked as if he was going to hit something. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him wear that expression before. I watched him slowly open the fridge. His knuckles white with anger. His eye’s gleaming with hate. I reached out and laid my finger tips upon his shoulder as he reached for the sticks of butter. I felt him go stiff before he glanced at me then back at his hand which held a slightly opened stick of butter with indents on the lateral edges. He placed it on the corner and placed the half gallon of milk next to it. “Nick, are you ok?”

He simply shook his head and pulled me into the biggest hug I’ve ever received. His right hand snuck up and rested on the back of my head, gently clutching at my hair and holding me to him. “I-”

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite couple! Isn’t this just so cute?” I tried to pull back from Nick but his grip was too strong. I looked up at him and he was seething, glaring at Sam. I turned back to see a smirking Sam. A glass was sitting in his hand. I heard a sizzling to my right. Shit, the noodles. I managed to get away from Nick to turn the burner off and stir the foam until it settled. Breathing, I managed to strain the water from the noodles through the tension. A glass was set next to the strainer at the same time a hand was placed a little higher on my thigh than I liked. Frozen. That’s exactly how I felt. My breath caught in my throat, my lungs tightening. My jaw set, hands clenched around the stainless steel within them. I could practically hear his enjoyment bursting from my own discomfort. And then, the bastard decided he had some balls in him after all and inched his hand up my shorts, grazing my underwear. I may have been in gross situations with Sophie, but never has someone put their hands in my pants.


“Touch me like that one more time…”

That was all I had to say before Nick’s hands made contact with Sam’s chest. “Stay the hell away from her,” he growled coming between the two of us.

Sam laughed. “Didn’t know you had it in ya, pretty boy,” he said walking backwards slowly as Leila called for him. He winked in my direction before returning to his girlfriend.

My eyes drifted shut, knowing what I had to do. I was letting him get to me and that pissed me off more than anything else did. I can’t stand this much longer.

I felt Nick grab my hand, and I suddenly felt weak. It was becoming more evident I wasn’t in control or calm anymore. “I lost my appetite. Do you want me to finish making it for you?”

He shook his head, “Let’s just head to bed.”

And we did without another word.
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I didn't like it as much when I re-read it =/
Hope you guys liked it