Status: Done Hope You Liked It. R.I.P. Jimmy!

Scream For Me Its Almost Easy.

Huntington High.


(A/N: I know Johnny didn't go to Huntington but I am putting him in here as a grade 10.)

Sam's POV

Walking to school you felt a rain drop fall on your cheek. Smiling as you continued to walk towards Huntington High. Soon the rain started to drive down as you walked to the school for the first day of your last year of high school.

Person- Stormer!

You looked over your shoulder towards the parking lot where your four best friends were running towards the school. You just continued to walk slowly towards the main door where they were all waiting that was until Zack ran at you scooping you up over his shoulder and bolting towards the school.

Zack- Fuck your soaked.

You- So?

Matt- So your probably gonna get sick.

You- Again I say so?

Jimmy- So who is gonna help us get into trouble and such for our final year here if your sick?

You just smiled and walked into home room where the guys moved to the back Brian dragging you with them even though you would have rather sat up front.

Brian- Why don't you ever want to sit back here?

You- I just would rather know whats going on this year.

Matt- Ok nerd.

You just flipped him off which made the rest of the guys laugh. Brian pulled you onto his lap you didn't notice the look on Zack's face when Brian did that Cause you were arguing with Matt.

Teacher- Miss Phillips and Mr Sanders please quiet down or I will have to send you both to the office.

You both shut up and listened to the rest of the teachers yapping then you were off to your first class which flew by.

Zack's POV

After home room we all moved out to our first classes. Thank god they flew by not like you were paying attention. Your mind your mind was on other things. Like your best friend. Sam has been coming into your thoughts as more than just a friend. At least that is what the dreams you have been having lately have been implying. You were brought out of your thoughts by Jimmy.

Jimmy- Where is Sam?

Brian- Who knows where that little hotty is.

Your head snapped up as you glared at Brian before heading through the line for food with the guys.

Brian- What's your problem?

You- Nothing.

Matt- There is Sam.

He pointed and your gaze followed to Sam walking outside in the rain you chuckled.

You- She doesn't learn does she?

The rest of your friends shook their heads no. Saying later to the guys you headed out to sit with her as you walked up you saw her holding a script for the fall drama production.

You- Hey can I sit here?

Sam's POV

It was still raining as you headed out into the grounds for lunch.but you didn't care you went to a slightly sheltered part of the yard reading a script for the fall production Hercules. When Zack ran up.

Zack- Hey can I sit here?

You nodded and moved over a bit so he could sit with you. He was one of your best friends he understood you like no one else. Zack was the one that saw your interest in singing dancing and acting and gave you a gentle nudge towards preforming.

Zack- So who are you gonna be in this?

He said as he grabbed the script.

You- Possibly one of the muses but I am not sure yet.

Zack- You should be Meg.

Blushing you looked away at the pouring rain. You felt his hand on your chin turning you back to him.

Zack- Why cant you see how talented you are?

You- I just don't have the guts like you or the rest of the guys do to just get out there no matter the talent I may have.

I said talent with air quotes which made him laugh a laugh that would have made me weak in the knees if I wasn't sitting down...Wait oh wow am I falling for my best friend? I decided to put the thought out of my head.

Zack sighed and tossed a arm around me I leaned onto his shoulder.

Zack- Wanna ditch and just hang today?

You- I would if auditions weren't today.

He nodded and you ran in as the bell rang for the start of the afternoon classes. Well he ran you walked.

Zack- Come on slow poke.

Soon school was over for the day and you were at the auditions for the school production.

Zack's POV

You- Lets go.

Matt- Where?

You- To watch Stormer audition.

Brian- Why do you call her Stormer?

You- Cause she loves storms.

He looked at you with a ok then look before you all walked towards the theatre. On your way in you saw the punk ass jerk Johnny Seward.

Johnny- Where are you losers going this is a closed audition.

Brian- Do you hear something?

You- Nope.

He stood in our way which caused Matt and Jimmy to laugh.

Johnny- No one is allowed in.

You- SAM!

You kept shouting till she came out and put her hand on your mouth to muffle your yells. Which you keep just yelling random stuff while her hand is on your mouth.

Sam- What do you want?

You- Mu sund dee uppa.

Sam- Huh?

She removed her hand and looked at you funny.

You- We wanna watch the auditions.

Brian- But this fuck wont let us.

He pointed at Johnny.

Sam- I cant let you guys in.

You- But.

Sam- Sorry.

She pushed Johnny off her and into a wall when he tried to put his arm around her. You all fell to the floor laughing as he got up and tried to glare at us.

Jimmy- Lets go up through the upper level door like the balcony area.

You nodded and headed up getting there just in time to see Sam go up for her audition.
She sang one of the songs that the muses sing in the play.

Matt- She has a great voice. Why dosen't she ever sing with us?

You- She is shy.

Jimmy & Brian- No DUH!

You all ducked as everyone looked up to the top. Soon they finished the auditions you ran down pushing Johnny out of the way. It was funny as he ran into the wall.

Sam- Oh my god!

You- You were amazing.

Sam- How did you know?

You- We were up there.

You pointed up as Matt Brian and Jimmy came down the stairs.

Brian- Come on lets go to the park.

Jimmy- To the SPOT!

Matt- Sounds like a plan.

You told Sam to get on your back. She jumped on and you all ran to Matt's car in the parking lot. It had stopped raining so he put down the top. He started the car and just as we were about to pull out a group of stupid fucks showed up in front of our car lead by Johnny.

Sam- Johnny get your goons out of the way.

Person- Shut up bitch.

This got you pissed.

Johnny- Is little Zacky mad that we called that little bitch a bitch?

Sam's POV

Johnny just said the worst thing in the world to Zack and the guys he insulted me.

Brian- She is no bitch she is ten times better than any stupid little whore that follows you around.

You covered your mouth to stop a laugh that squeaked out.

Johnny- Thats it.

He kicked the front of Matt's car which caused him to jump out and chase after Johnny. All of a sudden its a fucking battle ground as Zack and the guys are fighting at least 30 other people.

Jimmy- Sam run.

You- No.

Zack- Please.

You got up and bolted out running to the door only to be jumped by three of said whores. You fought your way through them and ran into the office where they saw your bloody nose and head.

You- Parking lot.

Some of the male teachers headed out to the parking lot. You got up and headed after them. When you got there you saw the guys all taken over by like six guys.


Teacher- Miss Phillips language.

You moved over to the guys who had been separated from the group. The teachers got everyone's sides of the story and handed out what detentions seemed perfect. Zack moved to you when he saw the blood. Putting his hand to my face he looked over the damage.

Zack- Sam are you ok?

You nodded. Heading back to Matt's car. All the guys were looking at you as you drove to Matt's parents house. As soon as you walked in the door Mrs. Sanders ran to you.

Mrs.Sanders- Oh my school called what happened?

Zack- Some jackasses insulted Sam so we took care of it.

Matt nodded as Brian and Jimmy went to clean up. You followed before calling home to talk to your mother who didn't pick up it was one of her assholes she called father figures for me. I tried to stay away when she was in a slunk a word Zack and I had come up with when she when into slut mode.My dad had died seven years ago and she had not been the same since.After grabbing one of Matt's bunny hugs you went into the master bedroom.

Mrs. Sanders- Hello dear are you feeling better?

You nodded and told her about your mom.

You- if she doesn't get out of these funks I don't want to live with her anymore. Part of me just wants to leave Huntington.

Mrs. Sanders- Now don't think like that you have the boys and all of the parents LOVE HAVING YOU AROUND!

She shouted the last part as the guys started to practice. You smiled and headed into the garage.

Jimmy waved tossing a stick in the air you waved back sitting on a bean bag chair.

Matt- Sam come and sing.

You- Nope.

He pouted and made you smile. The guys finished up and decided to head into town for supper. Yelling goodbyes you climbed into Matt's car. Matt's mom came out and waved bye.

Zack's POV

After dinner Sam walked off towards the beach and I told the guys that I would take care of her and they could go home. As I made it to one of the rock formations I heard her crying. Moving in front of her I grabbed her chin gently and made her look at me my heart almost broke.

You- Whats wrong Stormer?

Sam- My mom is at it again.

You- Slunking?

She nodded as you wiped away her tears. You hated seeing her sad. Kissing her cheek you pulled her into a hug from behind as you pulled her into your lap as you sat talking and watching the sunset. You were for sure falling for your best friend and nothing in the world ever felt more right.
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I only own Sam and whatever other girls I may bring into it but I own nothing in relation to the guys.