Status: Done Hope You Liked It. R.I.P. Jimmy!

Scream For Me Its Almost Easy.

I'm In Over My Head...


Zack's POV

After the ceremony I had no chance to find Sam to give her, her hat back. Well I guess I can wait for tomorrow to give it to her you thought as you walked back to your parents’ car to grab your suit before heading to Matt's with the guys to get dressed. They were pissed at me but I'm still one of their best friends so we had decided to go to Prom together no matter what. Walking back over to the guys you saw Mr. & Mrs. Sanders pulling away with Sam in the back seat; you caught her gaze for a minute before she broke it as the car sped off.

Matt- Hey man you ok?

You- No I'm not. I fucked up big but I gotta win her back, why isn't she riding with us?

Brian- She is headed off to get ready early because.... Chris is picking her up.

He mumbled the last part but you were sure you heard him correctly as you snapped the hanger your suit was on in two.

Jimmy- Apparently he heard you dude.

You- WHY?

Brian- You two broke up dude, and he asked her, well actually he asked their dad first then Sam and now they are going.

You- We have to fuck that up, Chris is an arrogant son of a bitch.

The guys nodded knowing I was right but they also knew that Sam would be ready to kill us if we did something really bad, man do I hate my life....

Sam's POV

I was worried about being home, knowing that the guys were coming here to get ready, Chris my ex was taking me, part of me would rather be going with Zack but he fucked that up didn't he? Sighing as you turned and thanked your mom for the way your hair looked, curly and slightly up so there was volume and it was hanging higher than normal but it wasn't an actual updo.

You- Wow it looks amazing...

Mrs. Sanders- You are going to be the belle of the ball.

You heard the guys come in a few minutes after you did, they seemed to be sitting in the living room, no doubt to make Chris nervous, you put on your shoes and did final primping, next thing you know the doorbell rang.

You- It's time.

Walking down you heard the guys stop talking your eyes looking over your friends, the man your heart still belonged to, and Chris. Who was neither but you knew the guys were gonna go together tonight, so you had no choice.

Chris- Wow you look amazing.

You- Thank you, you look handsome.

He kissed your cheek as your dad took a picture of you two, Chris gave you your corsage, it was a simple White Lilly, you smiled lightly at Chris as your eyes looked over to your friends, none of them looked happy, but Zack, he looked furious, and very heartbroken. Soon you were out of there and heading to the stretch limo which had Chris, Mike and a few of their friends and girlfriends. Alex was in there but she was the only one of Sarah's group, because she was a drama nerd like the rest of us.

You- Hey. You look good.

Alex- Thanks so do you. I have something to tell you, don't be mad ok?

You- No promises...

Moving with her to the front of the limo she told you the most shocking news you had heard all year.

Alex- I took Ipecac Syrup to make me sick during the fall production to make you get the lead, you deserved it way more than me, I'm sorry if Sarah or anyone else gave you a hard time about it.

You- Wha... wow...

She chuckled as you finally said it was ok as you headed into LA to one of the hotels for the big night. You wished you could shake the feeling of uneasiness but it was not going away... tonight is gonna suck.

Zack's POV

You guys were all in LA already as you were waiting for the rest of the senior class to show up before you headed in for the night. The last group to show up was Sam's, soon you saw the white limo pull up and stop right in front of you all, the driver got out and headed to the back door and helped everyone out the last one out was Sam, your eyes starting on her feet moving up her skirt to her arms, chest, neck, and last but not least her beautiful face. She thanked the driver and then moved over and the fucking prick Chris moved up behind her and held her as Alex took a picture of them, he dipped her as he kissed her neck. You were about to walk over there and kick the crap out of him till he couldn't fight back, when Jimmy spoke up.

Jimmy- Calm down Zack.

You- NO!

That caused everyone to look at you, your eyes on Sam only, this is when you first noticed she looked sadder than she should be, and you knew that it was all my fault. Heading into the big ball room you guys were sitting on one side of the room while Sam and her group were on the other side, Chris the son of a bitch had his hands constantly on her as they walked to their table, even when he sat down he kept his arm on her chair. I turned away not wanting to see her with him, she should be here with me! I fiddled with the necklace that I had given her, that she gave back when we broke up. Looking to the stage where Mr. Zane was to announce something...

Mr. Zane- Now to start off the festivities, we are gonna have all the fathers dance with their daughters and mothers dance with their son's while the servers bring out supper.

They played a song and Mr. Sanders walked over to Sam.

You then got up and walked to your mom.

You- May I have this dance mom?

Mrs. Baker- Of course Zachary.

Dancing with her was kind of fun you moved across the floor and towards Sam, you bumped into her a moment later.

Sam- Ouch.

She looked at you before smiling at your mom and turning her head away.

Mrs. Baker- You look beautiful tonight dear.

Sam- Thank you very much, you look amazing as well, all of you do.

She looked at you quickly before the song ended, as she started to walk away, you grabbed her hand she turned to look at you her face almost unreadable minus a slight sadness in her amazing brown eyes.

You- Will you give me some time tonight to talk to you?

She wanted to say no, you could tell but she looked at the floor and nodded. Smiling you lifted up her hand and kissed it before whispering.

You- I will text you later.

She nodded again, before you could do anything else Chris came up and pulled her away, her eyes catching yours just briefly before she sat down. The night started to go by faster and faster till you were at the bar with the guys getting some pop... damn drinking age haha. As you were standing there you heard Mike and a few of Chris's other guy friends talk about something that made all four of your bloods boil.

Mike- Yea so he is gonna take her to the pent house and fuck her good.

Steve- Payback for her not giving him any when they were dating.

Quinn- Yep that bitch hasn't seen nothing yet, Chris should thank Baker for being a fuck up.

Jack- You said it man, so are we betting on when or how long?

Mike & Steve- Both?

They started to head outside to do some pot that Jack had held up, when Quinn said he had to go give Chris something. You turned to the guys before you Jimmy and Brian followed the three that were outside while Matt waited for Quinn. Once outside... well let’s just say its good it was dark, we kicked the living crap out of the four of them, now we just had to warn Sam about Chris's plan. I texted her.

Text- Sam can we have our talk now? Please?

Reply- Sure... I'm in the garden thing.

You told the guys to text you if they saw Chris heading to the garden area as you walked to Sam. She was facing the waterfall so she didn't see you come up, you wrapped your arms around her and kissed her neck, she sighed/moaned a little and squirmed in your grip, you just chuckled lightly.

Sam- Oh Zack...

You- How did you know it was me?

She turned and looked at you with an eyebrow raised.

Sam- You are the only guy in the senior class to have snakebites.

She said like I was retarded, I just laughed. Looking down she noticed the necklace, she then looked back up at you, your eyes begging her silently to take you back.

You- I know I fucked up but I really would love it if you gave me one chance to make it up to you. Please Sammy, Stormer I love you, I just knew everything we would do would be nothing but amazing, including sex which is why I was pushing, I know it was wrong but I just wanted to have you be mine completely...

She kissed you lightly catching you off guard as you held her to you. After a moment you parted, you looked at her intently your eyes full of shock, happiness, excitement, love, and more.

Sam- I was planning on surprising you on your birthday or mine I was hoping I was worth waiting for...

You- You are I was just over come with the pleasure of us being together, I will wait till you are ready, will you be my girl again?

Sam- Yes I will.

She kissed you again after you put the necklace on her, only to be interrupted a moment later by Chris... and his goons... thank god the guys were on their tails. Matt was holding your cell, you mentally slapped yourself as you held Sam to you as Chris approached her.

Chris- Baby what are you doing?

Sam- Talking to my boyfriend, look Chris I didn't want you to think anything was gonna happen tonight at all, but apparently you did but thanks to some unnamed sources I found out what you were planning, but even before that I was not planning on going with you tonight, yes Zack and I had a fight but it was stupid, we are back together now so just leave me and my friends be... what happened to you guys?

She looked at his friends as you all sniggered, looking at all of you with an eyebrow raised before she smirked giving us her approval. Chris started to pull her out of my grip and that is when I lost it. I moved Sam back to the guys where the guys stood by her in case any of his goons tried to start shit, while it took you one punch to knock Chris the fuck out. He fell into the water before you all headed back into the party with your girl back on your arm... everything was feeling right again... you just hoped you weren’t gonna fuck up again... haha.
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Cute? Lame? I know I should have made Sam make Zack fight for her more but come on give me a break it's Zacky V! Hahahahaha