Status: Done Hope You Liked It. R.I.P. Jimmy!

Scream For Me Its Almost Easy.

A Fortunate Change Of Events!


Sam's POV

It was the day after prom and the entire senior class planned to hang out at Huntington Beach for the entire day followed by a camp out on the beach. You were just sitting off by the water when you felt arms wrap around you... but they were unwelcome arms... Chris's.

Chris- Baby give me another chance please.

You got up and started to walk towards the guys when he grabbed you and tossed you to the ground.

You- Get off of me!

Chris- No Baby, you will give me what I want!


He placed his hand over your mouth to muffle your screams but you just bit his hand.

Chris- Fuckin.....

He was on his ass a second later thanks to a punch to the jaw from...Matt.

You- Matt? Thanks.

Matt- No problem Baby Doll.

You smiled as he helped you up giving you a big hug, as Chris got back up to try again... man he doesn't quit... fucking loser... what was I thinking when I dated him? That thought was interrupted a second later by Brian knocking Chris the hell out for the night. Feeling Zack's hands on your hips he turned you to look at him.

Zack- Baby are you ok?

You nodded and kissed him before turning back to Brian and hugging him.

You- Thanks Brian.

Brian- No problem Snugglykins.

Looking up at him you laughed before heading back to the bond fire leaving Chris on the sand. His goons ran to him as we headed back to our nook of the party. All the while Zack was being a nervous nelly worrying about you.

You- I swear I am fine Zachary!

Jimmy- You dun didded useded his first name even holy cripes!

After settling back down you guys just sat and had more fun talking to your fellow class mates... well some of them most of the popular click didn't come near you. Soon your eyes wandered over the scene you saw a girl sitting where you had been earlier, you decided to see if she wanted to hang with you guys she had been there for a while and you thought it couldn't hurt, as you started to walk away Jimmy asked where you were going, so you told him he decided to tag along. Walking over to the girl she turned as she heard Jimmy singing/ yelling and you laughing.


Plopping down beside the girl you put out your hand and said.

You- Hey I'm Sam, sup?

Girl- Not much I'm Gina Zuniga. How are you? What's going on over there?

You- Oh its Huntington Highs 1999 graduating class. Would you like to come hang with us, my friends are cool, it would also be nice to have another girl in the group, cause I'm with them.

You pointed at the guys who had started their own fire pit, you turned back to her and she nodded. Getting up you collected Jimmy from the beach where he was doing face down sand angels. You looked over Gina she seemed like she was gonna fit in just perfectly, she had black hair with slight purple highlights, fringed bangs, green/hazel eyes, curvy.
She also had a couple tattoos Karma left wrist, Fiction down spine, est. 6661 right wrist, "memories of us to see I beg don't leave me" down left side, "hollywood whore" down right side, guns pointing down on both hips, live pretty fuck hard on lower back, "snitches get stitches" with brass knuckles on left shoulder, and shadows harlot inside of lip.
Her piercings were Tongue and bellybutton. Moving back to the guys where Zack attacked your lips in a feverish kiss or two before parting so you could introduce Gina.

You- Guys this is Gina she just moved here from Arizona and is gonna hang with us because I have realized I no longer want to be the only girl in our group.

This was met with shocked gasps from the guys you moved back beside her smiling as you introduced the guys.

You- Well this is Zack, Matt, Brian, and Jimmy. Johnny you will meet later but the poor bugger is still in grade ten so he is stuck back at HH for another two years.

Gina- I take it Zack is your man?

You nodded rolling your eyes at Zack who just stuck his tongue out at you two as you moved over between Brian and Matt and just continued to get to know your new friend.

Jimmy- I'm hungry!

He shouted around noon the next morning, you were asleep... well trying to sleep in Zack's arms as he shook you two awake.

Zack- Then go get food!

You giggled into his chest as he held you tighter before you were ripped from his grip by Brian.

Zack- Gates let go of my woman!

Brian- No we are off to Applebees for food and this was the only way to get your ass up.

He got up and tried to get you down from Brian's shoulder as you walked into Applebees.

Girl- Welcome to Applebees for how many?

Brian turned with you on him still as he counted. Causing you and the girl to yelp.

Brian- Six please.

She lead you to a table where he flopped you down onto it.

You- Dinner is served.

Zack- For me maybe.

He looked at you with a seductive grin as you moved and sat between Matt and Brian, leaving Gina in between Zack and Jimmy oops!

Server- Welcome to Applebees I'm Payton and I will be your server, is there anything I can get you to drink?

You ordered and chatted for a bit till she brought the drinks, that is when Jimmy turned bright pink before getting out of the booth and proclaiming.

Jimmy- Hey purdy lady wanna hang out when you get off work?

Payton- Umm

Her eyes got big before she turned and walked away you jumped over Matt and out of the booth before finding Payton... who was by the bar.

You- Umm Payton I would like to say sorry for Jimmy he gets funny around really good looking girls. He is harmless I swear I have known him since he was only this much taller than me.

I held my hand up about as tall as Jimmy is now from me which caused her to laugh, she seems like a really cool chick after she calmed down, she came back to take your orders... the rest of the time you just talked and had a blast with your friends before deciding what to do for the rest of the day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Matt and Jimmy are now TAKEN! Johnny and Brian need women still so please message me if you want them!

stephyniie Payton
harlot4shadows Gina
Are the ones that have Jimmy and Matt!