Status: Done Hope You Liked It. R.I.P. Jimmy!

Scream For Me Its Almost Easy.



Zack’s POV

Sam and I walked back to our end of town it was around two am. She was about to head home when I spoke up.

You- Stay over tonight I don’t want you walking in on anything that you might not wanna see.

She nodded. Its not like she hasn’t slept over before many times since elementary school. Being the only girl at most of my birthday parties. All the other girls tried to get my attention but my eyes were always on Sam from the first day I met her in kindergarten. Well at least like a friend in kindergarten it grew to much more through high school. We arrived at my parents house I opened the door to find my mom sitting up reading.

Mrs. Baker- About time you got home. Oh hello Samantha how are you hun?

Sam- Good thanks and yourself?

Mrs. Baker- I’m well thank you. Would you like some tea or hot chocolate before bed?

She nodded totally ignoring the look on my face.

Mrs. Baker- I think my son is not too happy with that decision.

Sam looked back and giggled. My heart melted.

Sam- Looks like it. Grow up Zacky lets get something to drink before bed.

Mom got tea for herself and Sam while I made hot chocolate. We then headed up to my room. Well I dragged Sam up as she talked to my mom.

Sam- Night Mrs. Baker. What is wrong with you?

I had my arm around her waist as we walked into my room.

You- I just want you all to myself.

Sam- You had me for five hours all to yourself.

She laughed as she removed her bunny hug tossing it on to a chair she then proceeded to rifle through my boxer drawer until she found what she was looking for. How I knew was she ah ha’d before ducking into my bathroom coming out in my Marvin the Martian boxers and her black silk tank top. While she changed I stripped my shorts and shirt off leaving me in my boxers. I smiled at her as I put in a movie then patted the bed beside me and she handed me her cup as she got in leaning next to me but not right on me. I breathed in the sweet smell of her shampoo before zoning into the movie.

Sam- This is nice.

You- Yea. Just like old times.

She laughed and sat up turning to look at me.

Sam- Do you remember what happened on this bed at your 13th birthday?

You- How could I forget?

Sam & You- My first kiss.

You looked at each other shocked. She blushed and giggled looking into her tea cup. One day soon those lips would mesh with yours again and it drove you crazy because soon was taking too long. Your eyes never left hers as she leaned in and kissed your cheek.

Sam- I think we should get to bed. Its late.

You relaxed and moved Sam so she was laying on your chest as you wrapped your arms around her protectively she was listening to your heart beat and your breathing as you both fell asleep.

Sam’s POV

You woke up looking around when you remembered you were at Zack’s. He had his arm over your waist protectively as he snored lightly you giggled before falling back to sleep.

Zack’s POV

You woke up to a mess of long brown hair. Smiling you hugged Sam a little and kissed the top of her head and cheek you hesitated before kissing her neck lightly as well before getting out of bed to get some food. When you came down the stairs the guys were just walking in.

Brian- So did you make sweet sweet love to your best friend last night?

That caught you off guard as the guys started to laugh.

You- What?

Jimmy- You do know we know you like Sam.

You- Yea I like her. You guys like her too.

Matt- No we love her like a sister. You love her like a soul mate.

Brian- Yep.

You sat on the counter in just your boxers. (A/N: Zack + boxers = fucking HOT!) Shaking your head as you just admitted your feelings for your best girl to your best guys. You all quieted down as Sam walked in. She was in one of my shirts with the Marvin the Martian boxers under it. She looked so cute. My grin grew as she stretched.

Sam- Morning all.

The guys said heys. You grabbed the phone as it rang it was Sam’s mom.

You- Stormer phone.

She took it saying thanks. You watched her face till she turned away whispering something. After she hung up she walked out of the kitchen. We all watched her walk out concerned.

Jimmy & Brian- SAM?

Matt- Samantha?

You- Stormer?

She came back down dressed and headed out the door. Grabbing pants from the clean laundry you all bolted out of the door and ran to Sam’s. Thank god it wasn’t far she just lives two blocks away from you. Getting to her house you almost knocked but Brian stopped you. He put a finger to his lips so you could hear Sam and her mother argue. You heard Matt's car pull up as he and Jimmy walked up.





As they continued to argue you heard some things break which got you all to run in fearing for Sam’s life. When you came in her mother was breaking things in the living room Sam was in the kitchen grabbing things that she owned.

You- Are you ok?

She looked shocked and sad that you were seeing this she nodded wiping her tears away.


Brian- Chill god.

Jimmy- We will leave.

Matt- Yea.

You- As soon as we help Sam pack.

Mrs. P- She is NOT leaving with you.


Sam- If you ever cared about me even for one moment in your life please just let me go. You can live your life and I will live mine. Please mom just let me go.

She was balling her mom started to cry when she looked down.

Mrs. P- Fine get out.

Sam tried to hug her mom but when she refused to let Sam touch her she gave up and headed up stairs to get her stuff we all grabbed what she wanted and needed to take. In the middle of it she broke down she went to sit on the bed but she missed falling to the floor sobbing. Matt was the first one to get to her he always treated her like a little sister so it hurt him just as much as it hurt any of us to see her in pain.

Matt- Whats wrong baby doll?

Sam- Where am I gonna live?

Matt- At my house.

Sam- Your parents wont mind?

Matt- Not at all you heard my mom yesterday she would love it.

She nodded smiling as Brian helped her up. She smiled at the guys before coming to me to help me finish packing. As we walked out Sam looked at her mother one last time before the door shut on that part of her life for good.

Matt’s POV

You- Mom?

As you walked in with Sam’s stuff you headed off to find your mom.

Mrs. Sanders- Yes Matt? Whats wrong?

She looked at you hard till you told her about Sam. She ran to the living room and hugged her Sam broke down again. Sam was always like a sister for you and Jimmy Brian and Zack had looked at her in more of a romantic role. That was until Zack’s feelings surpassed Brian’s. Then he became a third brother for her but you secretly felt that he still wanted more from her. You were brought out of your thoughts by you mom telling you to go get the guest bedroom set up for Sam. The guys went to get the rest of her stuff from your car.

Sam- Thanks Matt.

You- No problem little sis.

Sam- Ha.

You hugged her then helped her unpack as the guys came in.

Jimmy- Now what to do?

You- No idea.

Zack- Food?

You all said yes and headed downstairs Sam jumped on your back at the end of the stairs. Smiling you ran into the kitchen only to see Justin standing in the kitchen.

You- Sup?

Justin- I have to leave the band.

Sam- Why?

Justin- Family is moving to Florida so I wont be here.

Brian- Well that blows. Today is just full of shitty fucking news.

Justin- What else happened?

We told Justin about Sam. Who was still on my back.

Sam- Technically it turned out to be good news.

Jimmy- She is right. But that sucks man I hope you can find a kick ass band in Florida to hang with.

Justin left and we grabbed food well Sam grabbed mine and hers since she was still on my back.

Sam- OK Matty let me down please.

I let her down and sat down only to have her sit on my lap causing everyone to laugh.

You- Why don’t you take one of the empty chairs?

Sam- I don’t wanna your more comfy.

She giggled as Brian and Jimmy fell off their chairs. Then she got serious.

Sam- Who are you guys gonna have play bass?

We all shrugged.

Zack- You

Sam- Hell the fuck no.

You- Why not?

Sam- Cause I cant even try out for the lead in the school play without wanting to barf. But I do know someone who is a good bassist. He is an ass but he is a good bassist.

She got up taking her dishes to the dishwasher as she was about to leave Brian ran to her dropping to his knees as he held her there till she told us who it was.

Brian- Sammy Boodles tell me who it is?

Sam- Crimeenelly Trigger back the fuck off.

You all fell out of your chairs as Brian tightened his grip to keep from losing her as he laughed.

You- Come on Sam who is it?

Sam- Johnny Seward

Zack- Hell to the no. Do you not remember yesterday sweetie?

She looked at him funny when he said sweetie but nodded none the less.

Sam- Yes I remember but I have to hear him play during every single production so I know he is good. He may be a cocky son of a bitch but he is good. Who knows maybe he will change his tune if we give him a chance?

You nodded then started to laugh as Sam was trying to head upstairs with the dead weight of Brian on her.

Sam- If you want to come with me that is fine but let me go Synyster Gates.

All- Synyster Gates?

Sam- He is blocking me so a gate blocks you and he is sinister so ah I don’t know it sounded better in my head.

Brian- I LOVE IT! That can be my stage name.

He jumped up hugging her. Which she quickly squiggled out of as she headed up the stairs.

Sam- Have atter.

Jimmy- Sam come up with names for all of us ok?

She mumbled a whatever as Brian headed up after her I looked over at Zack to see he looked a little upset with what just happened with Sam and Brian.

You- Whats up with you?

Zack- I don’t know.

Jimmy & You- Right NOT!

The two of you talked to Zack about trying to win over Sam’s heart. Little did he know he already had it he just needed to find out from her.

Brian’s POV

You- Sexy where did you go?

I walked into Sam’s new room and flopped on the bed just as she came out in jeans and a bra. She didn’t notice me till she looked in the mirror and jumped grabbing the first thing to cover her hot body the curtain.

Sam- What are you doing in here?

You- Came to talk to you.

Sam- About?

You- You

Sam- What about me?

You- Why you haven't hooked up with Zack.

This caught her off guard as she was looking for a tank top near where she was standing. Her head whipped around and looked at me with shock in her cute brown eyes. Man if Zack wasn’t so hooked on her I would have made a move but I could never do that to one of my best friends. Its not like I would have a chance Zack is the only man in Sam’s eyes.

Sam- He does not think of me in that way.

You- Bull Shit.

I emphasized both words as I moved to her closet tossing her a strappy black and silver belly shirt. She rolled her eyes and put it on stepping out to do her makeup.

Sam- How would you know?

You- Guys talk just as much as girls do about stuff like that with their friends.

She looked at you like you were joking but you remained serious.

Sam- Well what should I do?

You- Well I will work on it with Jimmy and Matt.

She was fiddling with her necklace so you stepped forward and moved her hair off the back of her neck you clasped the chain together. Smiling at you in the mirror she said thanks. What you did would shock you both you leaned down and kissed the clasp on the chain into her neck. She gasped at the coolness of your lips you just smirked as you kissed her again this time she jumped up.

Sam- Brian don’t.

You- I’m sorry but I just couldn’t help yourself.

Person- Yea I bet you couldn’t.

You both turned to see…
♠ ♠ ♠
I only own Sam and whatever other girls I may bring into it but I own nothing in relation to the guys.