Status: Done Hope You Liked It. R.I.P. Jimmy!

Scream For Me Its Almost Easy.



Zack's POV

We turned to see Sarah and her clones the group of them are all fake poser bitches that just want to get with every guy in the school. Fucking skanks.

Sarah- Hey boys how are you?

We all grumbled our hello's and she just got all huffy as we weren't paying attention. Especially me she had had issues with Sam for years just because she was the only girl we let into our lives. Sitting on the same chair of Sam I saw Sarah's smirk falter before she regained it as she walked forward and dumped her drink on Sam's head. I grabbed a towel and wiped the diet coke off of her.

Sarah- Why on earth do you associate with such filth when you can do so much better with a hot girl like me?

We all cracked smiles as Sam got up.

Sam- First off most guys do not like the stick thin bony bitches like you. I know that Brian did dabble in the slut circuit for a bit, but I also remember that when he slept with his ex it was the most uncomfortable sexual experience of his life. Not to mention she had no idea what she was doing.

Sarah's mouth dropped open knowing Sam was talking about her.

Sam- Also the guys are old enough to decide on who they want to be friends with so just get over it and deal the fact that they are not interested.

She got up and walked a few steps away before turning.

Sam- But it is their choice as to who they wanna hang with.

She then turned back and continued to walk towards one of the slides. We continued to hang out for the next couple of hours before we headed to the school for the opening night of Hercules. Sam disappeared after getting Break A Legs from all of us. They had decided to cancel the one show for the school and just have the ones with the public watching. All of our parents came as well and were seated at the front with us.

Sam's POV

You- Are you crazy? I can not go out there and be Meg!

Miss McVeedey the Drama teacher had just told me that Alex one of Sarah's clones who was in the lead role was sick puking up everywhere.

Miss McVeedey- I have no one else to turn to you have to.

You- Well who will be my role as the one Muse?

Miss McVeedey- We will have you sing all the songs that the Muses sing but you will sing Megs part of her solo. And we will have the Muses wear masks. Sound ok?

You- No but what choice do I have?

She laughed as you got ready and preformed the first number. The show was going by too quick for your liking and soon you were about to come out and do your first scene as Meg.

Zack's POV

Sam was one of the Muses and she was good is was awesome to see her trying to reach her potential as an actress but nothing prepared me for what I saw next the sea monster dude picked up Meg and Herc ran in to save her and when she turned to him to tell him to go away I looked to the guys to make sure I wasn't dreaming. They all looked and nodded as we whispered.

Guys- Sam?

Some of the fucks that went to our school started to cat call her as she walked away. I was pissed because she is beautiful and deserves more respect than they were giving her. I felt my mom's hand on my shoulder telling me it was ok. She always saw Sam and I together from when we were little, it was quite cute if you think about it. Soon she was off stage again so I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Text- Sam, What's going on I thought you weren't gonna be Meg?

She replied a min later.

Reply- Alex got sick.

You were about to text her back but she came out and did the next few scenes. Then her solo was coming up it was that amazing song that she was singing with Brian's dad earlier today. She looked at me the entire time that she sang it and you started to know for a fact that Sam's feelings for you were just as strong for you as yours were for her.

Sam- At least out loud...I won't say I'm in...Love....

Then before you knew it the show was over and you were all waiting out in the green for Sam to come out. She was walking out in her normal cloths you went to run to her but you were stopped when Sarah stepped in your way.

Sam- What do you want?

Sarah- You poisoned Alex so you could go on as Meg.

Sam- Sure whatever believe what you want.

She just walked past her towards your group getting tackled by Jimmy, Johnny, Matt and Brian. You helped her up and hugged her spinning her around. Then let her down as you headed over to Matt's car.

You- You were amazing. I loved it. I told you, you are an amazing actress.

Matt- So star. What shall we do to celebrate?

Sam- Can we go to the point and just hang out then come back to Zack's and swim? If that is ok Mr. and Mrs. Baker.

Mr. Baker- Of course that is ok.

She smiled your fave smile of hers the pure joy and adrenaline smile it was mischievous and sexy. Soon you got to the point. The five of you all sat on the rocks you just looked around as you saw Sam running towards the edge. Running towards her you grabbed her but she kept going taking you over with her.

You- SAM!


Sam- That was so much fun.

You- Wow your crazy.

Sam- That is my best quality.

You- I know of a few more that I like better.

Sam- Oh really now Mr. Vengeance what are those?

You- I will tell you on the road trip one thing each day, sound fair?

She nodded as you both swam back to the beach where the guys were waiting. After going home and swimming more we all just crashed at my place. Because after Sam's show tomorrow we were heading out on the road trip for the next two weeks.

Johnny's POV

The guys and Sam are great to hang with and thank god for giving me the chance to join them. We were heading into Phoenix where our last shows were gonna be. But we were a day early. We had five shows at five clubs all over the city, over three days. It has been a wild time the six of us traveling in this clunker van it was just a little past crazy. Sam, Jimmy, Brian and Zack were asleep in the back. While I sat up front with Matt.

Matt- So have you gotten any of those five strikes against you yet?

You- I don't think so I hope not.

Matt- Good cause you are a hoot to watch on stage.

You- Thanks. So can I ask one question?

Matt- Yes but be warned if I think it deserves it I will mark a strike against you.

You nodded and gathered your thoughts before asking.

You- Are Sam and Zack a couple?

Matt laughed so loud you were surprised that none of the others woke up.

Matt- No they aren't but they should be. We are gonna try to get them together over this trip.

You nodded and listened to the plan which you thought was great. You were gonna grab a hotel again and make sure that Zack and Sam shared a room so hopefully they got all their shit on the table. Pulling into the hotel parking lot you turned to see if any of them were up and you were surprised to see Sam sitting up stretching.

Sam- Hey Johnny.

You- Hey.

She got out and you followed stretching your legs. As you walked into the office where Matt was getting the rooms.

Matt- Yea three rooms. Hey hun how are you?

Sam- Good. You?

Matt- Good, thanks.

You were lost in thought when you all of a sudden blurted.

You- What is my stage name?

Sam- Johnny Christ.

She yawned it so you and Matt weren't quite sure if she said what you thought she said.

Sam- What?

Matt- What did you say?

Sam- Johnny Christ. Cause it is cocky and everyone will hate it but it fits.

You both nodded smiling as you headed to the rooms and woke up Jimmy and Brian to set your plan into motion.

Zack's POV

You woke up to an empty van just the smell of Sam's bunny hug by your head. Apparently I was using it as a pillow. Grinning you got out of the van as you saw the guys and Sam standing by the front of the van.

Brian- Oh look sleeping beauty is awake. Just in time to go to bed.

Slipping Sam's bunny hug over her shoulders. You stood behind her and asked.

You- Room assignments?

Brian- We picked partners I am with Christ. I love the name by the way.

Jimmy- I am with Matt.

Sam- And you are stuck with little old me.

You laughed as she made a face at you. Soon you all headed to bed as you got ready Sam came out in her bunny hug and shorts.

You- Cold?

She nodded as she crawled into bed you move in beside her moving her onto your chest like always when you slept together.

Sam- This is nice.

She was soon asleep as were you. The morning came all too soon it felt like you snuggled into Sam and felt that her bunny hug was gone. Feeling her skin you went to pull down her shirt but it wasn't there. Looking under the covers only to reveal that you and Sam were both completely naked...!
♠ ♠ ♠
I Don't Own The Guys.

Uh Oh CLIFFY! *Evil Laugh*