Status: Done Hope You Liked It. R.I.P. Jimmy!

Scream For Me Its Almost Easy.



Sam’s POV

I woke up feeling Zack’s arms moving over my body maneuvering myself out I started to change out of my PJ’s before turning back to see Zack still asleep moaning. You moved over to him and started to tap his shoulder.

You- Zack? Wake up? Whats wrong ZACK!

He shot up panting, before gathering his thoughts and turning to you, the first words out of his mouth caused you to fall off the bed.

Zack- Your not naked?

You- Wh-why on earth? Wou-woul-would I b-be na-ked?

Zack mumbled something and you stopped laughing so you could hear him.

You- What?

Zack- I had a dream that we woke up naked it was weird and really real.

You blushed and moved back to your bag as you grabbed your make up and finished getting ready as you did you heard Zack start to shuffle around and get dressed himself. Your mind went back to what Zack said about the dream it sent shivers up your spine thinking that he might just be afraid to make a move so you two were just stuck at a stale mate because you are somewhat old fashioned when it comes to some things. God we are both so fucking stubborn. You chuckled to yourself as you finished brushing your hair in time to see Zack's hand appear out of the corner of your eye, gladly taking it you walked out to the van where you took the keys from Matt before sitting in the drivers seat and heading off to the first show of the day.

Zack’s POV

You were in the back of the van beside Jimmy who was looking at you with curiosity in his eyes. Getting fed up you finally snapped.

You- What!

Jimmy- Sorry. You just seem quiet today. Did anything happen with Sam last night?

You- What do you mean?

Jimmy- All four of us want you two to be together.

Your head snapped up at your drummer in shock before you put your head in your hands and groaned in frustration.

You- Part of me sees how much she cares about me but the rest is saying that our friendship could be at risk if something fucks up our relationship.

Jimmy- Well if you are thinking that it just means you aren’t ready to ask her yet. But you better soon cause she looks heartbroken today.

Looking to the rear view mirror you saw it in her eyes happy yet sad. She rolled her eyes over something Brian said before catching me looking at her which she smiled before turning her attention back to the road as we pulled into the parking lot of the first club.

Sam- Ok so we have an hour set here then we are off to a club three miles that way.

She pointed west as we headed in and set up. Playing was fun Sam sang/screamed along with Matt which made us all get more energy. Soon we are on our way to the second show. Parking and unpacking again we got set up, this set was longer but there was something different about this show Sam wasn’t there. Finishing your first part of the set you took a 15 min break. You checked again to make sure Sam was not there, splitting up until you regrouped at the stage.

Brian- Where is Sammy?

You- I don’t know.

You texted her.

Text- Sam, hun where are you? We are kind of worried.

Reply- Oh sorry I had to go get a surprise for you guys. I will be back be time the set is over. Sorry I’m missing it, how is it going?

Text- Great I wish you were here though.

Reply- I wish I was there too but you guys will LOVE my surprise.

Soon the set was over and you were all packed as you just waited for Sam to come back. Jimmy was facing back to the road as you saw her walk in…limping. Running to her and stopping short in front of her.

You- Are you ok?

Sam- Oh yea its just my surprise for you guys.

Making her get on your back even after some protesting you sat her in the van where you were. We all then looked at her.

Sam- What?

Johnny- What is it that you have as a surprise for us?

She smiled and rolled her left pant leg up revealing a part of her leg covered in plastic wrap. Jimmy moved in first before jumping up and doing a retarded dance as the rest of us got a look at her tattoo. It was a death bat with a “Newsie” hat and her hair it was her skull. It had AVENGED above it and SEVENFOLD below it with A7X below the SEVENFOLD.

You- Wow that is amazing.

Brian- I’ll say.

Matt- Sam you rock.

She rolled her eyes and pulled her pant leg down you noticed they were the jeans you had signed the day Sam came up with your names only you noticed Johnny hadn’t signed it yet.

You- Johnny sign Sam’s pants.

Everyone looked at you funny but Sam she grabbed a sharpie and handed it to Johnny so he could sign the left leg like we all did. After that we headed back to the hotel arriving just at midnight which you all shared a look as it was now officially Sam’s birthday. She was asleep in the passenger side seat as you found A Cheesecake Factory that was still open thank god for Friday nights. Matt nudged her which she just swatted at him as the rest of you laughed from the front of the van he leaned in a whispered something in her ear, whatever he said worked because she unbuckled herself in a hurry and ran into the restaurant leaving us on the parking lot in fits of laughter.

Sam’s POV

I was asleep that was until the retard Matt tried to nudge me I pushed him off he then leaned in and whispered.

Matt- We are at TCF for your birthday now get out of the van.

You got the biggest rush of energy before you unbuckled yourself running into the restaurant. The hostess at the podium thing looked at you like you were crazy.

Hostess- Welcome to The Cheesecake Factory how may I help you?

You- Table for six please.

You looked over your shoulder to see Matt and Jimmy walking in while the other three were just picking themselves off the asphalt of the parking lot. Turning back to the hostess to see she was in shock that you and five amazingly attractive guys could be in one group. Believe me I agree with girls like her a million and one percent sometimes, but not today. Moving over you were seated in between Johnny and Brian with Zack beside Brian and Matt then Jimmy beside Johnny.

Waitress- What can I get you to drink?

You all ordered your drinks and food knowing what you wanted long before you were seated. Chatting about everything about how in a couple months you would all be graduated well except for Johnny but he was gonna do school and tour as much as he could and you were all fine with that. Soon you were back on your way to the hotel heading into yours and Zack’s room, you were starting to get into your pajamas when Zack walked in. Turning you smiled at him which he returned.

Zack- Sam can you come with me?

You nodded unsure but you were always safe with Zack so you knew nothing could or would happen to you… nothing bad anyway.

Zack- I have been wanting to talk to you about some things for a while now

He said as you sat down at this funky little late night coffee shop. It was dark in a Gothic way yet very romantic. You were just listening to Zack talk watching him intently, this man made your world make sense and when you weren’t in the right frame of mind it usually meant there was something wrong with you and Zack or just him. Its like you have a sixth sense the Baker sense hahaha. He smiled as he continued to talk even though part of your brain was zoned out you still heard every single word he said.

Zack- Sam I wasn’t sure of your feelings towards me that was until you played Meg last week. When I heard you sing I Won’t Say I’m In Love with Brian’s dad I secretly hoped that you were thinking about me when you sang it, so when your beautiful brown eyes never left mine at the show I knew for sure that you and I were both head over heels in love for our best friends. I love you Sam with all my heart will you be my girlfriend?

He pulled out a chain from around his neck he unclasped it and showed me the tri-colored ring on the chain your voice had vanished for a moment but it came back as you looked into the hypnotic green eyes that had stolen your heart.

You- I love you too Zack and yes I will be your girlfriend

His green eyes lit up with excitement as he leaned in and clasped the chain shut before leaning into kiss you, this kiss was like the one in my room, two months ago but with more passion if that is possible? You were interrupted by the few employees and customers left in the café applauding, but you didn’t care Zack and you were finally together.

You- We should head back and tell everyone.

Zack- I guess so.

Rolling your eyes you waved to the people that were still sending complements to you as you left. Zack's grip was tightly around your waist as you walked to the van heading back to the hotel you two talked about figuring a good way to surprise the guys with the news they would be thrilled. You put in a Misfits CD and started to sing as did he, coming up to a light you stopped and as it turned green he started to turn left across that’s when it happened some asshole in a sports car plowed into the rear drivers side of the van.

You- Zack are you ok?

Zack- Yea baby I am are you?

You- Yes

The truth was you were scared but not physically injured. You looked at Zack as he tried to maneuver the van out of traffic with no luck a truck rammed into us as the light changed green the other way that is the last thing you remember before your world went black.
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*Runs and hides* Don't hate me! I had to do this. Sorry. I don't own the guys of A7X but I do own Sam since she is well ME! Hahaha.