Melrose Drama

Another day

In the crowded hallways of Melrose High, Students rapidly walked by, a never ending river of people, some were there for the will to learn and others for the social life, but for Tibby Renolds it is just another building for her to finish her last year of high school. Tibby is not popular by any means; she’s very unique, cares more about being herself than anything. Nobody hates her but none really like her either, they are well…impartial. The only people that really care about her are her friends.

Tibby has shoulder length brown hair that she keeps in small pigtails in the back, she has grayish green eyes, which are more so grey, she’s about 5”5, she’s 17 years old, and she has a small stud in her pierced nose.

“Mom… Where’s my bag?” Tibby yelled from her room while utterly destroying everything in her path looking for it. “Mo~m…” Tibby shouted turning around to see her mom standing in the doorway to the room, holding her bag in her left hand, “Woah…I didn’t notice you were standing right there” “Well… Here’s your bag” her mom said just glaring at her, Tibby knew that it was because she was obnoxiously shouting and throwing things. Tibby sighed” sorry…” bit her tongue, then she grabbed her bag and ran down stairs with her mom just silently looking at the tornado of clothes that just got thrown around her room.

Tibby’s mom Julie is a very tolerant woman, having to deal with Tibby all the time. She is very loving and supports both Tibby and her brother Alex in their decisions. Julie has brown hair that is usually kept up and an aging face that just enhances her natural beauty.

Down stairs Tibby was getting breakfast “Yes, Rainbow poptarts!” Tibby shouted, this obviously making her day. While Tibby munched on her poptart, the phone rang in the next room.

Tibby’s mom answered “Hello…” “Hey Julie, is Tibbs around?” said the voice on the other line. “One minute Dannie…” Julie put the phone down and called Tibby to the phone.

“Ello Dannie,” “Hey Tibbs …are we still going to school together today?” “Well actually me and Nathan were goin~” then the door bell rang interrupting Tibby’s conversation. “One minute” she said and ran to answer the door. As soon as she opened the door she saw Dannie standing there with her cell phone in her hand “Well, it looks like you have no choice now, I’m taking you against your will” Dannie said with a joking smirk on her face.
Dannie is a random kinda person, who just shows up when nobody expected. She’s really physical, not in a sexual way, but in a killer kind of way. For example if you piss her off, she won’t think twice about kicking you in the head. She has long curly black hair, and the most yellow eyes, it’s almost unnatural how yellow they are. Every morning she coats those amazing eyes in black eyeliner. Dannie dresses in all black all the time. Tibby says it’s a fetish. Dannie is a year younger than Tibby which means they will not be graduating together, which pisses both of them off.

“Whatever let’s go” Tibby said as she ran into the kitchen grabbed her bag, kissed her mom goodbye, and left.

Both Tibby and Dannie walked on the freshly made sidewalk, covered in leaves heading to school. The houses all lined up perfectly, each lawn perfectly mowed, every neighbor willing to say a friendly hello. Most people would be satisfied to have such a life where everything was perfect, but to Dannie, Tibby and all their close friends, it seemed artificial, like the instant she turned her back those friendly neighbors would not be whom they portrayed.

“Geez… It’s freezing out” Tibby said wrapping her arms around herself trying to keep warm. It’s summer, but Tibby is really strange. “You’re crazy it’s insanely warm out
” Dannie replied. Tibby just looked at her, and shook her head at what Dannie was wearing.

She was wearing a black tank top, with a skull placed directly in the center, a black tutu, and her black leather combat boots.

“It’s the end of winter, and you’re dressing like that?” Tibby said “Whatever, at least I‘m not dressed in like a hundred layers.” She said smirking at Tibby.

Tibby was wearing a Purple and white striped sweater, with a big grey hand-me-down grey sweater on top of that, a scarf, skinny jeans, and her almost trashed old purple converse.

There was silence, as they continued walking, or al least until Tibby noticed a familiar car drive by. “Hey! Nathan” Tibby shouted franticly waving her hands in the air.

Nathan is Tibby’s boyfriend; they have been together for 3 years next month. Nathan is a fantastic person; he loves Tibby with all his heart, and treats her like she’s one of a kind. He has medium length brown hair, he’s about 5”9, and he has the most vibrant green eyes a person could possibly have. Nathan is a quirky kind of person that matches with Tibby really well. Nathan is averagely smart, but he is a really hard worker.

The car pulled over to the side of the road. Tibby ran to the driver’s window accidentally stepping in a nearby puddle getting her shoes soaked with water. “Hey can I get a ride stranger?” Tibby said winking in her little quirky way. “Well, it’s gonna cost you” Nathan jokingly replied. Tibby leaned over through the car window, grabbed Nathan’s face and pressed her lips into his, she moaned and let go releasing him from her grasp. “Satisfied?” She asked still close enough to feel the heat from his breath. He nodded and motioned for her and Dannie to jump in. They both walked around the car, Dannie hoped into the back seat of Nathan’s old beat up Camaro and pulled out a book and began reading. Tibby jumped into the fount seat. “Morning” she said to Nathan with a loving look in her eye. Nathan reached over and gently kissed her.

After they were all ready Nathan buckled his seat belt, started the engine and they drove off.