Bang! Bang! Guns Go Bang!

You Said You Wouldn't Get Angry...

I went home the next day at three in the afternoon, my head buzzing with my dilemma of telling Ryan about me and Sonny. I held myself tightly as the cold December winds chilled me over. I kissed Sonny good bye, waving to the others a thank you. I entered the apartment building, walking up to the second floor. When I got in, I was rush-hugged by a small man.

"Hi Emily!" Frank Iero's voice shouted in my ear.

"Hi... Frank, Gerard, Bob, Ray, Mikey... what are you guys doing here?"

"We came to see you and Ry while we're on our 'awesome' two-day break," Bob said sarcastically.

"Aw! Thanks guys! But where is my lump of a brother?"

"We don't know. He wasn't here and he left the door unlocked for you," Gerard said, holding up a note for me.

"Emmy, I'm out with Mandy, please don't worry about me if you get home before I do. Love Ryan," I read aloud, his untidy scrawl on the note had a heart next to his name.

"He's out with his girlfriend?" Ray questioned, stretching 'girlfriend' suspiciously.

"You mean his slut. She's been seeing him and half the guys in the building...." I said lowly, throwing myself down next to Mikey, who was staring at me. He took a deep breath, and raised an eyebrow at me, a smile twitching on his this lips.

"You do know your shirt smells like men's cologne, right?" he said a little louder than I would have liked. His glasses slipped to the bridge of his nose. 'Fuck....

"I... erm. Well, I can hopefully trust you guys right?" they all nodded.

"I've been going out with Sonny Moore from the band From First To Last for about two months now, and I can't tell Ryan because he'll go berserk and yell at me like I've told him I got away with murder. Now I have to tell him before I jump off the building because I hate lying to the one person who saved me from my personal-every-day hell." I said moderately quick, gasping for breath and trying not to cry.

"Wow girly... you're fucked either way you go," Frank said plainly. Bob slapped him in the back of the head. He mouthed an 'Ow' and shot Bob a look.

"I know. It's painful! I feel like... like doing it again. But I don't want to hurt Sonny... I love him too much," I said shamefully, it took all of my will to suck back the on coming tears.

"It?" Frank asked. Gerard looked to the floor. He knew exactly what I meant by 'it.' It pained me to do it but I couldn't say it out loud so I just rolled up my left sleeve. Gasps filled the room. I'd forgotten all about them, almost. I've been happy for two whole months and it sorta slipped my mind.

"Oh damn. Emily don't you ever do this to yourself again! This is horrible!"

"Yeah, just tell him, you'll know what to do I swear," said Ray, smiling. I hugged them all. They are really the world's greatest therapists. They all stood up, saying they'd try again tommorrow. I ran around the house trying to figure out what the hell is happening with my head and heart. Finally realizing I was nervous as hell to tell him my huge secret I've kept from him for so long. I heard a car door slam, and soon the front door opened, I was sitting at the kitchen table now, fiddling with a marble I'd found.

"Hey Emmy, how was your time at Jessi's?" oblivious that I was going to be sick.

"Fine. How was your date with Amanda?"

"Wonderful! But you wouldn't want to hear about that," he smiled. I laughed dryly as he sat down with me.

"R-Ryan... I have something to tell you...." I was staring at the marble, I bet I was pale as a gost.

"Go ahead, you can tell me anything."

"D'you promise you won't get angry." I mumbled just loud enough to hear. Almost as if on que, thunder rumbled outside the building.

"I promise now what is it?"

"I... I... I've been... seeing Sonny M-Moore b-behind your back. It was never Jessi... I-- " he slammed his hands on the table, the marbled bouced up toward my face. I looked up at him from behind my bangs.

"You've been doing what?! That boy is nothing but trouble!" He bellowed, scaring me emensely.

"But you said you wouldn't get angry...."