Bang! Bang! Guns Go Bang!

I Smell A Lawsuit...

As his sister fell to the floor, he could see what he had done. Blood poured from her right side, he had shot his sister.

"No! What have I done?" Ryan whispered, tears seeped from his eyes.

He pulled out his phone and dialed nine-one-one. Within minutes, an ambulance pulled up, and the paramedics rushed in, taking his sister away. He ran into the back to stay with her the whole way... he really loved his sister, she just doesn't believe him.

In the hospital room, she lay in silence. The random and displaced beeps of machines made the tension and worry thicker. He gripped her hand firmly. Why was she like this? Why tonight? What made her do this? He had questions, but no answers.

"Hello? She's still sleeping, good," a nurse's voice sounded from the doorway.

"Are you her brother? You two look alike," Ryan nodded slowly.

"Well, are you aware of her eating disorder? Or the numerous lacerations to her arms and abdominal area?"

"Eating disorder? Lacerations to her arms? No. But... the ones around her waist and upper torso... yes."

"Really? Do you know how they originated?"

"Child abuse," He whispered hotly.

"Yes, yes. I don't suppose you don't have anyone other than yourself to watch after her now do you?"

"No, just me," he looked up at the nurse. She looked back down at him, sadness clouded her eyes.

"Son, your sister is in a very fragile state. She's weak from lack of blood and nutrients, please don't be surprised if she doesn't make it." She patted Ryan on the shoulder. He hung his head, silently wishing he was dead right now. Silently wishing he was the one in the hospital bed on the verge of death.

He felt his hand being squeezed slightly. He lifted his head to witness the most beautiful thing he'd seen in a long time....
His sister's smile.

Her eyes were open unevenly; one more open than the other. The sweetest smile placed across her pale face. She pointed to the clear mask on her face with his hand. In doing so, she showed him the cuts on her arm. He ignored the horrible sight, his eyes still beholding the smile he had missed for so long.

"Nurse? Could you take off the oxygen mask? She's awake." The lady nodded and took it off. She cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Hey, I thought you were going to let me die in my room. I guess you do love me."

"I always have. You just never saw it."

"I guess now were even," she laughed roughly. It turned into a raspy cough. He laughed too. She was right, now they're even. He didn't see her pain, she didn't see his love.

"You're such a good older brother, Ryan."

"And you are a great little sister, Emily."