Bang! Bang! Guns Go Bang!

All The Time Between

Two Years Later

The locket hung on my chest, moving slightly with every step I took down the streets of Providence. The tall city buildings made me feel small and even more insignificant. The sun was blocked out, making the coll day a colder one. But the cold didn't bother me at all. The hotel at which I stayed, was on the other side of the city, but the walk was good for me... I needed some fresh air. Everyone smoked there... and it's annoying to be breathing carbon monoxide all the damn time.

"Yeah! Did you see the new album? Heroine isn't it?" said a girl walking behind me.

"Yep! Bought it too. It's the greatest one they've made, Sonny's voice is amazing in World War Me." the sound of his name made my stomach turn knots in itself, the pain was slight, but still there. It tugged at my heart to hear his voice, but I still got the album far before it was on the shelves. I haven't even opened it up yet, as a matter of fact, the plastic wrapping still remains untouched. I sighed as they passed me by, and someone brushed past me. I dropped the box I was carrying. I gasped, and went to pick it up, and the contents that had spilled all over the ground. The man who had bumped into me was still walking away. I looked down, nothing had broken, but it was still rude. I reached for one of the little action figures, and another hand met mine.

"What a jerk. I'm sorry he did that."

"Do you know him?" I asked softly, embarrassed.

"No, but he's a real dick. He should have stopped to help you!"

"Thanks. God this is embarrassing...." I whispered more to myself

I asked his name as he walked with me through the city's maze of buildings. It was Mark, and he ended up walking me all the way to my hotel room, where he saw my obsession wall. It was all anime figures, books and DVDs. I had to become obsessed with something while He was out of my life... tangibly. He's left my sight, and my arms, but not my mind... not my heart. Mark seemed like a nice guy... for the time being.