Bang! Bang! Guns Go Bang!

Sibling Rivalry Dies Here, And Now

For the next three days, Emily and Ryan messed around and talked a lot. The nurses got really annoyed really fast. They joked and laughed like they should have before all of this.

"Yeah! There were just dead raccoons all over the park!" Emily laughed, almost in hysterics. Ryan laughed himself to the floor.

A nurse came in and scolded them for being so loud. When she turned her back they both made funny faces, she turned around and they dropped the faces. The lady raised an eyebrow and walked out of the door, Emily and Ryan laughed harder than before, and louder too.

Today shr was allowed to leave. Ryan signed the discharge form and got a ride from a policeman. Once they were back home, their parents were all over Ryan. Asking if he was okay, if he hurt, and such. Emily leaned against the door frame, arms crossed, foul look played across her face. Their father turned to her and went off immediately. Screaming at her for putting Ryan in a situation like that, stealing the gun from his office and other things.

"Hey! Get the fuck off my case! If you were a good enough father to give a shit about me in the first place, maybe I wouldn't have stolen the gun, and maybe I wouldn't have put your precious fucking angel in a 'situation!' You're not the one to talk! All of this is your fucking fault!" Emily screamed back, her father was turning cherry red in the face.

"And guess what? They know all about the beatings, they took pictures! And sent them to a crime lab! You're both going to jail, and I'm moving in with Ryan!" She added, she seethed, in almost a low hiss, but threatening all the same. With every word his face got more and more pallor. He stumbled for his words, but failed each time.

"Not a bad comeback for a thirteen-year-old huh, Daddy Dearest? Oh and mom, they know about your doings too." Emily looked back to her father, "She cheated by the way." she added simply. She smirked and crossed her arms in satisfaction. Shifting her weight to one side, she looked extremely grown up.

Her dad swung around glaring at Emily, her satisfied grin still on her face. He screamed at her, she straightened up and ran to her room. Her dad was loosening his belt with haste and fire in his eyes. He got it loose and free of his belt loops, starting down the hall, Ryan stepped out in front of him.

"You touch her, I'll add a few of my own stories to the interrogation."

He stopped, the look on Ryan's face made him shiver mentally, "You care for that little piece of shit? Fine."

Ryan walked back to Emily's room, and heard her breathing from under the bed. He stooped down and helped her out. He reassured her that everything was going to be fine. She hugged him tightly, finally glad someone loved her.