Bang! Bang! Guns Go Bang!

Phone Calls And Laughter Pains

Travis answered his phone, said the normal greeting, but... he stopped smiling and as his face dropped, and I knew....

"Hey... it's for you Em."

"Thanks." I casually walked off the tour bus, sighing into the phone.

"You, my friend, have the worst possible timing. I swear it." I said.

"Yeah, well you've got horrible taste in boyfriends!" he snapped, "I thought I told you -- "

"I thought I told you to stop worrying about me! Before I even left for Providence!"

"I can't help that I'm your older brother!"

"I can't help that I'm trying to loosen the collar that you've got on me! Let up on the leash! I'm almost seventeen!"

"I know! You just won't listen to me for a minute! Do you remember what happened to you last time you were with him?"

"Just about every waking moment of my life! He's dropped drinking all together! So stop fucking talking about it!" I yelled. Ryan sighed, and said.

"I'm only doing my job... I'm trying to protect -- "

"What job?! A fucking Prison Warden? Well, Mr. Warden! Where the fuck were you when I was being beaten? Huh? Where the fuck were you?" I screamed into the phone once again. He was silent for a second...

"Was it that dick, Sonny?! It was, wasn't it?"

"No! It was Mark! The perfect angel of a boyfriend that I told you about. The beautiful, romantic sweetheart that turned out to be a monster... do you have any idea how much shit I've been through?" I said, starting to tear up. All the movement in the bus stopped and I heard the door open. A pair of thin arms wrapped comfortingly around my tummy as a familiar lip ring duo were pressed against my left ear, whispers flowing into it like water through your fingers.

"What are you... no. No! no no no no! Emily don't you lie to me like that! Don't you fucking do it!" he cracked on the other end, he was crying heavily, I knew.

"I'm not lying. And I've got evidence that will scar me mentally and physically for the rest of my fucking life, and if you don't believe me still... here's a picture." I snapped a picture of my face, and another of my upper arm. He would believe me now. I had red marks and bruises all over.

"It's okay sweetie... it's all okay." Sonny whispered to me. I took a deep breath and turned around in his arms. I put my head on his shoulder, and whispered back.

"You need to unwind... I can feel that you're angry at Ry-Ry for giving me a hard time... relax baby... I'll take care of it." I moved the phone away from my ear to kiss him lightly on the lips. I heard his voice from the phone, and returned it to my ear.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry Emily! I can't believe that someone could do this to you! I can't believe it! I should have kept you here! I should have made you stay in this school! I can't believe it... I can't... I just can't."

"Well it happened and... if I hadn't have gone, then I wouldn't be so happy."


"I met back up with Sonny, and I'm as happy as ever. And I get to see you in about a week in Georgia... and... wait. Sonny dear, do we have another break in Georgia?"

"I," he stretched it out, rolling his eyes trying to remember. "Believe so. Yeah. I think we do. The only reason we got that four days off in Providence was for KVLT...."

"Thank God for fangirls huh? Well, yeah we have a short break in Georgia, and we'll be there to see you okay?"

"Th-thank you Emmy-kins... thank you. I'm sorry. But..." Oh God here we go... "I still don't like that you're back with Sonny."

"You know what? Fine. You want to complain about it, you can kiss my ass! I'm not leaving him, and I -- " The phone was snatched from my hands, and Sonny smiled at me as he walked away with the phone.

"Hello Mr. Smith... I'm please to announce that I am not drinking worth a shit anymore, and that I would never, ever dream of hurting your baby sister, and if you don't mind me saying, you're being a little hard on her and me." he said, smirking as he walked away, talking in an English accent. I reached for the phone, but to no prevail.

"Sonny Johnathan Moore! Give me back the phone, or else!"

"Or what? Ryan, we'll carry on with this conversation at a later date... bye-bye now!" he snapped the phone shut, laughing. I scowled at him, and he kissed my nose before running suddenly toward the bus.

"Oh no you don't Mr. Moore! Get you're sexy little ass back here!" I yelled, faking an angry tone. Once I got on the bus, the guys looked at me funny.

"Where's Sonny?" I said slyly.

"Uh...." Matt said.

"Well, I've got a really good kiss waiting for him, but if he wants to hide, then I'll just give it to Matty, here...." I went over to Matt and winked, he looked a tad bit nervous, but calmed down.

"No!" Sonny jumped from the bathroom and landed on me. I was knocked to the floor, my boyfriend who's clearly in a playful mood was smiling while I was laying there... hands pinned to the floor.

"Hey pretty boy, you gonna... ya know... get off here anytime soon?" I asked in a Jersey accent.

"Maybe... maybe not." he smirked.

"Matty! Can you pwease get him off of me?"

"Should I?" Matt asked Travis.

"Dude it's your choice whether she gets tickled of not."

"Travvy!" I whined... where's the bus driver when you need him, huh?

"Well that means...." Sonny said playfully as he let go of my hands and began tickling me.

I laughed so high pitched and loud, it was odd that the guys didn't just stop it. I thought it was insane how I was being so damn loud. Matt began to laugh a little, while Travis was shaking his head, chuckling to himself. Soon, Derek and the bus driver came back, along with a chorus of:

"What the fucking is going on here?!" that's when we responded with a boom of laughter, soon following the long groans of pains from our sides and stomachs. It was so nice on the road with these guys! It's so nice, in fact... that I'm scared to go home.