Bang! Bang! Guns Go Bang!

Kiss Me Goodnight


What I did felt so right. It was a compulsion I had no control of at all. But when our lips met, everything became nothing, it was just me and him. When he pulled away, reality flooded back around me... unfortunately.

"I like you a lot Emily. And you're a great kisser," he smiled. I stroked his cheek with my thumb, smiling back.

"And you're smart, and beautiful, and have the most astonishing eyes...." I put a finger to his lips, my happy moment turned melancholy.

"My brother is going to kill you and me if he--" Sonny shook his head.

"He can't control you. You can go out with whoever you want to. But he will kill you if you're not back by nine thirty," he smiled more, his words are so reassuring to me. Lying is my favorite game anyway.

But my brother let me into his home, showed me the love that I was deprived of for fourteen years. Lying to him will prove to be challenging. He helped me up, the chilling October wind blew his longish black hair into his face. Brushing it away with my hand, he pulled me close to his body. I could feel his heart beat, his body warming my own. I couldn't tell if I was blushing or not, but in a sense I knew I was, Sonny kissed me on my forehead and took my hand, intertwining our fingers, we walked back to the car.

Dropping me off in front of the apartment building, he stopped me at the door, "I had a great time today Emily."

"Me too, and please, call me Emmy, Emily sounds so... formal, in a sense," she giggled, biting her lip.

"Could we do this again... some... time? Like Friday perhaps?" Sonny hesitated, he's so cute!

"Yes! Of course, noon on Friday?" I was really blushing now.

"Perfect, I'll see you then. Could I...?"

I giggled, "You may." he pushed his lips down to mine; relaxed and loving kisses make the world melt away. He pulled away slowly, leaving me with my eyes still shut. I opened them, and he began to walk back to his car.

"Call me sometime!" he yelled back waving.

I thought, 'He never gave me his-- oh, that sneaky Sonny Moore!' I felt something in my back pocket. I pulled it out, it was a napkin with his name and number on it. I smiled, watching him drive away. I walked up the staircase, to the second floor. Dancing my way to my brother's apartment door. But I stopped, gathered myself, and walked through.

"I was just about to go get you! How'd...?"

"I took the bus. Thought I'd save you the trouble." I lied, hugging him, still dazed and confused. I waltzed back to my room, flopping down to my bed. Sighing in happiness and total bliss, I stared at the poster above my bed.

The poster is so fake compared to the real thing. I guess I don't need to fantasize anymore... I guess I have the real thing.


When I got back to Matt and Travis's house I was all smiles. I entered and could hear Matt yelling my name.

"You could have asked before you disappeared with my fucking car Sonny! I--" I pushed my way past him, making my way to my room. I bumped into Travis on my way, he gave me a funny look, I giggled a little and danced my way back toward my room.

I heard Matt ask, "Do you have any idea what's wrong with him?"

"No fucking clue in the world man," murmured Travis as I shut my door. I jumped onto my bed, sighing and thinking.

Nothing's wrong with me, nothing could be wrong with me, I have a date with an amazing girl... Friday at noon.