Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


PART ONE Do you remember?

Lilly’s POV

I sighed. All the people tried getting out of the building at the same time. I don’t like getting squished. My friend Amber behind me. I mean MCR’s popular but damn how many people are there really?

“Finally!” Amber let out an exasperated sigh.

“Good god, that was hard.”


“But awesome.”

“I know!” She placed a lock of her black hair behind her ear.

I let a fan girl squel escape me, “Gerard was so adorable!”

“No! Mikey!”

“Frankie” we both said in unison.

We both cracked up. We were like twins. I swear we could have mental conversations and know what’s going on.

“Do you want a ride home?”

“What? Are you insane? It’s only to blocks away.”

“Yeah I know, but still. The streets aren't safe here.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Fine, Bye Amber.”

“Later.” She turned and walked away.

I got out my phone and called my brother. He picked up after two rings

My brother sounded tired, “Hello?”

“Hey. It’s me.”

“Is it over?”

“Yeah. It was great!”

“Okay. Stay right there. I’ll be there soon. Remember follow the drill if something happens.”


I hung up and leaned against the building. It was 11:30 at night and I was little scared. Any time something could go wrong.


I looked to my left and a man was standing next to me. I couldn’t quite see his face in the darkness. But by the way he was dressed I could tell it was Father Matt.

“Father, what are you doing out so late?”

“I’d ask the same to you.”

I pointed behind me, “Concert.”

He lifted his head in acknowledgement


He turned slightly as another person came up.

Father Matt turned to the male, “Brendon?”

“Father Matt,” He paused next to him, “William would like to see you now if possible”

“Yes I will come.” He looked back me, “Just let me finish my conversation with Lilly here.”

The second person looked at me. He furred his eyebrows and smiled, “Lilly? Is that you?”

I stepped closer, “Brendon? Brendon Urie?”

He smiled, “It is you.”

He seemed pale. Extremely pale, like a dead person pale. He looked old and tried…Well his body did. I actually took a moment to look at him. Everything about him seemed old. His clothing consisted of a suit and a hat. He seemed really out of place.

He stepped closer and I took a step back. Something wasn’t right.

“What’s wrong?”

I knew he was dead. I went to his funeral when I was sophomore and he was a senior. I was there letting his mom cry on my shoulder. His eyes locked with mine and I knew he was searching for something. He wasn’t going to find it.

My cell phone rang letting all three of us hear Switchfoot go off. I backed up and Brendon smiled and turned away.

“I’ll see you around Lilly.” He turned with Father Matt and left.


“I’m a block away. Are you okay?”

I knew my voice had to be really shaky, “I’m…alright.”

I hanged up as I say the head lights turn the corner. I stepped closer to the edge as he stopped in front of me. I pulled open the door and slid in. I fasten my seatbelt and he shifted gears. Now following the road home.

“You weren’t coming from home where you?”

He stopped at a light and looked at me, “No I wasn’t.”

“Where were you?”

He pressed hard on the gas, “Do you remember Patrick?”

I nodded in agreement, “Yes…I do.”

“I was with him" He paused looking for an answer, "On business.”

“You mean Vampires?”

He stopped the car in the middle of the street and looked at me with a glare.

“You where in my room again weren’t you?”