Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 11 William is a pig!

Lilly’s POV

“So what’s this about you dating Peter?”

“Excuse me?” I asked pulling myself away from William.

Was he crazy? Me and Peter? Never. No offense to him but eww! Pete? Vampire? No. Never. This isn’t twilight. William seemed amused by my thoughts. I blushed at the thought of the dance when we where so close. I hung my head trying clear my mind.

William stepped forward, “Or is it that you like him?”

“I barely know him. This isn’t any of your business.” I actually had the courage to look up at William.

“Honey, everything you do is my business. I own you.”

“You can’t own someone.”

“Ha, funny how you say that, because I bought you fair and square. It’s even on paper.”

“A piece of paper makes you own me? It’s paper. Hell I could write a goddamn paper saying I owned NBC.”

He just smiled. No comeback? Lame loser. Not one word. Well, that was a feeble attempt to have a decent conversation. Well this is fun.

“Do you prefer in a room alone with vampires? They’re not as friendly like me and Brendon.”

“Who told you that I was dating Pete?”

“Oh no one important,” He went and collapsed on the couch.

“Who? Brendon?”

“No, but he was angry when he heard about it.”


William’s eyelashes fluttered shut against his cheekbones. He merely shrugged, “Someone.”

“Look I’m not in the mood for twenty questions.”

“Well, that’s your problem.”

Brendon’s POV

I walked back in to the house. I hated this place. Everyone seemed tensed. William had a human in the house and they didn’t know why. William used to tell them everything all the time. Funny, now he only tells me.

I glanced to my left and Max was staring at me. His eyes narrowed. He never approved me being in charge after William. Plus I’m surprised Maddi is with him. She’s so power hungry. Pathetic, both of them.

Walking past him and noticed Kaylene and Jodi stopped talking. The two gossipers.Kaylene was in love with William. He never gave her a second glance. Then again William wasn’t interested with the girls. Jodi was a weird one. She was the only girl here who wasn’t interested with William.

My thoughts returned to Lilly as I walked up the set of stairs. She was the one girl William was interested in. Which I was not happy with. She should be mine not his. He just wanted to use her to torture Pete. He doesn’t even like her. I shook my head and entered the room Lilly was in.

Lilly’s POV

I stood there for a good ten minutes. We hadn’t spoken since his last remark. I swear a pin could have dropped and sounded like an earthquake. I hate when it’s quiet. Makes me paranoid. Will still had his eyes closed. He smiled; he must know I’m staring.

“Brendon? You’ve returned so soon.”

I turned and sure enough Brendon was there standing quietly. Brendon came up to me and grabbed my arm roughly and started pulling me out of the room.

“Now, now, Brendon, hold on.” William sat up, “I’m not done playing.”

I looked at Brendon’s closed eyes. He was pissed and upset. He obviously didn’t want to stand up to William. He opened his eyes and turned back to William.

“We had a deal.”

“I know, and my part isn’t up yet.”

Brendon’s eyes narrowed. Something was going on. Brendon’s voice was quiet, “I’m taking her for now.”

“Brendon,” William’s voice lowered.

“You need to speak to the house. They’re freaking out.”

Brendon pulled me through the door and down the hall. We past a bunch of vampires. Brendon pulled me close to him and hissed.

Ryan came forward and growled, “Humans aren’t allowed in the house.”

Amber was dating a vampire? What if he killed her? I swear if he touched her I’ll kill him.Ryan flashed me a smile. Then the one and only showed up, Amber.

“What’s all this noise for?” She linked arms with Ryan.

“We have a human in the house.”

She looked at me, “Lilly?”

I was going to puke. She was a vampire? What the hell? This is not cool. My best friend was now my new enemy. More vampires entered the hall. My eyes darted all around. The vampires stared at me like I was food. Talk about being a deer caught in the headlights. William broke through them. Well, more like they moved for him.

He tried to pull me out of Brendon’s grasp. I was clung to him. No way in hell was I letting go. He was the only one I trusted.

“Go with William.”

Brendon’s voice was in my head. Not creepy at all, note sarcasm. I looked at him and he nodded slightly. I let go and William stumbled back. They all stared with curious eyes. William wrapped his arms around my stomach and pressed his lips by my ear.

“You’ll be safe,” He whispered softly.

He looked up to the crowd, “You WILL leave her alone and treat her as you would treat me. She is none of your business. Only Brendon’s.”

One of the males glared at Brendon. He was five foot seven with blond hair. He had a girl linked to his hip. She was a brunette about his height. She smacked his chest and he looked back at her. He untangled himself from her and walked away.

I saw Becky. She seemed confused. She was talking to two girls. One was a blond who, no offense, but seemed like she could be confused easily. The other was shorter girl with brown hair. She looked at me and glared. William’s hand went down to my hip. I gasped; that sure as hell brought me back.

Brendon pulled me away from William and we started to disappear. We rematerialized in a bedroom.

“Please tell me this isn’t William’s bedroom.”

Brendon laughed, “No.”

Becky appeared in the room, “Brendon, what is she doing here?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Brendon.” She put her hands on her hips.

“Get out!” He walked up to her and pointed to the door.

She glared and left. Brendon looked over to me, “She works for you doesn’t she?”

“I don’t know who she is.”

He pursed his lips together. He sat on his bed and looked at the floor. He just stayed there. He was thinking really hard. I was still a little scared. I had that fear of being ripped open.

“Look, as long as you follow Williams rules you’ll be fine.”

He looked up to me and stood up, “I’ll be right back.”

“Please don’t leave me alone.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll be back.”

He walked through the door and left me. A few seconds later Becky returned. She came up to me and stopped.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Becky, You know Pete.”

She nodded, “Look. I’m going to try my hardest to get Peter here and to get you safe.”

“How? They’ll know when you try something.”

She smiled, “You’d be surprised.”

She turned and left. I was alone. Well, what do now? How do I survive in a house filled with vampires?