Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 12 You think you're god

Lilly’s POV

Do you know how long I paced in this room?Probably enough to dig a hole straight through the floor. I’m serious. My legs ached. I’ll be right back he said. Yeah right. I sighed and stopped. I hadn’t tried to escape. Maybe because this place is surrounded by vampires? Or the fact you have no idea where here really is. Stupid little voice.

I went to the door. It was unlocked. Now I had the urge to go, but in every book and movie of this kind of thing doesn’t end well. Well, standing here isn’t good either. Maybe I should barricade the door. I looked at the corner farthest away and went over to it. I collapsed down and sat with my back against the wall. I was only doing this because it was safe. No one could sneak up on me.

“Honey when you’re here no where is safe.”

I looked over to the bed and sure enough William was laying on it. He was on his side with his head raised by his elbow. He patted the bed next to him and smiled. Ha. Yeah right. I’m just that easy. He laughed and padded again.

“I’m staying right here.”

He sighed, “Don’t make me come over there and get you myself.”

“I’d like to see you do that. Would you really get of your lazy ass just for me?” I batted my eyelashes.

“Your confidence is growing.” With in three seconds I was firmly pressed to the ground with William hovering over me, “Don’t forget who is in charge.”

God, I hate vampires. They suck. No pun intended.

I just stared at him as he brought his mouth near my ear, “You don’t want to piss him off. Because you don’t know what he might do.”

He was right, “Get off of me.”

“You know? You’re relatively calm for being a poor kidnapped girl.”

“And you’re a dick who thinks he’s god.”

The door open and in came a blond male, “Are you done William?”

William got up and walked over to him. He just glared and the male bowed his head. I just stayed in my spot. It looked like they where about to rip each other apart.

“Why is she here?”

“Max go back to your whore and stay out of my business. I’m in charge here.”

“You keep acting like this and we’ll start turning away from you.”

He grabbed Max by the collar of his short and lifted him of the ground, “And where would you go? Down to the punks? The “pimps”? Who would take you guys in? They’d rip all of you apart.”

“Anything is better then being under your foot.”

“I think you need to learn your place.”

Max’s eyes went wide. William threw him across the room. He landed on a bureau. He sat up and glared. William went over and pinned him, “I’ve never liked you.”

“Then why am I here?”

“Well, we need some one for Maddi to fuck. Yes?”

That was below the belt.

“She’s not a whore.”

“Really?” He picked him up and chucked him again, “Because I beg to differ.”

“Does chucking me around supposed to prove a point?”

“I could kill you if you prefer.”

Max lifted himself off the floor and stood up. In the next two seconds the girl with black hair entered and her two friends in the door way. She went over to Max and steadied him. She looked concerned for his safety.

William was the first to speak, “Get him out of here Maddi. Before I rip you open too.”

Maddi looked at William and nodded. Max leaned against her and they left. The two girls still stood in they’re same spots.

“Do you two mind leaving?”

The blond came forward, “William you need to calm down. You might end up ripping her opened if you don’t calm down.”

“I don’t need you help Jodi. This is why you’re on the bottom of the food chain.”

She glared and walked off. I spoke softly, “William? I think you should consider what she said.”

He turned to me, “What, afraid of being ripped open?”

Why yes I would be dipshit. What makes you think I wouldn’t be? Dick! I didn’t reply but it seems my thoughts were enough. He growled, “Believe me hun, I have no problem ripping you open.”

The last girl, hey, I don’t know names, came up and stroked William’s arm. William just looked down at her, “What?”

“Just calm down, it’ll be better tomorrow. Why don’t we go to your room and leave this for tomorrow.”

Suck up.

William glanced at me, “Jealous?”

“Of her?” I pointed, “No.”

“Look Kaylene, I’m not in the mood for fun.” Her eyed dropped to the floor as well as her hand, “But would you be so kind in telling Brendon to come up here.”

She smiled and nodded and quickly left. Within seconds Brendon was back up here and standing next to me. I just stepped away once. I wanted to keep a safe distance from everyone. Granted I trusted Brendon more then I trusted William.


William sat on the end of Brendon’s bed and looked at me, “Well. Let’s see.”

“Will just spill,” I was getting impatient with him.

“Sleeping arrangements.”
