Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 13 I don't like you

Lilly’s POV

I’ve never grabbed on to Brendon’s arm faster in my life. Not even at the fair when the clowns started bugging me. What makes him think I was moving anywhere?

“I’m staying with Brendon.”

“So” William pursed his lips together, “You’d rather stay with a vampire that can’t control himself.”

“Beats the other perverted one,” I smiled slightly.

“Me? A pervert? No. You should see how he attracts his food." He pointed at Brendon, "I’m not the pervert.”

“Well, here’s the thing. I trusted him more then you.”

“But I’m the one in charge of this place. Staying on my good side helps you.”

“Then I’m screwed now. I’m not going anywhere.”

Brendon’s voice was soft as he pulled out of my grip, “Just go with him.”

I looked at Brendon with pleading with eyes. I focused on him in my head. Don’t make me go with him.

His voice was in my head, “Just go. It’ll save my ass from being killed.”


He pulled my hand towards William’s direction. I pulled my arm back. No way in hell.William smiled and stood up. I shook my head. No!

“Don’t make this hard on yourself love.”

Fuck that. I bolted towards the door and William had grabbed me. Enter the kicking, fighting, screaming, biting, and anything else that I could think off.

“No! NO! Let go off me you asshole!”

“Enough! I said enough!” William had me pinned against the door.

“Fuck you!” I pushed off the door only to be slammed against it, “Brendon you! There is no word for you-”

“If he takes another step to us I’ll kill him,” William turned me around, “And we don’t want that now do we?”

I spit in his face. William’s jaw was held in a fixed position. I’m dead. We started to disappear. No…No. We where in a larger bedroom. Oh shit. He chucked me on to the bed and turned away from me. I slid off of it and ran to the door. It wouldn’t move.

I could here the smile in his voice, “The doors don’t work. They never have.”

“Let me guess only vampires can come in here cause of that dematerializing thing you do.”

He turned to me “Exactly! You’re not so stupid.”

He was undoing the buttons on his shirt. Not to mention he was doing it very slowly. I NEED to find away out of here. I went to the other door.

“That would be a closet.”

“Can hurt to try.”

He shrugged and pulled his shirt off. I gulped; not to mention blush twenty shades. I opened the closet and went in. I hit something. It was dangling. I pulled it. A dim light lit up the closet. The whole thing was covered in blood and flesh? I screamed and backed out of it.

“Oh? I forgot to tell you. That’s where my last meal was placed. I think Mike got into it. I never say what they looked like. Probably lots off screaming. Blood curdling screams.” He wrapped his arms around me.

I fell against his chest. I had no words. I’ve never been so disgusted in my life. I started crying, that is what I was probably going to become.

He stroked my hair, “Ssh. It's okay. I’m here. You’re not going to die.”

I shook my head and closed my eyes. I just wanted to leave this horrible place. He lifted my up and placed me on the bed. He was still trying to calm me down. I had gone completely hysterical.

Pete’s POV

“Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?” I was dangling a vampire over and edge of a building.

He gasped, “With William. He has her. Trade….”

“Trade? For what?”

“Her for her brother.”


“Too late. He’s been released. She’ll die soon. William likes her.”

“How is she going to die?”

“William’s going to feed on her…”

“How soon?”

He shrugged…

I held him up by his hair, “How soon?”

“He didn’t say! I swear!”

“Too bad” I let go of him and he fell four floors.

He screamed and eventually exploded into ash. I jumped down to the fire escape and made my way down to the ground. Patrick was the first to spot me.

“He could have been a case study!”

“William has her. He’s going to kill her.”

“Well, we found David. He’s not looking so good.”

“I need to get her back.”

“Pete, we’ll do it tomorrow. The sun is practically up and we don’t even know where they are.”

I growled at him.

“Pete. Think about this. Be reasonable.”

“And what if us wait has her killed or turned?”

“Pete, you know William. He’ll want something for her. He always wants something.”

“If he turns her. I’ll hurt you…”

“Pete, lets just go.”
♠ ♠ ♠

I’ve switched directions….kinda

I’m kinda taking it a different way then planned…but what the hell…

It’s all good…

I need a pic of Pete in that nun’s uniform….priceless…

I’ve never laughed so hard at him ever

If any of you want to make banners…I’m open