Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 14 BUBBLE!

Lilly’s POV

“Lilly calm down.”

Calm down? Calm the fuck down? How the hell am I supposed to calm down?

“Slow down your breathing.”

Was I hyperventilating? Indeed I was. I tried hard to stop my chest from rising so often. I felt William’s hand right over my breasts. I was in his arms lying on top of him and he pressed down on my chest. I exhaled: He lifted his arm up and I inhaled sharply. He pressed down again and I exhaled. We continued this till I had calmed my breathing.

“Are you okay?”

“Don’t talk to me.”


I reached up and removed his hand from my chest. A little to close for comfort. I quickly got out of his grasp and moved as far away from the closet. I wanted to get far away from him. He sat up and just stared at me.

I went into the corner and collapsed. I soon wrapped myself in to the fetal position. I couldn’t take it. Why couldn’t I just have a normal life?

William appeared in front of me, “Because your parents were selfish.”

“Leave me alone!”

“Come on.” He grabbed my hand lightly.

“Go away and leave me alone.”

“Come on, you’re tired.”

“Leave-” I yawned, “Me alone.”

He easily scooped me up. He was right I was tired. I didn’t even have the strength to fight away from him. I yawned again and he placed me on his bed. I groaned and tried to roll off of it.

“I’m not going to hurt you. Just sleep.”

I groaned again, “I can’t trust you!”

“You going to have to.”

He was on his side and pressed his chest to my back. He slipped a leg in between mine and wrapped his arm around me. I blushed, “Will?”


“Do you mind not being so personal, for me?”

I could hear his smirk, “Does it bother you?”

“No shit Sherlock!”

“Well, how about this?”

He moved so he was on my other side facing me. He pulled my close. Just what I wanted…A face full of Beckett’s chest. William laughed slightly and again he slipped a leg in between my own.

“Have you ever heard of a bubble William?”

“Nope. No such thing exists in my world.”

I figured as much. I yawned and moved slightly away. He had such a grip it held me in place. This royally sucks. He kissed my forehead, “Have sweet dreams.”

“Ha! I’ve been having nothing but nightmares for weeks.”

He smiled and caressed my arm, “I’m sure I could calm them.”

“See? This is why I wanted to stay with Bren.”

Pete’s POV

I sat by David all night. He hadn’t moved. We placed him on the couch and kind of left him there. Hoping to god he would wake up. He hadn’t been turned nor marked to be turn so we’re doing okay. He seemed malnourished. We needed answers and now.

He screamed Lilly’s name and bolted upwards.

“David? You okay?”

“Please tell me William doesn’t have her!”

I looked down at I floor then looked back up; “I’ll lie and say no.”

He stood up and let a bunch of cruse words and a bunch of no’s, “This can’t be happing. God no. Please don’t hurt her.”

“David? Do you know what William is going to do to her?”

“What do you think? He’s fucking in love with her. Well, I know he wants her or parts of her. I’m going to kill him.”


“He’s been keeping an eye on her for months. Every since he remembered the deal our parents had. Ever since Brendon told William that he likes her.”

“David, calm down. Nothing’s doing to happen to her. We’ll save her.”

“We have to!”

“We will. I promise.”

A promise I hope I could keep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for the support…..

Latest kudos goes too……..xFallxOutxBoyxFanx(quizilla)

Yay! Someone else likes it….that’s like ten now…YAY!

So me updating can be my x-mas gift to you all…lol