Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


PART 16 Super PETE!

Pete’s POV

I just sat as David paced. He was really worried. He was mumbling. I finally started listening, “I have to have something William wants. I need to trade. But what could he want?”

“Pete?” I looked up and Becky had appeared right in front of David.

He almost fell into her. She steadied him and I stood up.

I looked at her confused, “What do you mean me?”

“Don’t be stupid Peter. William wants you on his side. You’re the strongest new born there is. You’re stronger then Brendon.”

”What’s the catch?”

“Pete! You honestly can’t be considering this!” David spoke softly.

“You work for William. You keep Lilly as your own. You’ll have to mark her.”

“They barely know each other!” David looked at Pete, “You better not know her well.”

“It’s what William was talking about.”

David looked at the both of us, “There has to be another way.”

Becky looked at me, “I found one.”

“Well? Spill Becks.”

She pulled out a bunch of photos from her pocket. She chucked them on the coffee table. I leaned closer and looked at them. It was of a bedroom. It appeared to be a master bedroom. David grabbed a few photos to look at.

“What is this?” I reached and picked one out.

“William’s bedroom. To 'teleport' there you need to know what it looks like. My plan is, get William out of there and you can go there, get her and get back here before William catches you. Easy and painless.”

“When can we do this?”


I looked at her and raised an eyebrow, “Now?”

“I’m on it. Just be ready to go there in ten minutes exactly.”

I nodded and she dematerialized.

“Pete, are you sure you can do this?”

I looked at him, “Of course. Why doubt me?”

I focused on the pictures. Just making sure I had the room’s looks in my thoughts. I looked at the clock. Nine more minutes



“Tell me when it’s been nine minutes.”

William's POV

She had found a way to get herself away from me. I just laid, sprawled out, on my bed. She’d come over eventually. My urge to feed off of her was growing. My other urges where getting stronger. I smiled to myself. I could have her anytime. I just was a gentleman to wait.

But for how long?

I was beginning to zone out when I heard a loud crash. I opened my eyes and looked at Lilly. She shrugged and moved her ear to the floor. Another loud crash erupted.

Becky materialized in my room, “Sir? Max is fighting Brendon. I fear the house will be damaged.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Boys will be boys.”

“William. Please, this is serious.”

“Fine,” I pictured Brendon and was soon in our main living room.

Sure enough Brendon was on top of Max, pinning him down of course, and they both where hissing and growling at each other. Easily, Brendon could win this fight. Then again he liked to be dramatic.

“Enough,” I growled.

Brendon and Max stood up and stared at me.

“You two better have a good reason why you interrupted my moment of relaxation”

"He killed Maddi!” Max pointed with a bleeding finger at Brendon

“And do you have proof?” I stood right in front of him.

He didn’t respond.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

“But he hated her!”

I grabbed him by the neck. Easily lifting him off the ground, “I trust Brendon more then you.”

All my vampires had their eyes glued to me, “And Max? You cause me tons of drama that I don’t need.”

Max was gasping.

“And my urge to kill you is growing.”

I put him down. He straightened out this shirt. I just rolled my eyes, “Next time you try to attack my right hand man I’ll kill you myself. Now behave.”

I returned to my room only to find it bare.


Lilly’s POV

William left the room and Pete had appeared, “Pete?”

He encouraged me over, “Come on.”

I went over to him. He pulled me close and we disappeared. I felt my feet hit solid floor. We were in my room. I hugged him tight, “Oh god thank you!”

He grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs and in the living room. David was in there. Oh my god. I ran over to him and hugged him. I squeezed him so tight.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

He pulled back, “Are you sure?”


“What is that?”


“That,” David turned my head, “Who gave you that?”

“William. I tried to fight him. He’s too strong.”

David nodded, “I know.”

The other guys came in the room. Their jaws dropped. Patirck looked at me, “Dude. You’re okay?”

“Hey Patrick…”

Pete went over to Patrick and started whispering. The other two guys had started questioning me.

“Look guys I just want to go to sleep.”

They all nodded and started away.

Patrick’s voice stopped me, “Lilly? Can I talk to you for a moment. Alone?”