Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 17 Marked?

Lilly’s POV

I nodded and they all left except for Pete and Patrick.

“What did you need?”

Patrick seemed uneasy, “Can I look at your neck?’

I nodded and sat on the couch. Patrick’s fingers where dragged against my neck and he looked at the hickey.

“Did he bite you at all?”

I blushed, “He nipped but not a serious bite.”

“We all agree that you need to be marked.”

I looked at them confused, “What?”

“It’s a thing that tells other vampires that you’re taken. We want to do it so William can’t claim you.”

“And how exactly are you going to do that?”

Patrick stood and walked away from me. Pete came and sat in front of me, “I have to bite you. Not bled you dry. Just a small bite.”

“Will it be a good thing?”

He pinched his fingers to show a little amount, "Yes…”

“Is it safe?”

Patrick turned to me, “That’s the problem. Pete’s never bitten anyone before.”

“Does David approve?”

Patrick half nodded, “Mostly.”

I sighed, “Only if it’s safe.”

“I’ll be here to pull Pete away if he moves beyond marking you.”

I didn't want to go through with it, “Okay.”

“David! Bring in Pete’s shake.”

David brought in the blender of Pete’s shake and stared at me.

“David, I don’t want you in here when he does this.”


I pleaded with him, “David please.”

“Fine…” He left.

“Pete, are you sure?” Patrick asked once more.

He nodded and looked at me, “You okay with this?”

I nodded, “How do you want to do this?”

“Lay down.”

I did what I was told. Pete soon climbed over me and turned my neck. I was looking at Patrick. He brought his mouth to my neck.

“Patrick, talk me through this.”

“You need to find a pulse.”


“I don’t know?"

I blushed at remembering what William did.


I looked at Pete in the eye, “What?”

“How did William find a pulse on you?”

“Uh. Please don’t make me say.”

“Just say it.”

“He licked.”

Pete’s eyes widen, “What?”

“Of course” Patrick exclaimed, “You can feel the pulse through your tongue.”

“Do I have to do that to her? She’s been through enough already!”

“Pete, just do it” I stretched my head up so my neck was exposed more, “I was like this. It made my veins more noticeable.”

He nodded and leaned down to my neck. His breath was tickling my neck. He pressed his lips to my neck. I gasped at the coolness of his lips. I felt him part his lips slightly and force his tongue slightly forward. He dragged it painfully slow. He stopped on the pulse.

“Once you find it. Lean you upper jaw forward and pierce the skin. It’s going to bleed. Just licked the holes and apply pressure to stop the bleeding.”

I felt him pierce the skin. It fucking hurt. I gasped and grabbed the front of his shirt. He pulled my body close and forced his fangs in more.

“Pete!” I gasped and tried to force my neck backwards.

He pulled out and pressed his lips against the holes.

“Pete, I think that’s fine. Go drink your shake before-"

I was soon cut off be him dragging his teeth moving down my throat.

“Pete” Patrick and I both spoke at the same time.

Pete pressed two fingers against my lips.

Patrick came closer with the shake, “Pete come drink this.”

“No, I have what I want right here.”

“Pete, please. You’re going to hurt her if you don’t.”

He growled, “I have what I want!”

I pulled him up by the hair to look me right in the eyes, “Pete, please go drink you shake!”

He pressed his lips against my own and forced his tongue into my mouth. I could taste the metallic taste in my mouth. He ran his hands up and down my sides. Patrick screamed for my brother. I heard the footsteps and a shuffling noise. That’s when Patrick and David had pulled him off of me. I sat up and felt my neck there were two puncture wounds. I gasped. The area was sensitive. Pete drank his shake and took in a sharp breath.

He looked at me, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I couldn’t control myself. It’s like my body was possessed. I really don’t want to say this but, really wanted you right then and there. I wanted to have you and bleed you dry.”

David growled, “That’s nasty Pete. Lay one finger on my sister I’ll drive a stake through your heart.”

“David relax, he was experiencing blood lust.”


“He hadn’t had a shake for hours and then had to bite a human. It's natural for him to react the way he did. That’s how vampires act.”

Pete looked at me with pleading eyes, “I am really sorry.”

“Its okay Pete. William was. Let's just say different. In a bad way.”

“He didn’t. I mean you two didn’t you know-” David ask softly.

“Fuck no!”

David sighed in relief, “That’s good.”