Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


PART 18 WTH was that?

Lilly’s POV

I headed to my room. I just needed to get out of that room. I stopped at my bathroom and went in. I needed a closer look. I turned my head to the left slightly and leaned towards the mirror. Sure enough two puncture wounds. It was slightly swollen and slightly bruising. I didn’t see the big deal about it. It’s just a bite.

“Let go of me!”

“Jodi, shut the hell up.”

I ran down to the living room and saw everyone in there. As well as two other people. Two girls actually. One, who is Becky, was holding a blond down on the ground.

“What the hell?”

“We need to move her somewhere.” Becky shifted.

“Garage.” David spoke and pointed.

David turned and ran down to the basement. Patrick and Becky where trying to hold here down.

“Pete? I think it’s a good time to test it.”

Pete nodded and put up his hand. Jodi had froze and was completely still. Pete moved his hand and she started walking towards the garage. He had completely taken over her body. Now if he can do that, what can William do? David came up with a needle and went on to the garage. I followed and saw Jodi tied to a chair and still not moving.

David went over and injected her with the, well whatever it was, serum. Pete backed off and she screamed.

“David what is that stuff?”

“It’s so she can’t go anywhere.”

Becky spoke up this time, “She wanted to turn me in.”

I spoke next, “For what reason? She wont get anything out of it. She doesn’t even like William.”

“I don’t know. The only reason she’s not all over William is cause she’s waiting for an Edward.”

“You’re a traitor! That’s why I was going to do it. You betrayed the whole house and ruined William’s plans. Now he’s ripping the whole house apart!”

Patrick started pestering her with questions and she stopped talking. They splashed her with holy water. She didn’t respond other then hissing. Pete grabbed her by the jaw and looked her right in the eye. He didn’t speak. Could vampires have mental conversations?She looked over at me and Pete looked at me and he hissed. Not good.

He pulled back, “Kill her.”

Pete disappeared as well as Becky. She said she needed to go deal with William. Patrick grabbed a stake.

My brother stopped him, ‘Wait, I want to try something.”

He went over to a drawer and picked out a vial and a needle.

“What is that?” I spoke softly.

“I adjusted a formula. I want to see if it’ll work.”

He injected it in her arm slowly. Nothing happened at all. She, out of nowhere, started screaming and she well, exploded. Her “ashes” went everywhere covering the room with a layer of it. I backed up and dusted myself off.

Patrick, Andy, and Joe coughed and Patrick spoke up, “What the hell was that?”

David coughed, “A failure.”

“What was that supposed to be?”

“I and a friend of mine have been looking for a way to let vampires go into sunlight.”

“That’s insane…” Patrick shook he head.

“We’re getting closer!”

I looked at him, “Obviously not!”

After all that we split up and I walked into the kitchen. I screamed and they all came in. I ran past them and up to my room. I had forgot about work. I went in and picked out clothes. I’m not so tired now! David came in panting and asking what was wrong.

“I have to go to work…”

“You can’t go to work….”

“I have too.” I moved past him and into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. I pushed passed my brother who was preaching me to stay. I stepped back in the kitchen and grabbed some pop tarts, which I placed the packet in my mouth, and grabbed my jacket and put it on. I turned to Pete and he walked past me. I shrugged and walked out the door.

I headed to work and walked in. No one was around. Then again I always arrived first. I was glad now that the sun was up. I went into the kitchen and screamed. Let’s just make this not painful. I saw all my friends ripped open. And blood on the wall.

Happy Birthday, I know its late but its just a small gift.

I heard a groan and say Brendon chained to a cabinet and in the sun. I rushed over and looked over him.


“Help me.”

I looked around and found a hammer. I went over and grabbed it and smashed the chain after ten hits. He moved quickly out of the sun and sighed.


“Brendon, are you okay?”

“I need blood. I’m,” he laughed slightly, “I’m dying again.”

“How much?”

“A little.”

“Here” I held out my hand.


“Bren come on!”


I realized something. There was a blood donor bank thing and I passed it. Maybe I could go steal some.

“I’ll be right back with some blood.”