Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


PART TWO Don't Get Angry

Lilly’s POV

“Don’t get mad.” I rubbed my hands together, “I was just curious. I should know what you’re doing. I thought it was something dangerous."

“Curiosity killed the cat Lilly. It is extremely dangerous what I’m doing and I can’t having you interfere.” He started home again.

“So it is vampires? That’s how he’s alive.”

“Who?” He took a cigarette and pushed in the car lighter.


“Brendon Urie? He’s dead. I saw him in his coffin. You’re probably just thought you saw him.”

“I talked to him in person with Father Matt…”

He pulled into our garage and pulled out the car lighter. He lit it and placed it back. I grabbed the keys turning the car off. He exhaled and looked at me.

“So he’s a vampire?”

“I don’t want you to ever go out at night again.”

“Is he? Wait! No! That’s not fair!”

“It’s for your safety.”

“This is insane.”

“You know why? Do you what to know why? Its cause there are sick monsters out there who are ready to kill anyone. Yes! They are vampires! That is why you are not allowed outside at night anymore. Tonight was a one time thing and WILL NOT happen again.”

“I’m eighteen I can do what I want.”

“Not as you live under my roof.”

“Oh thanks dad. You wouldn’t let me leave if I wanted too.”

He banded a fist on the steering wheel, “DO NOT COMPARE ME TO THAT PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT”

I gulped, I’ve never seen him like this. I royally pissed him off.

“Get out.”

I stepped out of his car and he followed suit slamming his car door shut. He grabbed my arm and dragged me through the house and down to the basement. We passed a bedroom and His bedroom to his office. He opened the door and dragged me to a wall with a bulletin board with pictures tacked to it.

The where pictures of people with their necks ripped out. Some just had hole. I backed away from me and covered my mouth. It was sickening. I wanted to puke. My stomach continued to flip and flop. He had all kinds of things in this room. Mostly weapons, which he collected or built.

“Why?” I asked sitting in his chair.

“I can’t tell you anything other then if I disappear. I need you to let Patrick come here. He’ll know what to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m…” He laughed a little, “Going away for awhile.”

“What? You can’t leave me here.”

He was actually showing some concer, “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.”

“But, I’ve never been alone before.”

“You won’t.”

“What is all this about?”

“A case study.”

“A study, for what?”

“A cure.”

I growled, “There is no cure for what you’re looking for.”

“You asked!”

I really didn't want to risk losing my brother. I loved him too much. “This is rubbish.”

“I know. When someone comes don’t answer the door. Ask for the password….Which is this,” He held a piece of paper. “Don’t look at it until they’ve answered. If the get it right let them in. Wrong. Keep the out.”


“Patrick works with three other people.”

“Okay? When are you leaving?”

“Tonight after the attack.”

Now I was really worried, “Attack?”

“Haven’t you seen the news?”


“There is another tonight.”


He came up and hugged me and I started to cry. I was about to lose someone else in my life. I’ve lost my parents now him. This isn’t fair. Cruel rather….

“What if you don’t come back?”

“Patrick will be here for you. You’ve met him before.”

*********** Later That Night*****************
Lilly’s POV

He was gone and I was alone. I ha made sure all the windows and doors where locked. It was so quiet. I needed some noise.

I went to my brother CD player and turned it on. I pressed play. Halifax escaped through the speakers. I turned it down slightly. Much better….

I went back to his chair in his office. He didn’t say I couldn’t read his stuff. They were notebooks of his hand writing and someone else’s as well. Which is surprising cause I’ve never notice anything before. He just would come down here in the morning and At night leave. I was just so used to it.

1/10 Case Study 120:
We tried new crap all day. Apparently the case releases pheromones like aroma to attract the opposite sex. But they do it subconsciously. Which puzzles me the most. How can the have something that can’t control or detect it. Or that his is different in case study 119.

1/11 Case Study 120:

Case was injected with new vaccination (Listed on solution pages). I don’t know how to explain it. He…Well, Exploded into ashes. He had screamed and then poof a pile of dust. Which is nice to kill with but that’s not where we were planning on. We’re going backwards instead of forwards…Is there any hope?

This was hurting my eyes. I kept reading. I can’t believe all this stuff happened behind my back. How much they had figured out. And this is what I found out. Running top to bottom is the order of power.

William Beckett

Brendon Urie

Ryan Ross

Max V.

Mike C.





