Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 20 Lips Like Morphine

Brendon’s POV

I felt extremely uncomfortable. I sat next to Pete in the kitchen with the other guys making themselves dinner. Pete had just woken up and totally ignored Lilly.

Joe spoke and distracting me, “Hey, I heard Lilly say the coolest thing.”

Andy turned around and leaned against the counter, “What?”

“We where talking on finding a way to track when the Dandies go out and 'attack' and she asked me why she made bread on Sunday.”

Andy seemed interested, “And?”

“I said I don’t know and she was like because she never knows when she needs it.”

Pete glared at Joe, “How does bread work into tracking William?”

I shook my head, “If you don’t get that then you are a dumbass. She’s telling all of you that William can’t be tracked. He has free will.”

“Exactly,” Joe took a sip of what ever he was drinking.

Pete just growled, “You know what?”


“….Get…” He didn’t continue.

He heard it too. Lilly’s voice was screaming. She said it repeatedly and like if she was gasping. I heard a bang and dematerialized to the bathroom. Mostly cause that’s where she was there last.

Lilly’s POV

I drained my bath water and grabbed my towel quickly wrapping it around myself. I felt a sting on my neck. I touch the spot and erupted tons of pain. I took in a breath and I couldn’t breathe. It felt like someone was choking me.


I fell to the floor and hoped to good he could help me. He appeared in and collapsed next to me. I was still gasping and trying to talk, “Shh, don’t speak. Or try.”

Help me.

I will.

I was scared I had no idea what was happening to me. Pete came in and hissed at Brendon trying to pull him away. I gasped some more and Brendon ripped himself away from him. He came over and pulled me into him lap and looked at my neck.

“What the hell is going on?” I think that was David’s voice.

“I don’t know,” Definitely Pete.

Brendon touched my mark and it caused more pain. I clung on to his shirt and pulled on. I tried moving and just seemed to thrash around.

“You didn’t finish.” Brendon’s voice was soft.

Pete spoke with anger, “What?”

“You didn’t finish marking her!”

Pete’s POV

How the hell was I supposed to know?

Not finishing it means its killing her

I wasn't one to support the mental conversations, Can you fix it?

Yes, but you need to trust me.

You better not screw this up.

Brendon looked at me and glared, “You’re the one that marked her. You screwed it up.”

I rolled my eyes. He moved her hair away from her neck and bit in the same spot I had. He pulled back.

Come over here

I did and he pulled my arm down to his level. He sank his fangs in to my arm.

I tried to pul away, “Fucking let go!”

He ripped his teeth out and I clenched my hands into fists.

I needed your blood so relax.

I hadn’t notice but he had a mouthful of my blood. I backed up trying to stop me new wound and he lent back down. He surrounded the wound with his lips and started to force my blood into her. He soon reversed the process and started to take some out. He repeated it at least twenty more times, getting faster each time. He pulled back and licked the wound. She had stopped moving and her breathing was normal. Her eyed where closed and he stroked her hair.

“You didn’t turn her did you?” I had forgotten David was here.

“No, She’s fine.”