Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


21 Love bat

Lilly’s POV

I opened my eyes and saw Brendon looking down at me, “You okay sweetheart?”

I nodded and reached up and hugged him.

He laughed lightly as he hugged me, “It's okay. You’re fine.”

“Brendon I thought I was going to die!”

He kissed my head, “You’re not that lucky.”

I looked over at Pete and his arm was bleeding, “Did you do that?”

He nodded and turned my head to look at my bite, “See? Thats when you know it’s finished. You can actually see what the mark is.”

Pete came over and looked at it.

“It tends to pick a shape or image that you like best and uses it.”

Pete pulled up his own shirt and I saw a tattoo of some weird bat that was a heart? Wait what? Brendon, does my mark look like that?

Pete answered, “Yeah it does. It’s called the love bat.”

“The one on your bass? Hey, how did you know what I was thinking?”

Brendon patted my head. He marked you. He can hear your thoughts and even manipulate them. He obviulsly didn’t want Pete to know. He’d make you hate me. I nodded and stood up with Brendon’s help. I went, with the towel still on surprisingly, over to the mirror and looked at my mark. Sure enough it was Pete’s love bat on my neck. it looked like a tattoo. I would never be able to get a job now.

“In a few day’s it’ll change.”

I turned to Brendon and then I knew what he was talking about.


“Yup. It’s not fancy or anything. Just his initials. Like you tattoo on your back."

“No! Then-”

“They’ll know.” Brendon had finished my sentence for me.

David looked confused, “What are you to talking about?”

Brendon was always one to be dramtic, “Pete marked her. Which means he gave her a death wish.”

David came to Pete's defense, “We only did it to save her from William!”

Brendon cracked up, “You can’t save her now. She was better off with out it. Yes, marking her protects her from being bit from the Dandies but not from William.”

“Why not?” Pete mumbled softly.

“Don’t you get it? She figured it out faster then you did!”

I looked over at him, “I did?”

“Marking her is like handing her to William yourself. William created you. He has his power over you. What ever you mark goes to him automatically unless he chooses to give her to you. You’ve damned her to death.”

“Why do you need to make it so dramatic?” I whispered looking at my feet.

“Because William is going to came and get you…”

They all left and I went and got dressed. I yawned I haven’t had a decent night of sleep yet. I went down to Pete’s room and knocked.

“Come in.”

I walked in and Pete was lying on his back looking at the ceiling.

“What do you want?”

He was snappy. I was kind of scared of his reaction. I just started backing up slowly. His door behind me slammed shut.

He looked at me with an annoyed look, “What?”

“Never mind.”

He was in front of me in a blink. I gasp and leaned up against the door and he came forward. His lips brushed mine softly. And he asked his question again. I closed my eyes and turned my head away.

“I don’t get it?”

I spoke really quiet, “Don’t get what?”

“Look at me.”

I shook my head.

His voice was rising, “Look at me!”

I opened my eyes, “What do you not get?”

“I almost killed you. You’re afraid of me, and I’m practically the bad guy. Why do you still treat me like a friend?”

“You are a friend and I have respect for them. You’re not the bad guy. Far from it.”

He backed off and started pacing, “I belong on William’s side.”

“No you don’t.”

“Yes I do. Look at me! I can’t keep my composer around you. I want to bleed you dry, my shake doesn’t work, I’m too strong and I can do things that are impossible.”

”Like what?”

“I closed that door with my mind." He pointed at the door, "I can make people do things. I can have mental conversations with people. I can lift a goddamn fridge off the ground. I’m a freak and I’m going insane!”

“Pete, you are a good guy. You’re on this side for a reason. Every Dandie you kill saves lives. You may not see that but it's true.”

“Then how come I can’t save you?”

“Some people weren’t meant top be save. You can’t save everyone.”

“But why you?” He came over and shook me, “I want you to live.”

I yawned in response, “Sorry.”

“You need some sleep. Go lay down.”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Don’t make me make you.” His voice was hard and cold.

I nodded and climbed into his bed and he told me to sleep. I watched him leave and I closed my eyes. His bed smelled completely of him. It was nice. I liked it. I eventually fell asleep.