Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


22 Don't scream

Lilly’s POV

“Love? Love wake up.”

I opened my eyes and was met with William’s brown ones. I opened my mouth to scream but he quickly placed it over my mouth.

“Now, don’t scream. Or I will kill Brendon.”

William’s gaze shifted to the wall next to my exit route and I noticed Brendon. He was hanging on the wall. He had to be three feet off of the ground. His white shirt was bloody on the front and he looked weak. He could barely hold his head up.

I moved William’s hand away from my mouth, “What did you do to him?”

“He betrayed me.”

"No he didn’t!”

He looked at me now, “What are you talking about?”

“He was going to give me back to you. Just in a few days after things calmed down here. We even have blood here so he could stay with me.”

“Did he now?” He looked over at Brendon and he attempted to nod.


He looked back at me, “What?”

“I’ll go with you willingly with no fighting back. Only if-”

“Only if?”

“If you stop hurting Brendon, I’ll go with you…willing.”

He raised an eyebrow, “is that all?”

“A week.”

“A week what?”

“Give me a week with my brother and Brendon unharmed.”

“So you want me to give a week and let Brendon back into my house?”

I nodded.

“You have three days.”


He placed two fingers on my lips, “I’m not in the mood to make deals. You have three days.”

He snapped his fingers and Brendon fell to the floor. He just groaned and looked over to me. William went over and bent down to Brendon.

“She has three days and if you do anything stupid I will know and won’t be happy.”

William already wasn’t happy. He looked over at me on last time and squinted. “What is that?”

My hand rushed to my mark and covered it, “Nothing.”

He walked over and sat on my bed. I laid back down and turn onto my right side. William pulled at the corner of shirt on my shoulder to lift me up. Which kind of worked. I moved my shoulder and he let go. He snapped his fingers and I froze completely. I couldn’t move a muscle until my body took control of itself. It literally moved on its own. I moved so I was on my back and William smiled.

“When I ask you to do something, just do it so I don’t have to do this.”

I could finally move and I pushed back trying to back away from him.

“Just show me.”

I shook my head, “No!”

He grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him. He leaned over and turned my head. This isn’t going to be good. I shut my eyes and gulped. He licked my mark and I groaned. There was slight pain from that.


I opened my eyes and William moved closer to it. He sank his teeth in the holes. I could feel blood run off my skin and onto the blankets under me. He pulled back and licked the holes.

“Peter has come a long way. I think he’s ready to join the Dandies.”

“Why did you need Pete’s blood?”

I looked over to Brendon and William rolled his eyes, “I was seeing who marked her dumbass.”

“You knew before that” I spoke softly.


“Wanted to see if you hand competition?” I glared and got out of the bed and pointed at William, “You’re afraid of competition. You think Pete and I are a thing. That’s why you kept me away form Brendon. Because you know he likes me. You think…”

I had figured it out. He was afraid of me liking someone else. William had reached over and smacked me full force. I brought my hand to my cheek. Never have I ever been hit so hard.

"You know nothing."

I just looked back at him shocked.


I glared, “Guess what William? You have competition now.”

He stood up and I didn’t back up. I realized that William was just a coward and hiding behind everyone else. He was pathetic as I was. William’s face harden. It didn’t matter if he read my thoughts. I couldn’t stop him nor cared. He grabbed me by the neck and easily lifted me off the ground. I gasped and clawed at his arms.

“You’re going to learn your place soon. You’ll be easy to break in.”

He let me go and I fell to the floor and coughed, “Is that all I am…a toy?”

I still was coughing and looking at the floor. William bent down and lifted my chin up, “For now? You are what ever I let you be. I’m the only thing keeping you alive.”


He shook his head, “God, you confidence is growing. I don’t like it.”

He patted my head and stood completely up. I watched as he disappeared and Brendon groaned. I whispered his name and went over to him.